Wednesday, July 21, 2010

07-21-10: The Epicenter of the World… Will people recognize Islam’s grim agenda, before it is too late?

Exclusive: Libel Tourism – Is the Victory Complete?

The Editor

After the Senate unanimously passed the SPEECH Act, all it takes is the president’s signature to ensure that American authors are protected from Britain’s punitive libel laws. But is it all good news?



Video: New York mayor discusses Sarah Palin's comments on the Ground Zero mosque. "People have right to practice their religion...."
Video: President Obama welcomes "Broadway" to the White House for concert.
Some California civil servants making close to $1 million per year
Six in 10 Workers Hold No Hope of Receiving Social Security
Video: Lindsey Graham on Kagan Nomination
China shows military strength ahead of US drill
Video: U.S. Navy Successfully Uses Laser to Shoot Down Drones
Video: Elena Kagan: Will She Tolerate Shariah?
N. Carolina Man Appears to Be Top Editor of Al Qaeda Magazine, U.S. Officials Say
Video: Florida Congressman Charges Conservatives Are Keeping Food Out of the Mouths of Children

Exclusive: The Epicenter of the World

D.L. Adams

The history of Islam has been about dividing the world in two halves, the World of Islam against the World of War. Islam seeks warfare. Will people recognize Islam's grim agenda, before it is too late?

Exclusive: Are Bad Actions Better Than Inaction?

Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?, James Carafano, PhD

The Administration is proving that it can get bad results if it acts decisively, but can also get bad results when it does nothing. Is there any solution for this?

The States Trump The Administration

Paul Hollrah

The Constitution is not a simple document that imposes basic rules and rights - it also empowers individual states. Will the Administration, in its attempt to sue Arizona, find itself publicly humiliated?

Do Muslim Groups See the FBI As Friend or Foe?

Steve Emerson

The reports that the FBI are sending "informants" into mosques and other Islamic areas appear to be alarming some sections of the "official" Muslim community. Do they have something to hide?

Mystery of TWA Flight 800 Lives On

Roger Aronoff

Fourteen years ago, when a TWA airliner blew up near Long Island, killing 230, eyewitness reports suggested a missile strike. Doubts about the results of the official investigation remain. What really did happen?

Dealergate: Destroying jobs in the name of "shared sacrifice"

Michelle Malkin

How much 'Big Labor' cronyism was involved in the administration's arbitrary decision to close down auto dealerships that threw tens of thousands of high earning Americans out of their jobs?

The Common Man and Common Sense

Herbert London

In the past, Marxists tried to control human society, now we have the new band of "progressives" and "experts" who try to dictate. Have these new "experts" got anything valid to offer?

Exclusive: The Australian Electoral Process Explained

Anton Lang

Australia is soon to undergo elections. Is it politically and constitutionally like America, or Britain, or somewhere else altogether?

Free Speech Limits? Libel Tourism & Stolen Valor

Bruce Kesler

A law protecting against foreign libel suits, inspired by Rachel Ehrenfeld, was passed by the Senate. However, free speech laws also mean those who impersonate war heroes can continue. Why?

How to Stop Defeating Ourselves

Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, US Army (Ret)

America has military expertise and technology, but is currently engaged in outdated conventional warfare against enemies that are far from conventional. Why?

Turkish Hypocrisy Over Gaza: What About Cyprus?

Daniel Pipes

Turkey recently condemned Israel for its "occupation" of Gaza, drawing attention away from its illegal and imperialist occupation of the small island of Cyprus. Yet who hears about the Cypriots' plight?

Arizona Fights Back Against Administration's Attacks

Jim Kouri, CPP

Arizona's legal eagles are challenging the Administration's attempts to sue the state for introducing an Immigration Bill. But what actions are being taken against law-breaking "sanctuary cities"?

Quote of the Day - July 21, 2010

America's "Class System"?

Caption Contest: Top Entries - July 21

And the winner is...

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Times Square Bomb Could Have 'Killed Thousands,' FBI Test Shows

  2. US oil spill could destroy 100,000 jobs

  3. U.S. Drills Deep Into BP as Drama Drags On

  4. Arizona Fights Obama's Immigration Suit, Blames Feds for 'Crushing Burden'

  5. Military voters soon to be disenfranchised - again

  6. Hatch: There’s ‘All Kinds of Pressure’ by Democratic Caucus Not to Have Hearings on Berwick

  7. Clinton announces new US sanctions against defiant North Korea to stop nuclear proliferation

  8. Navy cautious on foreign ownership of Northrop's shipyards

  9. Roger Altman's Unbelievable Gall

  10. David Cameron: British forces could begin leaving Afghanistan next year

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