Thursday, July 22, 2010

Islamic Scholarly Acceptance of Clitorectomies aka Female Gential Mutilation


Islamic Scholarly Acceptance of Clitorectomies aka Female Gential Mutilation


Institutionalized misogyny under the sharia (Islamic law) sanctions clitorectomies, also known as female genital mutilation. David Littman, historian and human rights activist at the United Nations (Geneva) since 1986, has stated that 95% of the girls/women in Egypt have been clitorectomized.

Further, in the UK, it is estimated that up to 24,000 girls under the age of 15 are at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM). More at

And the trend is spiking in America. The American Academy of Pediatrics had issued a policy statement suggesting that doctors in the US perform this act of sick barbarity on girls to keep their families from sending them overseas for it.

The NY Times has even given clitorectomies its tacit approval -- go here. It was only after a firestorm of outrage that the American Academy of Pediatrics withdraw their new policy (from the blogworld). First do no harm, Dr. Dhimmi.

And this ............horrific:

Around three million girls and women are at risk for genital mutilation or cutting annually, leaders at two United Nations institutions warned as the world marked International Day against Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C).

“Progress has been made in recent years in reducing the incidence of female genital mutilation or cutting, largely because communities and families are taking action and calling for change,” United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA) Executive Director Thoraya Obaid and UNICEF Executive Director Ann M. Veneman said.

However an estimated 120 to 140 million women have been subject to this harmful and dangerous practice and three million girls continue to be at risk each year.”

Female genital mutilation or cutting, a centuries-old custom, is practiced on women mainly from Africa, the Middle East and parts of Asia, amid concerns that it exists in among certain immigrant communities in North America, Europe and Australia, but in an underground way. It involves partial or total removal of the external female genitalia for non-medical reasons.

According to experts, the practice persists because it is sustained by social perceptions, including that girls and their families will face shame, social exclusion and diminished marriage prospects if they forego cutting.

“These perceptions can, and must, change. FGM/C poses immediate and long-term consequences for the health of women and girls, and violates their human rights,” the UNFPA and the UNICEF said.

All you silent, muted liberals and feminazis....whip it out.

Yusuf al-Qaradawi has argued in its favor, writing: “Actually, this is a controversial issue among jurists and even among doctors. It has sparked off fierce debate in Egypt whereby scholars and doctors are split into proponents and opponents. “However, the most moderate opinion and the most likely one to be correct is in favor of practising circumcision in the moderate Islamic way indicated in some of the Prophet’s hadiths - even though such hadiths are not confirmed to be authentic. It is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said to a midwife: ‘Reduce the size of the clitoris but do not exceed the limit, for that is better for her health and is preferred by husbands.
“The hadith indicates that circumcision is better for a woman’s health and it enhances her conjugal relation with her husband. It’s noteworthy that the Prophet’s saying ‘do not exceed the limit’ means ‘do not totally remove the clitoris’
“Actually, Muslim countries differ over the issue of female circumcision; some countries sanction it whereas others do not. Anyhow, it is not obligatory, whoever finds it serving the interest of his daughters should do it, and I personally support this under the current circumstances in the modern world.
This idiom epitomises the slippery habits of Al-Qaradawi, who admits in one paragraph that the hadiths he cites are not demonstrably authoritative, then proceeds to deliver himself of opinions presuming that the Prophet Muhammad’s views on this matter are fully authenticated. (Hudson Institute)

Your trusted source to understand contemporary Islam across the world

What is the Islamic legal ruling concerning female genital mutilation?

Islamopedia Online on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 21:46

Fatwa Question or Essay Title:
What is the Islamic legal ruling concerning female genital mutilation?
Fatwa Response or Body of Essay:

Actually, this is a controversial issue among jurists and even among doctors. It has sparked off fierce debate in Egypt whereby scholars and doctors are split into proponents and opponents.
However, the most moderate opinion and the most likely one to be correct is in favor of practicing circumcision in the moderate Islamic way indicated in some of the Prophet's hadiths even though such hadiths are not confirmed to be authentic. It is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said to a midwife: "Reduce the size of the clitoris but do not exceed the limit, for that is better for her health and is preferred by husbands". The hadith indicates that circumcision is better for a woman's health and it enhances her conjugal relation with her husband. It's noteworthy that the Prophet's saying "do not exceed the limit" means do not totally remove the clitoris.
Actually, Muslim countries differ over the issue of female circumcision; some countries sanction it whereas others do not. Anyhow, it is not obligatory, whoever finds it serving the interest of his daughters should do it, and I personally support this under the current circumstances in the modern world.


More scholarly acceptance here:

1. UNHCR Guidance on FGM and Ayslum 09
(Download:Policy Documents/Violence Against Women)
2. FGM Factsheet 09
(Download:Policy Documents/Violence Against Women)
3. About the VAW Working Group
(VAW/Violence Against Women Working Group)
... and academics and liaises closely with officials on all aspects of sexual violence including trafficking and FGM. Chair: The Group is chaired by Professor Liz Kelly. Members: The group includes representatives ...
4. About violence against women
(VAW/What is violence against women? )
... women and girls. Government Equalities Office: FGM Factsheet 2009 The Government Equalities Office (GEO) has published a factsheet about Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). GEO developed the ...
5. Domestic violence
(VAW/Domestic violence )
... ethnic (BME) communities such as so called 'honour based violence', female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage.An adult is defined as any person aged 18 years or over. Family members are defined ...
6. Partner organisations
('Uncategorised Content')
... on Public Health, FGM and Surgical reversals (GCPH) GMB Britain's General Union GMB Scotland Regional Rights Committee GMB Trade Union Government Equalities Office (Within Department for Work ...

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