Thursday, December 18, 2014

12-18-14: Sen. Marco Rubio blasts White House's "absurd" Cuba concessions

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Could the revulsion at this slaughter of innocents trigger a new and genuine campaign against forces that have written Pakistan's history in blood for almost three decades?

Monis was no lone wolf. He was raised in a shame honor culture and religion where the Ayatollah said it was okay to sexually abuse babies and where a commonly held belief is that if a Jew goes out in the rain, he will contaminate the water.

Bill Gates continues to "give back" what he never took in the first place.

What information important to our safety did the CIA extract by waterboarding and rectally infusing suspects?

Judicial Watch has obtained documents that show a chunk of taxpayer money went to an affiliate serving as an Obamacare "navigator."

A federal judge in Pennsylvania has ruled that President Obama's actions in decreeing effective amnesty violates the Constitution.

The neonics and honeybees saga takes interesting, potentially fraudulent turn.

Sometimes I think that Jews are going to have to arm themselves in order to celebrate Chanukah.


What is particularly interesting to note is that, prior to 1979, the United States would likely have never questioned enlisting Iran's aid in this battle.

It cannot be ignored -"but for" Michael Brown's criminal act in robbing a store-no fiery protest would have erupted in Ferguson.


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