Saturday, December 20, 2014

Germans Tire of Muslim Immigrants

Germans Tire of Muslim Immigrants

Germans are protesting to make their voices heard. Are liberal politicians listening?
By: Y.K. Cherson

Germans feel like strangers in their own country and fear one day to wake up in an Islamic ghetto.

Although the local media do all they can to keep it quiet, over 75% of Germans support the ideas of the new national movement PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West).
Germans fear Islam, its advance and its evident intention to change their society. And the situation did not become calmer after the massive demonstrations of football fans who were labeled by the liberal media as regular hooligans. Every week dozens of Germans, not some “radicals” or “hot heads”, but regular Germans get out in the streets to protest against the Islamization of their native country.

In Dresden on December 10, the number of these protesters was about 15,000.The leaders of the protest categorically rejected all accusations of “Islamophobia”, “racism” and other standard labels put forth by the liberals against those who refuse to follow their line, and declared that their goal is to defend the Western values of the Judeo-Christian civilization.

What’s more, the number of those who are “quietly dissatisfied” with the Islamization of Germany is counted by the millions. The media hurry to put the sign of equality between patriotism and nationalism and brand every German who gets out in the street with a placard saying that he wants to remain German a “neo-Nazi”. But the truth is that people simply do not want their native country to become something like Yemen, Syria or Turkey; not all want to live in Turkey, you know.

A month ago, the authority, in an attempt to calm the public, made a raid on the Salafites in North Rhine – Westfalia, Lower Saxony and Bavaria. Nine persons were arrested and accused of  fundraising for IS under the guise of charity and of recruiting fighters for IS.

By the Ministry of Interior of Germany, the number of Salafites in the country grew from 900 in 2012, to 1200 in 2014. But the same officials of the Ministry say that the number is many times bigger, and with good reason: the number of Muslim immigrants in Germany exceeds 10 mln (10% of the population), and growing; on an annual basis, Germany receives 200,000 refugees from Islamic countries.

Besides, Salafites are only a tip of the iceberg. Germans refuse to accept not only Muslim radicalism, but also quite common – for Muslims- things of everyday life like the slaughtering of animals on Ramadan, the attitude toward women, family relations and most of all- to the native population and its values and principles.

Cynical attempts of the Western media to portray such Germans as neo-Nazis and hooligans, enemies of Progress and intolerant scum is doomed. As Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
German protests did not appear out of the blue; they have deep roots, and these roots come from the decades-long policies of “multiculturalism” and “tolerance” proclaimed by the European Union as its “highest value”.

Frau Merkel just four years ago agreed with President Christian Wolf that “Islam is a part of Germany, a part of German society”. This statement by Frau Merkel was very soon countered by Thilo Sarrazin, member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank and the author of the bestseller Deutschland schafft sich ab (Germany Is Doing Away with Itself or Germany Is Abolishing Itself), where he called a spade a spade proving that immigration from Turkey and other Muslim countries leads to the disappearance of Germany as a European country, and that multiculturalism brings a mortal threat to Europe as a whole and Germany in particular. The book became the most popular book on politics by a German-language author in a decade, which did not stop Bundesbank from firing Sarrazin after his book was published.

But nobody ever could have proven that what Sarrazin said was wrong, and what’s happening now in Germany only means that its native population shares his opinion. The research conducted by Leipzig University in 2014, shows that over a third of Germans thought that the entrance to Germany of immigrants from Muslim counties should be banned. Muslims should be banned; in 2009, only 20% of Germans supported this position. Almost 50% of Germans (practically every other person) said they sometimes felt like “strangers” in their own country. Three out of every four think that Germany should be less generous to refugees and asylum seekers (in 2011, only one out of every four respondents thought so).

Germans also protest against laws too liberal regarding Muslim radicalism and the even more “liberal” application of these laws. Today the number of Muslim extremists in Germany exceeds the number of left-wing and right-wing non-Muslim radicals combined.

No, those who protest in the streets of German cities are not some common hooligans or some mysterious “right-wing radicals” or “neo-Nazis”; they are just Germans who begin to see the truth and make it clear to politicians that they do not agree with the role of the obedient flock that can be fooled by them any moment they wish…

Wasn’t the preoccupation about this rising public protest (which makes her political future very problematic) the true reason for Frau Merkel’s recent public fainting?

Related Reading:

The Goal of Muslim Immigration According to Muhammad’s Teachings
Outcome of Muslim Immigration to Britain: Rise in Terrorism
Dual Citizenship for Muslims Born and Raised in Germany
Germany’s Shariah Police and Muslim Immigration
Hamburg, Germany: Stop the Lampedusa squatters in front of City Hall with a no-go zone
Refugee Blames Germany for His Life of Crime
Myth of How the West Was “Saving Jews” and the European Reconquista
Will the West Be Able to Drive the Islamic Jinn Back into the Bottle?
‘Rehab’ for Islamic ‘Extremists’?
The Main Danger for Europe

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