Tuesday, November 3, 2009

11-03-09: Marine Bonds With Stray Dog In Iraq

11-03-09: Marine Bonds With Stray Dog In Iraq

November 3rd
Welcome to the P.T. Barnum administration. Are we being governed by ‘callous children?' V.D. Hanson: "anatomy of a passing hysteria." (How Obama won + what is to come?) Clifford D. May: Pakistan - notes on what we used to call "the War on Terror."


Exclusive: FSM Interviews Dr. Jerome Corsi, Author of ‘America for Sale'

The Editors

"One way or another, the reality is going to hit America - in that we cannot afford these social welfare programs at this magnitude."

Exclusive: Foreign Policy and National Security ‘On Hold'

Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?, James Carafano, PhD

Foreign policy and national security went "on hold" last week as the administration saw few "front burner" issues make much progress.

Exclusive: Keep it ‘Made in America'

William R. Hawkins

It is going to take more than speeches and good intentions to rebuild the U.S. industrial base in the face of determined action by overseas rivals.

Exclusive: ‘Without Haste. Without Fear. We Will Conquer the World.' Who Said That?

Margaret Hemenway

Can personal interactions such as diplomacy help to surmount fundamental political differences between democratic governments and totalitarian regimes?

It's Radical Islam, Stupid

Steve Emerson

In 1993, a secret meeting of the Muslim Brotherhood Palestine Committee - mostly senior Hamas leaders - was held in a Philadelphia Marriott. Less than a year later, CAIR was created.

Video: Marine bonds with stray dog in Iraq

Video: Meet President Obama’s Most Frequent White House Visitor

Video: More Than 10,000 Attend Texas Tea Party

Video: Ford's wheel of fortune

Video: Neil Cavuto On Bill O'Reilly - The Worst Piece Of Legislation Ever

Video: Glenn Beck & John Fund -- Who's Visiting the Barack Obama White House?

Video: Biden Slams Palin For "Drill, Baby, Drill" Slogan

Video: Pro-Palin Group Responds to DNC Attack With Fact Checking Ad of Its Own

Video: GOPer: Right Now Health Care Bigger Threat to Country Than a Terrorist

Iran’s Brazen Gambit in the Nuclear Chess Game

Nobel Irony

Bill Siegel

Absent a full regime change in Iran, only the use of force stands a chance of preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

Atomic 'oops'

Amir Taheri

In a speech last week, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad described the latest negotiations as "a diplomatic victory" for his administration. How were the 6 major powers deceived in Geneva?

The Social Justice Fantasy

Herbert London

Justice is the adjudication of competing positions in a court of law and in accordance with the Constitution and its precedents. But what is social justice, and what does it mean in a free nation?

Finally: Honduras Gets Its Coup

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

There has been a coup in Honduras, but the circumstances are quite different than what you've been led to believe.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

  1. More than 3 Million Registered Voters are Dead, 12 Million More Ineligible, Analysis Finds (CNS)
  2. Imam Pleads Not Guilty to NYC Terror Charges (FOX)
  3. Bipartisan pressure builds for Afghan plan (WT)
  4. Major Congressional Reforms Demand Bipartisan Support - ObamaCare would be an exception to the historical rule of large social legislation. (By FRED BARNES)
  5. When No Means No - Pleading with Iran will get the West nowhere. (By BRET STEPHENS)
  6. Chris Christie's Next Case: Who Stole My Election? Absentee voter fraud may play a significant role in New Jersey's gubernatorial election. (By JOHN FUND)
  7. Jihadi Training Compounds, U.S.A. (FRONT PAGE)
  8. Abortion, Immigration Issues Bog Down House Health Care Bill (CNS)
  9. Let's Get Serious - War On Terror (IBD)
  10. ACORN at the White House (SPECTATOR)
  11. New House Health Bill Beyond Redemption (HUMAN EVENTS)
  12. Man-Child-in-Chief on the Economy (RUSH LIMBAUGH)
  13. Ford turns a profit, reaping rewards of turnaround (AP)
  14. W.H. sounds alarm on $1.4T budget deficit (WT)
  15. Obamacare's Medical-Device Tax (By Deroy Murdock)
  16. A few months ago, Afghanistan was a "war of necessity." What changed? (NRO)
  17. Counterterrorism, Obama Style (By Andrew C. McCarthy)
  18. NSA To Build $1.5 Billion Cybersecurity Data Center (InformationWeek)
  19. NYT op-ed by 'expert' bought and paid for by overseas Arab money (AT)
  20. Muslims Murdered His Son; Connecticut Town Tells Father to Shut Up About It (Newsrealblog)
  21. Chief prosecutor Keir Starmer advised by radical Muslim (UK Times)
  22. House Republicans Find 111 New 'Bureaucracies' in Health Care Bill (FOX)
  23. White House Calls Karzai 'Legitimate' Leader of Afghanistan, Downplays Concerns (FOX)
  24. House health bill totals $1.2 trillion (AP)
  25. Matrix producer plans Muhammad biopic (GUARDIAN.CO.UK)

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