Thursday, July 22, 2010

07-22-10: Is the Tea Party movement a sign of frustration, or renewed hope for the future?

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Exclusive: Can We Put Government in Reverse?

Tom McLaughlin

Small government would keep America close to the roots that made it great, where communities made their own decisions. Is the Tea Party movement a sign of frustration, or renewed hope for the future?

Exclusive: Pakistan Christians In Fear After Double Murder

Aftab Alexander Mughal

Muslims often complain of discrimination, but rarely campaign for the rights of non-Muslims. Pakistani Christians, chained up outside a court, were shot dead. Why are no Muslims complaining?

Exclusive: The Forty One Year Lunar Eclipse

Victor Sharpe

On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 landed on the moon. NASA took mankind on "one giant leap." Now, attempting to make Muslims feel better about themselves, it is limping and has lost its way. Why?

Who's Preventing Offshore Drilling?

Scott McKay

One-third of America's domestic oil supply comes from the Gulf of Mexico, but hey - some people think it's cool to stop drilling for oil. What will be the consequences of such insanity? And who's to blame?


Video: CBS Evening News on Discovery of New Countrywide VIP Mortgages -"Cost Taxpayers Tens of Billions of Dollars"
Video: CNN Reporter Plays Hardball With Ground Zero Mosque Developer
When McCain picked Palin, liberal journalists coordinated the best line of attack
More Muslim Riots in France
Video: Bobby Jindal - Fired up and ready to work!
Obama signs financial overhaul into the Ronald Reagan Building
Video: Obama's Electronic Health Records Czar defines what is required by ObamaCare to be in your electronic health record by 2014
Groups seek to block ban on hiring, housing of illegal aliens
Video: Missouri ACORN Assaults Chase Bank Branch
British Prime Minister flew out to meet President Obama on a regular Commercial flight

Israel Always Gets Blamed, But Who Mistreats Palestinians?

Melanie Phillips

Why does no-one get upset when Palestinians lose citizenship rights in countries like Jordan? Why do people who loudly condemn Israel remain silent on such issues?

Former Nuke Inspector Defends Muslim Brotherhood

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report

When Iran began developing its nuclear weapons program, the International Atomic Energy Agency did little to stop it. The agency's head at that time now defends the Muslim Brotherhood. Unbelievable?

From Farragut's Raiders to the First Man on the Moon

Military History, W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

This Week in American Military History

Has U.S. intelligence Overstretched Itself?

Jim Kouri, CPP

Has US intelligence reached its limits in terms of its own size and how much it can accurately research? Can it be made more efficient and streamlined?

I Come to Bury Schneider Not to Praise Him

James Delingpole

A leading "climatologist" died on Monday who firstly said we were heading for a freeze, and then turned into a global warming fanatic. Why do fickle and dishonest "climatologists" gain political influence?

Quote of the Day - July 22, 2010

Is a "War on Terrorism" possible?

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