Friday, July 2, 2010

07-02-10: Congressional Immigration Speech - Rewarding Those Who Break the Law?

Exclusive: Congressional Immigration Speech - Rewarding Those Who Break the Law?

The Editor

Assisting illegal immigrants to “find a path” to legality ignores the fact that the southern border still remains insecure. As Independence Day approaches, is this an appropriate way to “move forward”?

Oval Office Watch – Friday, July 2

President speaks on immigration; ‘Border too vast to secure.’ White House reverses position on outer space exploration. CIA: Iran has enough uranium for 2 bombs. Admiral Mullen on Iran & Israel. Timetable for implementing new healthcare law.


Exclusive: US Justice Dept Failed to Issue Warrants for Al Qaeda Member Linked to NY plot

Paul Williams, PhD

A leading Al Qaeda figure wanted for suspected involvement in a plot to bomb New York City subway has never been issued with a proper arrest warrant. If he gets to Canada he cannot be arrested. Why is this?

The President Is Not Due ‘His Due'

Frank Salvato

Americans must understand why it is important that we have honest vetting of nominees to the SCOTUS and why U.S. Senators should not embrace the notion that a president is automatically "due" the ascension of his nominee.

Pakistan Terror Group Establishing Itself in USA

Steve Emerson

The Lashkar-e Tayyiba is a phenomenally vicious group that carried out numerous sectarian atrocities. Now, this group is starting to establish itself in the USA. Is the threat being taken seriously enough?


The administration's denial of "radical Islam" is dangerous, dishonest, and demoralizing. - Charles Krauthammer
Video: FINALLY....Coast Guard allows the "A Whale" to join the fight in the Gulf...
Video: Top Justice Dept. Official Lied Under Oath About Dismissal of New Black Panther Case, Ex-DOJ Lawyer Says
Six Months to Go Until The Largest Tax Hikes in History
German man facing jail for having Hitler speech as his mobile ringtone
Video: Administration - AZ Law is ‘Divisive' and ‘Unenforceable'
U.S. Spent $550,496 on Study That Did 'Focus Groups and In-Depth Interviews' To Learn About the Sex Lives of Truck Drivers
Video: Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs
Video: First nation makes broadband access a legal right
Taliban rule out talks with Nato: 'Why should we when we're winning and foreign troops are withdrawing?'
Video: Pentagon develops shape-shifting robot

From Pickett's Charge to Roosevelt's Rough Riders

Military History, W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

This Week in American Military History

More Dramas in the Oil Spill Saga

Scott McKay

The latest updates on the oil spill saga by the man who has constantly been monitoring it from Day 1, both at ground and sea level, and also following the political dramas surrounding it. Is there any good news?

New Immigration Enforcement Chief Opposes Immigration Enforcement

Jim Kouri, CPP

The new director of ICE's Office of State and Local Coordination must be responsible for dealing with illegal immigration. Why appoint someone who refused to implement immigration enforcement?

What Are The Good Old Days?

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

We all imagine that if we lived in earlier times, things would have been so much better. But really, if we could go back in time, would we like what we found?

Exclusive: The Bad and the Good In America Today?

Leslie Sacks

If you had to choose the worst aspect of America at this moment in history, and also its best aspects, what would you pick?

Trustees of UK Muslim Charity Seek UN Help With Gaza Convoy

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report

Interpal was designated by the US as a terrorist organization on August 22, 2003, but Britain refused to outlaw its activities. Why is this "charity" being given any recognition by the United Nations?

Quote of the Day - July 2, 2010

Commemorating a decision made exactly 234 years ago today.

We choose, you peruse.

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