Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Australia Mulls Stripping Jihadists of Citizenship & Children

Australia Mulls Stripping Jihadists of Citizenship & Children

Wed, May 27, 2015
A child poses in one of the Islamic State's online propaganda images.
A child poses in one of the Islamic State's online propaganda images.
Australian terrorists may have their children placed into state care on their return from waging Jihad overseas, said Immigration Minister Peter Dutton.

His remarks were in answer to a question about an Australian whose husband is a fighter for the Islamic State currently considering return with her five children from the Middle East.

Dutton said the woman, Tara Nettleton, may be charged with terrorist offences herself. Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis, he added.
“If they're infants, for example, then they would be in state care, as we've seen with some people who have decided to abandon their children and go off and fight," he told reporters. “So those arrangements would operate as they would with any family where parents have abandoned their children or not acting in the best interests of their children.”

The news came as Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott unveiled new measures that would strip Australians fighting for the Islamic State of their citizenship.

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