Thursday, December 11, 2014

12-11-14: The New Morality: Sympathy for the Enemy (Plus: VP Cheney Responds...)

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Unfortunately, Sen. McCain has again joined in promoting a Democratic project as he did earlier on immigration reform. His speech on the Senate floor was utter nonsense.

One who worked hard to destroy American ideals then and continues to do so now, recently demonizing our country to a nation committed to our very destruction, is Bill Ayers.

We, as former senior officers of the CIA, created this website to present documents that conclusively demonstrate that the program was: authorized by the President, overseen by the NSC, and deemed legal by the AG of the U.S. on multiple occasions.

On November 6, 2014 The Guardian reports, "Three arrests fail to staunch mystery of Drones flying over French nuclear plants."

The latest Homeland Security figures show a drastic decline in deportations as the number of people caught crossing illegally rose.

If you were to take the "torture" report seriously (I don't - it's a political document), you would have to say Barack Obama inhabits a very strange moral universe.

Gruber was a stand-in for the real culprit: President Obama. Lying about the health law originated at the top.

"Overall, today's service members told the Military Times that they feel underpaid, under-equipped and under-appreciated...


And the children, all under 15, four of them, they said, 'No, we love Jesus [Yesua]. We have always loved Jesus...


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