Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sydney jihadi registered an Australian toll-free phone number, ending with the numbers 4JIHAD


There is abundant evidence that the Sydney hostage-taker was an Islamic jihadist, motivated by the quran and the example of Muhammad. But predictably, the enemedia is in full spin mode — he was mentally ill, he was making a political statement, anything at all they can think of to say so as to avoid calling it what it really was: jihad.

Here, my friend Ezra Levant cuts through the nonsense and talks sense.
australia jihad
“It was an act of jihad,” by Ezra Levant, QMI Agency, December 15, 2014:
On Monday, a Muslim terrorist entered a restaurant in downtown Sydney, Australia, and took 17 customers and staff hostage.
He said he had a gun, and bombs, and that there were bombs planted elsewhere in Sydney too.
The terrorist immediately used some of the hostages as human shields, making them stand in front of the store’s plate glass window, with their hands up, to block any police sniper shots. He also made them hold up the black flag of Muslim extremists.
In the centre of that flag was a Muslim prayer called the shahada, and its use as the text on a black flag is a signature of al-Qaida and affiliated terrorist groups, including Al Nusra in Syria and the Islamic State. In fact, his first demands, relayed through hostages who he forced to record video messages, were that Australian authorities provide him with an “official” Islamic State flag and that it be known that his attack was in the name of the Islamic State.
And just in case all that was too subtle, the terrorist wore a headband with a Muslim message on it too.
And yet the chatter amongst the media for the first hours – as echoed by early police and political statements – was the absurd insistence that the terrorist’s motives were unclear.
So the world’s media, who overwhelmingly have no problem identifying racism as the motive of American police who shoot black suspects, were utterly baffled about the cause of this restaurant hostage taking.
Hours later, the identity of the terrorist became known. He was a Muslim immigrant from Iran, Sheikh Man Haron Monis.
Monis was well known to both the police and the media. He was a vicious, mean-spirited bigot, who wrote personal letters to the widows of Australian soldiers who had died in battle, saying they were immoral, and going to hell.
He had registered an Australian toll-free phone number, ending with the numbers 4JIHAD.
He blamed Australian women who were raped for dressing immodestly – as in, not wearing an Iran-style bodybag.
And he allegedly had moved from mere hate to violence, facing charges of sexually assaulting women and with being an accessory to the murder of his own wife.
And yet the media remains unconvinced. Most still refuse to call it “terrorism” – preferring the phrase “siege” or “hostage taking” or the even more banal “crime.”
Of course they do. Anything to deracinate the man’s actions, to strip them of their political and religious roots.
Australia’s leading Muslim imams issued a statement denouncing Monis, echoing the media’s feigned ignorance of his motives, twice calling it a criminal act. It was criminal, of course. But more importantly, it was an act of jihad, an act of holy war.
And that’s one thing the Australian imams have never renounced: the jihad.
They will not denounce the jihad, or holy war. Let alone actively countering the ideology of jihad, and the propagation of jihad, and the teaching of jihad, and the veneration of jihadists.
Until they do – and until we demand the same from Canadian Muslim leaders too – don’t expect the violence to stop.
- See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/12/sydney-jihadi-registered-an-australian-toll-free-phone-number-ending-with-the-numbers-4jihad.html/#sthash.CCmDH4Bw.dpuf

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