Friday, March 21, 2014

Empire State Building Denies Muslim $5 Mil Shakedown Attempt

Empire State Building Denies Muslim $5 Mil Shakedown Attempt


Fahad and Amina Tirmizi claimed that Empire State Building security kicked them out of the observation deck after they got on their knees and began praying.

Fahad, the male of the pair, claims that a guard “menacingly poked” him before they were escorted out of the building, and he wants $5 million to compensate for the civil rights violation.
The Empire State Building however is firmly denying the Muslim shakedown attempt.
In response, an Empire State Realty Trust spokeswoman, Brandy Bergman, told CNN Wednesday, “The claims are totally without merit and we will respond to them in court.”
Totally without merit can be read as a direct statement that none of this really happened. However even if the Tirmizi’s were escorted out, the Empire State Building was well within its rights to do so.

The Empire State Building remains a major target for Muslim terror. In 1997, Ali Hassan Abu Kamal, a Muslim terrorist, opened fire on the observation deck, killing 1 and wounding 6, motivated by hatred of America.

In his letter, Kamal wrote of his desire to exterminate Americans. “My restless aspiration is to murder as many of them as possible, and I have decided to strike at their own den in New York, and at the very Empire State Building in particular.”
Nys said he had gone to the Empire State Building “to try to relax myself a little bit.” He left a shaken man. “I’ve never seen so much blood in my life,” he said.
So obviously the Empire State Building’s security people are entirely within their rights to be concerned when Muslims begin behaving strangely.

Muslim terror is associated with Muslim prayers so a reaction is only natural.

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