Wednesday, June 1, 2011

06-01-11: Cantankerous U.S. Rep. Refuses to Answer CNN’s Questions (Plus: Carafano’s Presidential Policy)

Chasing Sarah: The Boys Behind the Bus

Michelle Malkin

The hysterical media pundits who obsess about Sarah Palin's every move seem unconcerned about politics, worrying more about casting her as a villain in their own drama...



1. Video: Congressman Weiner's (D) Media Exchange - Cantankerous U.S. Rep. Refuses to Answer Questions, Calls CNN Producer ‘Jackass'
2. Sarah Palin plays the media like a violin: Her turn now
3. Video: DHS Pursuing ‘Pre-Crime' System - ("F.A.S.T.")
4. Video: MSNBC'S Bashir: Sarah Palin's Bus Tour a 'Breach of Federal Law'
 5. Video: FOX's Cavuto discusses Home Price Plunge
6. MSNBC: (2004) - Natural Disasters Create Jobs, (2011) - Natural Disasters Wipe Out Jobs
7. Audio: Twice Deported, ‘Undocumented' Worker Kills Houston Police Officer and Father of Three
8. House torpedoes unconditional hike to $14.3 trillion debt ceiling
9. Video: Nanny of the Month - North Carolina Bans Rare Burgers!

Bitten by the Russian Bear (Again)

Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?, James Carafano, PhD

During the New Start Treaty negotiations, the Russians gained significant concessions on U.S. missile numbers. Now they want America to give way some more...

Saudi Arabia: The Exception?

Herbert London

Saudi Arabia follows an oppressive and apparently immutable form of Islam, but is it possible that even here, there could be reform and rights for women and minorities?

What Are We Waiting For?

Diana West

Most Afghan civilian casualties are deliberately killed by Taliban, but when Afghan civilians are accidentally killed by U.S./NATO troops, Hamid Karzai threatens to expel them.

The Truth About Obama's Joplin Visit

Miki Booth

The President's visit to Joplin was presented in the media as a sign of support for the tornado-struck residents, but one person familiar with the city has a differing personal opinion.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Gates Turns Off The Lights

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

In a series of speeches over the past few days, Robert Gates has sounded warnings about America's direction. But has he helped to steer the ship of state towards the rocks?

Global Warming Charlatans Feel the Heat

Alan Caruba

$100 billion of taxpayer's money has gone to support "climate research" by scientists who were unable to find conclusive proof of human influence on global temperature.

Where Obama Is Leading Israel

Caroline Glick

Since his policy speech, the President has taken a series of steps that only reinforce the impression that he is the most hostile us leader the Jewish state has ever faced.

Tea Are The World

The perfect musical experience - and the perfect charity - for Memorial Day.

Lloyd Marcus

From country music to rap, 44 of the best songs were selected from hundreds of submissions. Jo Piazza at Fox News cleverly titled the project Tea Are The World.

It Is Vengeful Man - Not God - We Need Fear

Lt. Colonel James Zumwalt, USMC (ret)

Iran's president believes the Day of Judgment is not just a matter for God - it can be made to happen if Iran acts to plunge the world into chaos.

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