Syria’s Collapse & Netanyahu’s GRAVE Miscalculation: Hitched Israel To Obama’s “Rebel” Bandwagon! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

AS joined-at-the-hip as Syria’s Assad is with his benefactor, Iran’s Hiterlite regime, the fact remains that in relationship to Israel – vis-a-vis the shared northern border – he was all bark and no bite. In other words, every so often he would saber rattle about “taking back the Golan”, yet, he knew better than to start a shooting war. Regardless, whatever else he did at the behest of Iran was not lost on Israeli intelligence, and they clearly dealt with its ramifications for over 40 years. Quiet ensued.
BUT somewhere along the line a GRAVE miscalculation was made by PM Netanyahu, when he decided to aid and abet HUSSEIN Obama’s “rebels” – al-Nusra/al-Qaeda offshoots who are thoroughly aligned with ISIS – as a bulwark against Hezbollah! Wait and see…
TO build the above case, specifically May 22, 2013, this investigative journalist gave a major interview for the record: “The Inquisitr Interviews Adina Kutnicki: The Reality Of Life For An Israeli Patriot”. Within it many issues were examined, but as to Syria the following was noted:
Wolff Bachner: How dangerous is life in Israel and how serious is the threat to Israel’s survival from her Arab Neighbors?
Adina Kutnicki: This is a loaded question, simply because on a daily basis life in Israel is just as normal (and routine) as in any other democratic nation, although the constant presence of IDF soldiers throughout its cities (and thankfully so), in tandem with the inspection of ones bags/cars at various venues, is not exactly “normal”. But the U.S. will surely have to adopt some of these measures, particularly in the aftermath of Boston’s urban jihad.
Be that as it may, there is no other democracy as imperiled as Israel, simply by dint of the fact that many world actors (in unison with civil society elitists) continually call for its elimination, albeit some are more circumspect than others. As a matter of record, aside from incessant exhortations from the Iranian Hilter – as he calls for Israel’s total obliteration and he means every word of it – as well as non-stop terror attacks from the PA/Fatah/Hamas junta (Israel’s erstwhile “peace” partners), the fact of the matter is that the region is fully primed for a MEGA explosion, even in juxtaposition to its usual upheavals.
Alas, the current chaos can be traced directly back to Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s indecorous unseating of Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s strong arm dictator for decades. While hardly a democrat, he understood very well which actors would become unleashed, if the status quo was tampered with. As a result, the much ballyhooed “Arab Spring” turned into an Arab Nightmare, untethering jihadist forces in warp speed. So if blame is to be assigned to the current catastrophe – and it is one – it must start at the Commander-in-Chief’s door, as he shrilly dictated to Mubarak – GO NOW!
Concomitantly, as this is being written, Israel’s northern front with Syria, as well as its border with Lebanon, is a tinderbox. Hezbollah’s terror brigades, in concert with Iranian militia forces, are poised to strike at Israel’s Golan. And with Israel barely the size of some counties in the U.S., let alone relative to its states, the notion that “only” one part of Israel is in the cross hairs is patently and dangerously misguided. Absurd too. Extrapolating therein, it is essential to understand the following: the Golan has been quiet for over forty years, but this is no longer the case. Most significantly, now that Al-Qaeda has entered the fray via Libya’s Benghazigate, the fear which deterred Assad from starting another war with Israel is no longer a factor. Desperate to save his regime, he has openly welcomed Russian and Iranian proxies to fight on his behalf. This has tipped the “balance of regional terror”, and its effects will soon play out on Israel’s borders. The readers should internalize, in the middle of all this chaos the Iranian centrifuges keep spinning, as such, the ensuing conflagration suits them well…continue reading here…
THAT being said, fast forward two years onward, ISIS is gobbling up Syria and Iraq, and is poised to lay waste to the region and beyond. But one has to honestly lay the facts on the table and see where they lead. Land.
AS repeatedly assessed at this site, most recently, on May 26, 2015: the “ISIS-Monster (Iran Alike) Is Fed By HUSSEIN Obama: Knock-On Effects Of Illegal Libya War & More.” The leader of the free world (through incendiary actions and derelict inaction) has brought the Mid East to the brink. Guaranteed, its eventual blow back will reverberate in the U.S. – sooner than later. Yes, related proofs are conclusive and manifest…continue here…
IN this regard, it also has been proven that PM Netanyahu is incapable of extricating himself from HUSSEIN Obama’s demands, even though it appears otherwise. Evidence abounds within another interview from March 17, 2015, and its basis is manifestly clear: “ISIS, Islam and Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free World.”
TO wit, the above leads us to the latest news:
Just a week after losing the big Palmyra air base to the Islamic State – and with it large stocks of ammo and military equipment – Syrian military and air units Wednesday, May 27, began pulling out of the big air base at Deir ez-Zour. This was Bashar Assad’s last military stronghold in eastern Syria and the last air facility for enabling fighter-bombers to strike ISIS forces in northeastern Syria and the western Iraqi province of Anbar.
His surrender of the Deir ez-Zour base is evidence that the Syrian president has run out of fighting strength for defending both his front lines and his air bases. He is also too tied down to be able to transfer reinforcements from front to front. He is therefore pulling in the remnants of his army from across the country for the defense of the capital, Damascus.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the Islamic State now has in its sights the Syrian army’s biggest air facility, T4 Airbase, which is located on the fast highway linking Homs with Damascus 140 km away.
It is home base for the bulk of the air force’s fighters and bombers. In its hangars are an estimated 32 MiG-25 fighters, as well as smaller numbers of MiG-25PDS interceptors, designed for combat with the Israeli air force, MiG-25RBT bombers-cum-surveillance planes; MiG-25PU trainers, which are routinely used to strike rebel forces in crowded built-up areas, and advanced MiG-29SM fighter jets.
Stationed there too are 20 advanced Su-24M2 bombers, the strategic backbone of the Syrian air force.
T4 Airbase also holds the largest Syrian stocks of guided bombs, air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles.
In the last few hours, air crews have been frantically removing these warplanes from T4 and distributing them among smaller bases in central Syria, at the cost of their operational effectiveness.
In the space of a week, therefore, Bashar Assad has lost three of his major air bases, including Palmyra, where Iranian and Russian air freights had been landing regularly with fresh supplies of ordnance and spare parts for his army.
Our military experts say that this bonanza frees ISIS to cut off the eastern, northern and central regions from the capital, and deprive the Syrian and Hizballah units battling for control of the Qalamoun Mts of air support against rebel and Islamist forces.
If they manage to take T4 as well, the Islamists will be able to prevent US jets from taking off for strikes against them in Syria, or bombing the their forces which have seized long stretches of the fast highway from Homs to Damascus.

ALONG this dangerous terrain, certain matters have come to this investigative journalist’s attention, being an American-Israeli living in Israel. Significantly (and attributed to a Golani Druze journalist, who shall remain nameless), he interviewed Syrian Druze and they credibly documented ISIS, for quite some time, inside their border, one which is adjacent to Israel’s Golan!
THE urgent query becomes: could it be remotely possible, in any rational reality – with Israel’s second to none “eyes in the sky” and other operational capabilities – that they haven’t seen the “rebels” merging with ISIS, long before this week’s “announcement”? Whom are they kidding?
IN this regard, there is a growing sense of outrage within the Druze community, as they realize that Israel’s leadership “lent” the IDF to quarterback for Obama’s “rebels”, those whom have proven to be (many months ago) ISIS affiliated.
IT gets worse.
ONCE again, a source has confirmed an unfathomable situation: Israel’s gov’t is clearly taking care of the medical needs of Obama’s “rebels”.
REPORTEDLY (another contact would have to go into hiding, if his identity was revealed), Israeli hospitals are at their disposal! Therefore, it is up to others to document the story’s underlying basis.
IN April 2014, over 10 Islamists (identified as either ISIS or Al-Nusra…six of one, half a dozen of another) were being treated in a Tsfat hospital for almost an entire month. To wit, they were separated from the rest of the patients, they were forbidden to walk around the hospital, and they were always guarded by IDF soldiers. By the way, it doesn’t matter a wit how this source was able to identify their presence. That’s neither here nor there…continue here…
MIND you, the aforementioned source witnessed the above with his own eyes, even though open source got wind of it in the aftermath.
CONCLUSIVELY, a Feb. 2015 commentary “foreshadowed” ISIS’s catapult and its blow back to Israel alike. So, isn’t it now clear why (and how) a May 2015 analysis pinpointed the out-sized dangers via “Islamic Mega Alert: ISIS Marches On Jordan, Israel In The Cross Hairs?”
BESIDES, what kind of rational leadership believes that Sunni jihadists are the “preferred” terror address to push back against Iran’s proxy pawn in Syria? Not only that, but since 40 plus years of quiet was already in the bag, why jeopardize all that to prop up Sunni terrorists, in the vain expectation that they would be the “better” option to replace Assad?
RESULTANT, indictment rendered against HUSSEIN Obama and his purposeful Mid East fires, in tandem with Israel’s joined-at-the-hip leadership.
VISE-like. Full circle. Indeed, the well-worn adage, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” is about to blow back with a cruel vengeance!
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