Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Prayers for Kafirs


Since over half of Islamic doctrine is about Kafirs (non-Muslims), it follows that prayers would include Kafirs too, so every day, a Muslim prays for the punishment and suffering of all Kafirs. The prayers also follow the Koranic doctrine that Muslims are not to be a true friend of them. Muslims are to forsake and turn away from Kafirs.
Not only are all Kafirs to suffer punishment in hell, but Christians and Jews are singled out to be worthy of Allah's anger and are condemned in their beliefs.
In the end, all references to Kafirs in Islamic prayer are negative, demeaning and hateful.
Bill Warner, Director, Center for the Study of Political Islam
copyright (c) CSPI, LLC,
Use as needed, just give credit and do not edit.

Bill Warner | | Political Islam . com | PO Box 90806 Nashville, TN 37209 | Nashville, TN 37203

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