Thursday, July 22, 2010

It’s Time to Put the Coffee Down and Eradicate Islam in the West

It’s Time to Put the Coffee Down and Eradicate Islam in the West

2010 July 21

St. Thomas Aquinas defined “peace” as the tranquility of order, tranquillitas ordinis. He believed that the individual human soul and society find fulfillment when their actions are directed towards a good end in a prioritized manner. For most, the end, or goal of each day is simply earning a living to care for family and enjoy lives together.

A threat to this tranquility of order must often appear imminent before we are persuaded to divert our efforts to anything else. This fact of human existence accounts for many of the terrible totalitarian conquests of the last Century. During the rise of Adolph Hitler and the Communist Revolution, ample forewarnings were everywhere. While no one could be faulted for not extrapolating the precise details of horror that would accompany the regimes, the essence of promised utopias was clear enough to inspire early resistance among those who accepted to face reality, rather than enjoy imperiled order.

We are willing to put up with a great deal to avoid disturbance of our daily tranquility, and this is why those who foresaw that Hitler and the Communists would impoverish and enslave millions were actually rebuffed by the people they were trying to rouse to self-defense. Members of the clergy, intellectuals, and journalists warned that their countrymen were preparing their own doom by tolerating the monsters in their larval stages. It was more comforting to dismiss their warnings by thinking, “It can’t happen here, things won’t get any worse.”

We are facing the totalitarian threat of our age. Islam is poised to replace civilization with Sharia dictatorships. In a speech delivered to the Florida Security Council, Geert Wilders, director of the movie Fitna and member of the Dutch Parliament, delivered a “Warning to America,” containing these statements on the nature of our own peril:

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