ISIS Fatwa urge the killing of ‘ten million Americans’ – while YouTube facilitates terrorist manuals
The assholes at Google and YouTube are endless arselickers to Muslims and always blocking our videos and even closing our email accounts – but they don’t mind publishing instruction materials on how to create explosives to kill millions of Americans. And they’ve refused to remove the content for almost two years!
What Every American Needs To Know About ISIS Plan To Kill ‘Ten Million Americans’
By Shoebat Foundation on September 22, 2014An Isis spokesman has posted a call to arms for Muslims around the world to kill American, Canadian and European citizens for their governments’ role in a coalition against ISIS. But what the average American is unaware of are the ISIS more shocking Islamic injunctions that permit Muslims everywhere to carry out killings by ordering them to cause as much as ten million American casualties which we included training videos that circulates the social media for use by the Muslim community under the nose of the FBI which they refuse to do anything about.
And while the average American got used to learning what Jihad meant, there is more shocking Islamic jurisprudence needed in order to understand what is at hand which circulates the social media to prepare Muslims to do indiscriminate killing of Americans. For the first time, perhaps Americans can see such rules of engagement regarding Jihad Al-Radi’ (Repulse Jihad) and Jihad Tabyeet (Jihad by perfecting the killing methods). Here, enter the world of American slumber, whether by naïveté or by design, you decide.
Following Australia’s largest terror raids and France’s first air strikes on ISIS, spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani ash-Shami called on supporters to launch insider attacks on western populations:
So where does the Fatwa and Islamic injunction calling for such killing come from and to what extent of destruction is ISIS and their supporters demanded to do? has translated more of the horrifying and extremely disturbing content of the Fatwa used by ISIS written in full by Nasr Al-Fahd, a Saudi theologian calling for the complete annihilation of the United States. reviewed the 26 page Fatwa [link here] which was never translated for public study by the government showing the true colors of Islam including that such killing has already began.
The inception of this Fatwa began when terrorists wrote the scholar requesting a Fatwa on the issue of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Nasr Al-Fahd responds:
On page 5, what westerns do not understand when they ask “why” and “what type of human being can kill indiscriminately”, ISIS explains the first lesson in such killing is that its what they term Ihsan, in English, it is “The act of kindness and charity”.
فقد ثبت في الصحيح عن شداد بن أوس رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى
On page 8, the ISIS manifesto discusses the Fatwa on using weapons of mass destruction to permit the killing of Ten Million Americans:
وذلك مثل حال أمريكا في هذا الزمن؛ فإن مسألة ضربها بهذه الأسلحة جائز بدون ذكر أدلة القسم الثاني التالية (أدلة المشروعية العامة)؛ لأن الله سبحانه يقول (وإن عاقبتم فعاقبوا بمثل ما عوقبتم به)، ويقول تعالى: (فمن اعتدى عليكم فاعتدوا عليه بمثل ما اعتدى عليكم)، ويقول تعالى: (وجزاء سيئة سيئة مثلها)، والناظر في اعتداءات أمريكا على المسلمين وأراضيهم خلال العقود الماضية يخلص إلى جواز ذلك بالاستناد إلى باب (المعاملة بالمثل) فقط؛ بدون حاجة إلى ذكر الأدلة الأخرى، وقد جمع بعض الإخوة عدد قتلاهم من المسلمين بأسلحتهم المباشرة وغير المباشرة فوصل العدد إلى قريب من عشرة ملايين، وأما الأراضي التي أحرقتها قنابلهم ومتفجراتهم وصواريخهم فلا يحصيها إلا الله، وآخر ما عايناه ما حصل في أفغانستان والعراق، وهذا غير ما سببت حروبهم على كثير من المسلمين من التشرد، فلو ألقيت عليهم قنبلة تهلك منهم عشرة ملايين، وتحرق من أراضيهم قدر ما أحرقوا من أراضي المسلمين كان هذا جائزا بلا حاجة إلى ذكر أي دليل آخر، وإنما
الأدلة الأخرى قد نحتاجها لو أردنا أن نهلك منهم أكثر من هذا العدد!!
And so like if America at this time; the issue to hit with these weapons [mass destruction] is permissible without mentioning the evidence of the second section the following (evidence of general legality); because Allah Almighty says “to punish in similar fashion as you were afflicted”, and the Almighty says “Attack who attacks you in similar ways as you were attacked,” and the Almighty says “Pay evil with evil,” so the observer sees American aggression on Muslims and their lands during the past decades concludes the permission to use aggression with reciprocity only as has been collected by some of the brothers the number of dead from amongst the Muslims with their weapons of direct and indirect, methods to bring the number close to ten million. And as for the lands that [America] burned with their bombs and their explosives and rockets not one can enumerate except Allah, and whatever else happened in Afghanistan and Iraq, and this is what caused the wars on many of the Muslims causing homelessness. So if bomb is launched at them that will kill ten million of them, and it will burn their land as much as they burned the Muslim lands this is therefore permissible without the need to mention any other evidence, but other evidence may be needed if we are to perish of them more than this number!
(Photo of Nasr Al-Fahd)
English: The Message Regarding The Ruling For Using Weapons of Mass Destruction Against the Unbelievers
In the “Message Regarding The Ruling For Using Weapons of Mass Destruction” ISIS gives the evidence from Islamic ruling in what Americans need to begin to learn more about, the Islamic teaching of Tabyeet. It is derived from several jurisprudence. For example, Al-Bahutti from his work titled Kashf Al-Qina’ (Removing The Veil) #3/49:
It takes pages to provide all the rulings from the top Muslim jurisprudence. One example is from Al-Sarkhasi #4111/1:
(قال: ولا بأس للمسلمين أن يحرقوا حصون المشركين بالنار، أو يغرقوها بالماء، وأن ينصبوا عليها المجاني ، وأن يقطعوا عنهم الماء، وأن يجعلوا في مائهم الدم والعذرة والسم حتى يفسدوه
عليهم، لأنا أمرنا بقهرهم وكسر شوكتهم؛”
He said: “There is nothing wrong for Muslims to burn the infidels fortresses with fire, or to drown them with water and poison them and cut off their water, and to make their water bitter by pouring blood and menstrual blood and poison until they spoil it for them because we were ordered to belittle them and to break their unity”
But such finds are nothing new. In fact, recently, sent out an SOS regarding such plans posted on Youtube which they (Youtube) refused to delete. These plans included how to execute them with full detail step-by-step videos not only on bomb making, rocket making and how to kill and destroy life and infrastructure but on how to step-by-step methods to manufacture RDX and C4 very highly explosives including 82 detailed complete lessons on how to manufacture RPG rockets from beginning to end including the launchers and Qassam rockets, the type that is lobbed by Hamas on Israel. We even asked THE CITIZEN (you) to flag and warn and call the FBI ( and fight to remove this evil, but to no avail.
In our report, we even showed a glimpse of what we were revealing:
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