Thursday, November 5, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals
The Stories Behind the News

Link to Sultan Knish

The Greatest Scam on Earth

Posted: 04 Nov 2009 08:10 PM PST

In 2000 Al Gore was a failed Presidential candidate with a
paltry 2 million dollars to his name. Not a lot of money for a guy whose
lavish mansion gobbles up almost a
in electric utilities annually alone, and that of course is
before property taxes and all the other costs of owning a home in Belle
Meade, which has one of the region's highest costs of living. But besides
growing a beard and lecturing college students on journalism, a hobby he
had last practiced in the 70's, Al Gore didn't have much of a career

But Gore didn't starve on the streets either, and eight years
later, despite not having much in the way of a job, the former Vice
President is worth
a hundred million dollars
. Expanding your net worth by %2500 percent
sounds like the Madoff investment plan, but the scam that Al Gore invested
in is one that makes Madoff look like a piker... because Gore invested in
The Greatest Scam on Earth.

The Greatest Scam on Earth naturally
revolves around the earth itself, combining millennial apocalyptic visions
with junk science to create global warming. In 1920 the American poet
Robert Frost wrote, "Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice,
From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire." Taking
an incomplete cue from poem, the school of environmental apocalypse first
tried to sell the idea of an ice age, before switching over to global

In the 70's the talk was of a
coming ice age.

As they review the bizarre and unpredictable weather
pattern of the past several years, a growing number of scientists are
beginning to suspect that many seemingly contradictory meteorological
fluctuations are actually part of a global climatic upheaval. However
widely the weather varies from place to place and time to time, when
meteorologists take an average of temperatures around the globe they
find that the atmosphere has been growing gradually cooler for the past
three decades. The trend shows no indication of reversing.
Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for
the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of
another ice age.

Naturally of course mankind was to blame for the

Man, too, may be somewhat responsible for the cooling
trend. The University of Wisconsin's Reid A. Bryson and other
climatologists suggest that dust and other particles released into the
atmosphere as a result of farming and fuel burning may be blocking more
and more sunlight from reaching and heating the surface of the

And of course the world was doomed.

University of Toronto Climatologist Kenneth Hare, a
former president of the Royal Meteorological Society, believes that the
continuing drought and the recent failure of the Russian harvest gave
the world a grim premonition of what might happen. Warns Hare: "I don't
believe that the world's present population is sustainable if there are
more than three years like 1972 in a row."

Doomed I tell you. How will we ever survive 1972? And yet
here we are in the year 2009, and while it is chilly outside, New York
City is not enclosed by giant icebergs. Neither is any other part of the
world that isn't normally enclosed by icebergs.

Today Time Magazine runs virtually the same stories, except all
that stuff about the world freezing to death, has been replaced by stories
about the world melting to death. A coming Ice Age was a plausible place
to start the environmental apocalyptic panic. After all scientists claimed
that humanity had already endured an ice age, and there was something
plausible about claiming that another one was on the way. Nuclear winter
had become a potent boogeyman of the Cold War, convincing most Americans
that a nuclear exchange would doom the planet.

But as Frost had
pointed out all the way back in 1920, the idea of the world perishing in
flames had a more poetic appeal. From medieval paintings of hell as a
place scorched by flame, to the modern atomic terror... fire was a more
compelling villain. And by redirecting the locus of environmental impact
away from inhabited areas to the North Pole and other arctic regions
that most people did not have any experience with, it became possible to
claim just about anything at all was going on there. Anything at

Today, as the case of Al Gore demonstrates, there is a great
deal of money to be made from preaching from environmental apocalypse.
Green Business is big business and today you can find green labels on
everything from cars to paper towels. Celebrities have embraced green, the
way they once embraced African babies, and have introduced timely
proposals for the general public, including drinking rat's milk and
breathing less.

The difference between the madman who stands on a
street corner with a placard reading, "ThE WORLD IS GONG TO END!" and Al
Gore is the difference between madness and big business. If Al Gore really
believed in his own dogma, he wouldn't be spending more on electricity a
year than the average family's income. If celebrities really believed
their own sound bites, they wouldn't be flying private jets around the
world. But the Greatest Scam on Earth is not about living an
environmentally virtuous life, but about selling environmental virtue to
others. At a price.

Cap and Trade is the final solution for
American manufacturing and industry, destroying what's left and leaving
the rest as government subsidized shells. Wall Street will profit,
investors will flock to buy absolutely worthless bonds whose only purpose
is to add overhead to American businesses, and everything else will head
on a ship to China, which has been smart enough to cash in on global
warming alarmism, without actually giving up any of its heavy

But that really doesn't matter, because millennial panics never
take into account the long term consequences. They are about the
irrational panic of a minority and those orchestrating the panic who
expect to profit from it. The same Al Gore
who owned a zinc
and spoke lovingly of Tobacco farming turned himself into an
environmentalist prophet thanks to some ghost written books and a
documentary created by PowerPoint. In the process he earned himself a
Nobel Peace Prize, and more importantly a hundred million dollars, which
is only the beginning if the Obama Administration pushes through the rest
of the rent seeking proposals that will transform the American economy
into a sharecropping venture overseen by a handful of American politicians
and foreign investors.

The Greatest Scam on Earth is set to destroy
America's economy. Its propaganda mills are restlessly chattering away in
magazines and movies, schools and commercials offering up the same old
vision of the crying Indian, the visage of the world we sinfully polluted.
The hypocrisy of such lectures being delivered by magazines printed on
dead trees, by celebrities who live opulently thanks to goods being
transported for them around the world, by politicians who stand to benefit
personally from the crisis they are manufacturing of course falls on deaf
ears. The scam grinds on, and the one thing all that green is sure to
accomplish, is to put us all in the red.

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