Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Gathering Storm Weekly Storm Report

Gathering Storm Weekly Storm Report

The Gathering Storm Newsletter
November 14, 2009

Here's a synopsis of the most important weekly news revealing the intimidation, infiltration and disinformationtactics used to soften-up the non-Muslim world for domination and the appeasers and apologists that support them because the Islamists are correct in believing the following:


occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their
so-called 'religious rights.'

As long as
the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be
regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone.

At 2% and
3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected
groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.

From 5% on
they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the
population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal and work
to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the
Islamic Law.

Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means
of complaint about their conditions. Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam
will result in uprisings and threats.

reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic
killings and church and synagogue burning.

At 40% you
will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia

From 60%
you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions,
sporadic ethnic cleansing, use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax
placed on infidels.

After 80%
expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide.

100% will
usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' - the Islamic House of Peace - there's
supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim.

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November 20 Allan Goldstein

As that great leader and Statesman Winston Churchill said,
"It's not the government that makes war in a democracy, but the people - and
the people are asleep in the free democracies today, lulled into inaction by a
'softening up' process of our enemy."

In This Issue
This Week's Political Cartoon
Weekly Think Piece
Intimidation Tactics
Infiltration Tactics
Disinformation Tactics
Appeasement & Apologists
The Winston Churchill Golden Balls Award

This Week's Political Cartoon

Weekly Think Piece


Liberals Call Moderate Muslims Racist

Here'swhat you get from liberals when you are a Republican and an Arab.

YAFmember Summer Kamal explained how white liberals tell her she is racist against Arabs when she tells them she is for the war when she herself is Arab. She also
spoke out against the liberals who are supporting the radicals in Islam saying-
"It's got to stop!"

Here's what the Jawa Report has to say about it.

The featured speaker at the Young America's Foundation luncheon was human rights activist Nonie Darwish, author of Now
They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on

After moving to America well into her adulthood she went to a mosque where the imam preached a sermon on how newcomers were not to assimilate into American society and how Islam would one day dominate in the U.S.

"Don't assimilate," she was told by the man delivering the sermon, "Islam
will become the dominate religion."

Immigration and non-assimilation are a silent and
non-violent jihad
. But the end
goals of the establishment of sharia law remain among some in the Muslim community even when violent struggle is shunned.

Let's hear that again and say it over and over and over until it gets through the
thick dim-witted skulls of Liberals in the West.

Immigration and non-assimilation are a silent and non-violent
. But the end goals of the
establishment of sharia law remain among some in the Muslim community even when violent struggle is shunned.

It can't be said enough. There are two jihads. Militant jihadist that are called
terrorists and political jihadists- any Muslim who believes Islam should
dominate the world, believes they are not a citizens of any nation except the
nation of Islam and believes Shari law should be established throughout the

Speaking of the low birthrate amongst native Europeans and the large number of
immigrants from Muslim countries, Darwish said, "They already feel that
they've conquered Europe, now they have their eyes on America."

On 9/11 she witnessed the second plane hitting the World Trade
Center. When she learned
that Mohammed Atta was Egyptian, and remembering that Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman -- in jail for his part in the 1993 WTC bombings -- was also from her homeland, she called friends in Egypt.
What could possibly be so wrong in her culture that would lead to such
despicable acts?

But her friends rejected the notion that Arabs could be responsible for 9/11. It
must have been the Jews. The saddest part? Her friends, like Nonie, were middle
class Egyptians, not radicals or even overly religious. They were moderates and
liberals. Good people corrupted by growing up in a culture which lacked any
self criticism and which blamed the Jews or the West for any and all of its

As for the term Islamo-fascism- it wasn't coined by Liberals or CAIR.

Darwish also spoke about objections to the term
"Islamofascism". The term "Islmofascism" was coined by
moderate Muslims in Algeria
used to describe the fanatics who were slaughtering them. The vast majority of
the victims of Islamofascism are Muslims. Over 150,000 Muslims have been killed
in Algeria alone in the war between moderates and those who wish to impose Sharia law.

Now back over to Summer Kamal.

But the most moving part of the [YAF] luncheon came during the question and answer period. A young girl wearing the headscarf which made her stand out as a Muslm got up to the microphone to ask Ms. Darwish a question.

The young girl recounted how her parents were making her leave the U.S.
because she had received threats from fellow Muslims here because of her
pro-American views.

The girl was only seventeen. What should she do?

Darwish replied that she should do what her parents ask for now, fearing for the girl's safety. Growing up in Egypt
Darwish knows what it is like for Muslim girls to go against their parents. She
then encouraged the girl to come back to America as soon as she turned 18
and offered her personal assistance to help her in any way she could.

Can you imagine being forced to leave America
and go live in the Middle East because you had
embraced liberty and freedom? The girl said she was a committed Muslim, and her wearing of the headscarf (voluntarily, I presume) seemed to be an outward sign of that commitment.

Yet, even though she continues to embrace Islam, that wasn't enough for some radical Muslims. Apparently embracing an Islam which allows for freedom of conscience was just too much for them.

One courageous young lady.

Intimidation Tactics


Persecuted Church Weblog: Thou shalt not touch Islam

By Glenn Penner

Which got me thinking how sad it is that Muslim militants have been so successful in intimidation that even artists,
authors and film-makers (often considered the champions of free speech) are now
prepared to restrict their freedom of ...

Filmmaker admits intimidation
by Islam - Vox

By a12iggymom

Filmmaker admits intimidation by
Islam. '2012' maker destroys Vatican,
Jesus, but leaves shrine in Mecca
alone. The maker of the upcoming apocalyptic film "2012" has conceded
he enjoyed orchestrating the visual disintegration of the ...

Blue Collar Philosophy: Liberals Need To Rethink Their Appeasement ...

By Blue Collar Todd

Liberals Need To Rethink Their Appeasement
Of Islam Since Muslim Cabbies
Are Now Booting Gay Riders. Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance? How
long will Liberals keep telling themselves that lie? It seems a cab driver in New York ...

Infiltration Tactics


Tragedy at Ft Hood

Human Events (blog)

What we see are leaders paralyzed and refusing to confront the issue, Islamic
terrorist infiltration into America, and
possibly further into our Armed ...

'Now we have proof' Jihadis infiltrating D.C. : NOW WAKE UP ...

Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize
America," a WND Books publication by counter-terrorism investigator P.
David Gaubatz and "Infiltration"
author Paul Sperry, documents CAIR's ultimate purpose to ...

Terroist Infiltration
? « Smith's Auto Salvage

By laryt

Terroist Infiltration ? If Muslim Terrorists were going to
infiltrate the Highest Office of the United States what would the tell
tale hints or signs be of the person they would pick? Find someone with no
proof of birth or fake birth ...

Disinformation Tactics


The War on Terror Does Not Exist


Remember the minimal definition of "terrorism" is this: the use of fear and intimidation to psychologically
paralyze an enemy into submission, ...

Alleged Fort Hood shooter's motive still unknown

Raw Story - Cambridge,MA,USA

A US-born Muslim of Palestinian
heritage, Hasan, 39, had voiced dismay over US ... to manipulate the American people through disinformation, misinformation, ...

Fort Hood suspect Major Hasan is a Christian man and heavy ...

By Onebrickshort

Its obviously, another mistake or disinformation
by the Military. The failure of the military to contain street gangs from
infiltrating the armed forces. Now they hit a hard rock, with how they define a
radical muslim.

Appeasement & Apologist Tactics


BackyardConservative: Not Enough Faith in the Virgins?

By Anne

Worse still, the FBI and other counter-terrorism agencies had been influenced
by their appeasement-minded
British cousins in the security world peddling their wholly false analysis of
Islamic terrorism as having nothing to do with ... A Muslim
veteran affairs organization says it has not received reports of harassment
from Islamic soldiers, contrary to claims by a relative of the man authorities
say is responsible for the worst mass killing on a U.S. military base. ...

Islam | Distortion of Indian History For Muslim Appeasement Part ...

It is needless to say that the said pseudo
secular and Marxist historians of India derive inspiration from book Monuments
of Muslim India by John Marshall

Homeland chief warns against anti-Muslim backlash

Janet Napolitano says her
agency is working with groups across the United
States to try to deflect any backlash against American
Muslims following Thursday's rampage by Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim
who reportedly expressed growing dismay over the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Winston Churchill Golden Balls Award

The Golden Balls Award goes each week to the most flagrant Appeaser or Apologist or those that outright lie that has done most to undermine our defense against Islamists. This weeks Golden Balls Award goes to:

Anwar al-Awlaki

Alleged Fort Hood Gunman a

The Muslim U.S. Army major accused of shooting dead 13
people at Fort Hood last Thursday was a "hero" who
faced a choice of betraying his nation or betraying Islam, according to a
radical U.S.-born cleric whose possible links with Maj. Nidal Hasan are now under

The cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, led a Northern Virginia
mosque in 2001 which Hasan attended - along with three of the 9/11 hijackers.

He criticized U.S. Muslim organizations for condemning the
shooting attack, calling them hypocrites and - quoting from the Koran - saying
"painful punishment" awaited them.

"Nidal opened fire on soldiers who were on their way to be deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan," Awlaki said. "How can
there be any dispute about the virtue of what he has done?"

"In fact the only way a Muslim could Islamically justify serving as a soldier
in the U.S.
army is if his intention is to follow the footsteps of men like Nidal."

And we let clerics like this remain in this country - and not in jail
for sedition!

Congratulations to Anwar al-Awlaki! You can check in and claim your award at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay.

Contact Information



The Gathering Storm | 1234 Main Street | Anytown, USA | NY | 10012

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