Wednesday, May 27, 2015

WEDNESDAY Security Update:Is America The Greatest Country Ever?

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site
Obama would have us believe Muslims are "peace virgins": One undertaking an act of violence loses this virginity and is no longer entitled status as a Muslim.

President Obama - in his what me, worry stance - indicated this setback will not change the tempo of U.S. operations.

If Lloyd's results hold, the IPCC may have to revise how much warming it attributes to mankind.

Biard noted how unique were such "little victories" concerning speech on Islam.

All this got us to thinking about the negative comments made about America from many sources lately, much of which seems to stem from this current White House for some reason.

It's hard to destroy something if you don't know what it is. And it's hard to know what a thing is if you won't even call it by its name or name its ideology.

As always, Obama's version of reality is at odds with the known facts.

Don't miss out on the latest

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

·  O'Reilly Talking Points:War and peace in the USA

·  Lee Greenwood: Musician talks controversies in America on 'Hannity'
·  Obama admin still underestimates, has no plan for ISIS?
·  Brit Hume on the fallout over Obama's Memorial Day remarks
·  Matthew Continetti on CNN Breaks Down The Free Beacon's Unearthing of The Stephanopoulos Donations
·  Federal court won't lift hold on Obama's immigration action

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