Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thousands Protest Parallel 'Sharia Societies' in Germany
issue 144

Thousands Protest Parallel 'Sharia Societies' in Germany
The protests are part of a burgeoning grassroots movement calling for an end to the spread of Islamic Sharia law in Germany. More

Those arrested have been charged with forming a terrorist organization and trying to seize control of the state.
Erdogan Orders Sweeping Arrests of Opposition Journalists

Taliban militants launched a brutal attack on a school in Peshawar. 132 children were murdered. The army killed all 6 terrorists involved in the attack.
Taliban Massacre 145 in Attack on School in Pakistan

Sheikh Haron was dropped from Australia's terrorist-watch list, maybe because of manipulative semantics he used to appear non-threatening.
Sydney Attacker: 'Man of Peace'

It can take decades to reverse the damage caused by appeasement. Our enemies should never be allowed to attack us without regretting it.
US Appeasement of Iran, Cuba, N. Korea Shows Terror Works

The 'Honor Diaries' team is proud to announce the installment of two billboards - one in Boston, and one in Dearborn, Michigan, featuring quotes from President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle condemning female genital mutilation (FGM).
Tragedy: Young Woman Fleeing Harasser Jumps To Death
Indonesia Province Poised to Apply Sharia Law on Non-Muslims

Prominent Saudi Cleric: Women Don't Need to Wear Face Veil

The Islamic State's Sex-Slavery - The Tip of the Iceberg

Largest Islamic Charity Sends Millions to Hamas Yearly

FBI Statistics Belie Claims of Rampant Anti-Muslim Crime

Turkey's Erdogan Takes New Power Over Judiciary Branch

Indonesia: Aceh Canes Gamblers Playing Cards for Money
Indonesia's Aceh province publicly floggs citizens for a variety of sharia offenses. Now, the governor is set to sign off on legislation making sharia law applicable to non-Muslim and foreign residents of Aceh.

Australian Father of Jihadi Blames PM for Daughter's Radicalization, Death in Syria

Clarion's Ryan Mauro on Australian Hostage Taker: He Pretended to Be Peaceful`

Sexual Harassment in Egypt: An Epidemic
Andrew McCarthy: Sharia is Defining Mission of Muslim Brotherhood
"The defining mission of the Muslim Brotherhood is the implementation of sharia."
- Andrew C. McCarthy
Former Assistant United States Attorney, New York
Appeasing the Ayatollahs and Suppressing Democracy: U.S. Policy and the Iranian Opposition
By Raymond Tanter
Iran is emerging as the primary threat against the United States and its allies in its drive to acquire nuclear weapons, continuing support for and involvement with terrorist networks, publicly stated opposition to the Arab-Israel peace process, disruptive role in Iraq, expansionist radical ideology, and its denial of basic human rights to its own population. These are challenges confronting U.S. policymakers. In trying to solve the puzzle posed by Iran, this report suggests that Iranian opposition groups play a central role in U.S. policymaking.
-- E.B.
Re: Spiritual Head of Muslim Brotherhood Wanted by Interpol - "It is time. He should have been arrested years ago. But what about Al Jazera and Qatar? In fact he is just a mouthpiece for Qatari rulers."
-- E.B.
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