Thursday, June 2, 2011

06-02-11: Remember When Our 'Best and Brightest' Actually Ran For Congress? (Plus: U.S. City Responds To Newsweek)

The Latin American Invasion of the United States

Richard Brodie

With an estimated 11 million illegal migrants living in the USA, most of whom come from Latin America; American national integrity is being assailed.



1. GREAT VIDEO: 'Dying' city fights back with YouTube sensation - Grand Rapids Responds To Newsweek
2. Video: Rep. Weiner (D): I Know My Account Was Hacked - Interview with Bret Baier
3. Federal court expresses concern over health care reform law
4. Video: Trader: "We're On the Verge of A Great, Great Depression"

5. Video: Gov. Sarah Palin (R) Visits Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island
6. Video: Congressman Allen West (R) Memorial Day Observance.

7. Video: Nearly One in Seven Americans Are On Food Stamps
8. Video: MSNBC vs Sarah Palin vs The Flag - Thanks Reason TV!
9. New Jersey (TAXPAYERS) Pays $102 Million to Move Electronics Firm Down the Road

Nakba Day, Naksa Day: A Way of Playing Victim

Ashraf Ramelah

Two rallying points which have tremendous meaning to Arabs in their fight against Jews were also used in Nasser's plan to Islamicize Egypt.

America at Its Pinnacle

Christopher Adamo

The 1961 decision to put an American man on the moon was inspirational and raised the USA's status. How far have U.S. ambitions sunk since then?

Student Enfeeblement

Marilyn Penn

The disturbing truth is that most of the students who are accepted at the various schools in the City system are unprepared for college and even unprepared for Community College

Remember When Our 'Best and Brightest' Actually Ran For Congress?

Frank Hill

Remember When Our 'Best and Brightest' Actually Ran For Congress?

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Congress Has War Powers, Too

Andrew McCarthy

After 60 days of a war unauthorized by Congress, a president must request congressional approval or withdraw. With the deadline passed, the Libyan war is not authorized.

Who Is Behind Adam Kokesh and Russia Today Television?

Cliff Kincaid

An English-language Russian media network is using a disgruntled U.S. leftwing activist as a host, promoting anti-Americanism and socialist nostrums to its audience.

Quote of the Day - June 2, 2011

FSM: Quote of the Day

Syrian regime lies about the death of 13-year old Syrian boy, Hamza Ali al-Khateeb, tortured to death by Assad's secret police. WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT.

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