Friday, June 10, 2011

06-10-11: Sometimes Marriage and Childbirth Customs Have Serious Consequences. (PLUS: Marine: Uniform NOT Allowed at School Graduation)

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Gates Blasts NATO, Questions Future of Alliance [AP]

  2. While Tony Blair was locked in the struggle to stop a second wave of Islamic terrorists bombing London....Gordon Brown was plotting to remove the Prime Minister from office (TELEGRAPH)

  3. The Lone Star Jobs Surge: The Texas model added 37% of all net U.S. jobs since the recovery began. (WSJ)

  4. Scalia rips lawmakers as being as sleepy and lazy [AP]

  5. Panetta: OK if some troops stay in Iraq (WT)

  6. America's Looming Quagmire in Yemen [AT]

  7. Yes, States May Restrict Illegal Aliens [SPECTATOR]

  8. Iran "caught red-handed in 10 different attempts" to arm various jihadist groups [JIHAD WATCH]

  9. 50 Percent Unemployment? Trends hidden in federal data show troubling signs for whites, African-Americans, Hispanics (DAILY CALLER)

  10. Newspaper asks readers: Do you want to help us dig for dirt in Palin's e-mails? (WA PO)



1. Marine Not Allowed To Wear Uniform For High School Graduation
2. Video: Dress-Wearing Women Aren't Crazy About Glass Staircase at New $105 Million Dollar Courthouse
3. Video: Sgt. Petry to Receive Medal of Honor for Protecting Fellow Soldiers
4. American Foundations - Palin Bus Tour: The Video
5. Video: Jury Convicts Chicago Businessman in Danish Newspaper Muhammad Cartoon Plot
6. Government's espionage case against NSA official stumbles
7. Video: Governor Bentley and State Senator Beason explain why the immigration bill passed in their state
8. Video: New Study Ranks States on Individual Freedoms: Reagan: "Vote with your feet!"
9. Video: Barbara Walters reveals that she found the x-rated photo of Rep. Weiner's private parts "flattering"

Liberty vs. Demagogues

Amil Imani

Personal liberty is most often the demagogue's first victim. As well as being seen as a prophet, Mohammed was also a demagogue, a skilled but manipulative politician.

It's About Personal Responsibility

Frank Salvato

If the story weren't so infuriating and sad - and such a damning commentary on our society - it would be laughable.

NYU's Superficial Entrapment Study

Steve Emerson

A study by New York University's law school makes claims that the U.S. has been unfairly targeting Muslims without showing proof of illegal activity.

Mexican Drug Gangs Increase Power in Central America

Allan Wall

The grip of the cartels upon life in Mexico, Guatemala and other Central American nations is not relaxing, and the violence and crime they create is exported into the USA.

Sometimes Marriage and Childbirth Customs Have Serious Consequences.

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

People persist in certain harmful behaviors because they believe these are sacrosanct parts of either their religion or traditions.

Sunlight on the American Mosque

Diana West

The presence and promotion of literature advocating violence in the majority of 100 randomly selected American mosques brings to light a truth that has been hidden for too long.

Mexicans Blast Execution of Criminal Alien Murderer In Texas

Jim Kouri, CPP

The execution of a murderer, due to happen in Texas, is challenged because the convict is not a U.S. citizen. If illegal aliens can get driving licenses, why should they avoid punishments?

The Government Job-Training Juggernaut

Michelle Malkin

Promising "new and innovative approaches" to America's economic crisis, the futurist-in-chief filched his fresh, bold ideas straight from ... the 1930s.

All Ahmadinejad's Men

Ali Alfoneh

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's sacking of foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki has opened another chapter in the ongoing power struggle between Iran's president and the supreme leader, Ali Khamene'i.


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