Tahera Ahmad, Muslim Diet Coke Whiner, Tried to Censor Ayaan Hirsi Ali

If you read the news, then you already know that the greatest tragedy of the decade was the unfathomably sad story of Tahera Ahmad, a Muslim activist who wanted an unopened Diet Coke, but didn’t get one.
Why? According to her, it’s Islamophobia. Either that or aliens.
Ali is a woman who genuinely suffered and overcame more serious challenges than a lack of Diet Coke on a plane.
Here are some of the challenges that Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Tahera Ahmad overcame in their lives.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali – was subjected to female genital mutilation
Tahera Ahmad – didn’t get a diet coke on a plane
Ayaan Hirsi Ali – realized that the religion she had been raised in preached violence and oppression leading her to transform her understanding of her life
Tahera Ahmad – didn’t get a diet coke on a plane
Ayaan Hirsi Ali – faced multiple death threats
Ayaan Hirsi Ali – didn’t get a diet coke on a plane
And yet you just know that a few months from now Tahera Ahmad will be invited to the White House, she’ll receive an honorary degree that was denied to Ayaan Hirsi Ali and a golden ticket from United Airlines.
And maybe a lifetime supply of Diet Coke.
This is what Muslim Privilege looks like. Tahera Ahmad reminds us of the levels of entitlement accorded to Muslim women while those women who choose to reject its teachings are terrorized, threatened and murdered.
And when they aren’t, the left treats them like unwanted garbage while celebrating the martyrdom of Tahera Ahmad and her Diet Coke.
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