Friday, February 14, 2014

02-14-14: Ayatollah of the United States (Plus Rand Paul, Beck, Rumsfeld, George Will)

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

hillary clinton_obama_chris stevens

·  Rumsfeld: Hillary Clinton Responsible for the Safety of Americans in Benghazi


·  Abusive, unlawful, and even potentially unconstitutional unilateral action has been a hallmark of the Obama Administration

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·  Glenn Beck ‘Sets the Record Straight' On ObamaCare: ‘For Five Years You Were Called Crazy'


·  Was early Benghazi intelligence politicized?

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·  George Will has four questions about Obamacare's enrollment numbers

eye on campus

·  School Board Member's Seriously Mind-Boggling Rant on 9/11 ‘Codes', George W. Bush


·  William Kristol on Senator Cruz: 'More Whining About Him Than Is Really Warranted'

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·  Rand Paul on suing Obama


·  Libs Call Christie 'Fat,' Palin 'Caribou Barbie' but to Them Calling Hillary 'Ruthless' 'a Step Too Far'


·  Watters' World: Snowstorm edition - Is God Angry at Us?

In Case You Missed It

fort Hood 2
·  Beck's Bold Question for the Military About Fort Hood

eye on campus
·  University censors pro-life students for ‘offensive' poster

·  RUSH: This Is Way Beyond A Banana Republic Now. This Is Stalinism.

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·  Dad Picks Up Daughter from Movies. Then Their Evening of Terror Begins.

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·  Paula Deen on the comeback trail?

·  CEO is being forced to cut his employees' workers due to the high cost of Obamacare

·  The Kelly File: Jonathan Turley Sounds Off on the Expansion of Presidential Power Under Obama

·  Dr Ben Carson's controversial comments on progressives and government control

·  Liberal Kirsten Powers: I'm getting tired of defending ObamaCare, too

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

valentine heart

Ayatollah of the United States

Obama, America's first grand mufti of the Constitution, intends to govern by political fatwa.

Mid-Sochi: Munich Anew

No, not the terrorism; it's NBC's propaganda....

breaking news light

New Navy Map Shows U.S. Had ‘Multitude of Forces' in Region Surrounding Libya During Benghazi Attack

The U.S. military had a multitude of forces in the region surrounding Libya when terrorists attacked the Special Mission in Benghazi and murdered four Americans, according to an unclassified Navy map obtained by Judicial Watch this week.

Five Years Later: How's that Wreckovery Working Out?

On Feb. 17, 2009, Obama promised the sun and the moon and the stars. That was the day, five years ago, when he signed the $800 billion "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act."

Peace without Process

Time to Give the U.S. a Breather and Allow Israel and the Palestinians to get their Game On.

'Politics: What You Are Willing To Give Up. Policy: What You Want'

Obama is constantly doing the Australian backstroke every week it seems as he refuses to enforce the provisions of the signature law he pushed for in his first year as President.

Liberals Paint Economic Disaster as a Benefit?

The latest ruse is for Democrats to make inane assertions that the dismal job numbers actually reflect "freedom" for Americans!

CAIR Again Shows It Can't Stand Other Muslim Viewpoints

CAIR waged a new attack Tuesday on anti-Islamist Muslim Zuhdi Jasser, asking that a federal commission investigate Jasser's financial supporters.

Senate approves debt-ceiling increase, sends bill to president's desk

The Senate approved an increase in the nation's debt limit, sending the legislation to President Obama's desk...The bill cleared the Senate on a 55-43 vote. Click to see how your Senator voted.


Chilling: Why An Underreported, ‘Significant Incident of Domestic Terrorism' Might Not Be a Failed Attack at All

On April 16, 2013 six men launched an attack on a critical power station in California. The attack consisted of hundreds of AK-47 rounds being unleashed on 10 large transformers - and it was first called "vandalism."


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