Tuesday, December 9, 2014

12-09-14: George W Bush declines to betray the CIA over waterboarding.

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What's the difference between harsh CIA interrogation techniques and drones that kill civilian...

What similar experience does the Obama Administration share with the University of Texas at Austin?

No pictures of his body have been published, and no verification of his demise has been provided, save the dubious testimony of Pakistani military officials. Is Adnan dead?

North Korean dictator eyed in hack of moviemaker

Some of our first draftees and volunteers trained with broomsticks because we had too few rifles at the time.

Despite being one of the FBI's most wanted terrorists, Shukrijumah for years managed to slip in and out of the U.S. through the southern border to meet fellow militant Islamists...

Sure seems we've come to a point where the rule of law means little to the Obama administration - or the oath taken to faithfully execute our laws.

People are laughing at, and not with, comedian Jon Stewart, now that he has been caught by a District Attorney smearing police officers.


To paraphrase the sage of Oklahoma, Will Rogers, liberals used to be people who did good with their own money.


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