Thursday, November 5, 2009

11-05-09: Exclusive: In Memoriam – Capt. Benjamin Sklaver: Defying Convention

11-05-09: Exclusive: In Memoriam – Capt. Benjamin Sklaver: Defying Convention

November 5th
What happened to Obamamania? Talking health care with Governor Tim Pawlenty. GOP unveils its own health bill. Is Barack Obama the ‘stranger in a land he doesn't understand?' War on Fox is really liberals' war on dissent.


Exclusive: In Memoriam - Capt. Benjamin Sklaver: Defying Convention

Colonel Kenneth Allard (US Army, ret.)

How was it that such a promising young man who attended an Ivy League school, and whose efforts included providing clean water to the third world, had sacrificed his life in a war?

Exclusive: Think Health Care Is Expensive Now? Wait Until It's ‘Free'

Tom McLaughlin

There's no such thing as free health care, but more and more consider it their right.

Exclusive: America - Bigger Has Never Meant Better

Dick McDonald

America was not founded so that the federal government could confiscate the wealth created by her industrious citizens.

Exclusive: Hate Crimes and the Rule of Law, Or, Are Gays the Next Spotted Owls?

Robert Weissberg

Political correctness now applies to criminality. Who said being a criminal was easy?

Today's Blog Topics

Video: Tea Party Leader to Chris Matthews: ‘You're Making My Leg Tingle'
Video: Eleven Uncovered School Videos That Feature Songs Praising Obama
House Prepares to Vote on Health Care, Undaunted by Elections
Israeli commandoes captured a ship carrying weapons made in Iran and bound for Hezbollah.
Video: Krauthammer on What the Election Means for Democrats
Video: Gay marriage rejected in Maine - O'Reilly and Ingraham discuss
Video: Will Pelosi Use Hill Security to Restrict Access to Bachmann Meet Up at US Capitol - High Noon Today?
Video: Gingrich to Hannity ‘Entire Scozzafava Candidacy Was a Mistake'
Video: MSNBC's O'Donnell Spars with Michael Steele
Video: Iranians to Obama: "You're either with US or with THEM!"
So few know why we are American

Video: Melanie Phillips on the Islamization of Britain

The Editors

"Where Britain goes today, the rest of the English-speaking world goes tomorrow."

Exclusive: In Defense of the Children

Pam Meister

When it comes to the physical safety of the most vulnerable members of society, I believe harsh measures, both as punishment and deterrent, have their place.

Climate Change and Security in Africa

J.Peter Pham, PhD

Security in Africa is always shaky at best, but international negotiations on "climate change" could further adversely affect the continent.

UN's ‘Defamation of Religions' Resolution Goes Against Free Speech and Human Rights

The Editors

Considering the fact that the effort gained traction in the General Assembly since the now-infamous Mohammed cartoon debacle in Denmark, one might wonder exactly how seriously different nations - and religions - would take the resolution.

Caption Contest September 5 - 10

Can you come up with the funniest photo caption?

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Democratic House leaders are pushing for a final vote on a health care reform bill scheduled for Saturday (WT)
  2. Armored troop carriers unsafe for Afghan duty (WT)
  3. Reid: Senate not bound by Obama's health deadline (WT)
  4. U.S. Troops Fight 4-Hour Battle at Afghan Village (AP)
  5. An overlooked ally stands with U.S. in Afghan War (HUMAN EVENTS)
  6. House Republicans Offer Alternative to Pelosi's Health-Care Bill (CNS)
  7. Prescriptions for disaster ¬- The true costs of the health-care bills (NYPOST)
  8. Obama can't be community organizer for the world (By: Byron York)
  9. In Virginia and New Jersey, health care was a losing issue (By: Byron York)
  10. STIMULUS WATCH: Salary raise counted as saved job (TOWNHALL)
  11. Democrats' Plan to Help 'Uninsurables' Requires 6-Month Wait (FOX)
  12. Economic Myths and Irrelevancy (by Walter E. Williams)
  13. Comparing Islamic anti-Semitism to Nazi Germany at its worst (HAARETZ)
  14. European Court of Human Rights bans crucifixes in classrooms in Italy (JIHAD WATC H)
  15. It's About Time: AP Admits Ford 'Has Benefited From Customer Goodwill' For Not Taking Govt. $ (NEWS BUSTERS)
  16. Obama Blows Off Angela Merkel's Invitation to Berlin Wall Ceremony (RUSH LIMBAUGH)
  17. The Flying Imams Win - And the rest of us lose. (WEEKLY STANDARD)
  18. Killing Capitalism Soros-Style (SPECTATOR)
  19. 2009 election results not going to make it easy for Pelosi to round up the needed votes for Democrats' health care bills. (MICHAEL BARONE)
  20. Pelosi's Health Care Bill Would Regulate Snack Machines at Estimated Cost of $56 Million the First Year (CNS)
  21. Illegal immigration cannot be long ignored (By: Jay Ambrose)
  22. Clinton: U.S. wants Israel settlement halted 'forever' (AP)
  23. Stimulus saves nine out of every five jobs (By: David Freddoso)
  24. House Countdown to Friday on Health Care (HUMAN EVENTS)
  25. Iranian police clash with opposition protesters (AP)

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