Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Boston Jihadis and the Left’s War on the Police

The Boston Jihadis and the Left’s War on the Police



In Usaama Rahim, the Left’s war on the police and the Islamic State’s war on cartoonists of Muhammad have come together. No surprise: they were always in service of the same goals.
Usaama Rahim died Tuesday morning in Boston after being shot dead by agents of the Joint Terrorism Task Force. The victim’s brother, the prominent moderate imam Ibrahim Rahim, presented the tragic story stoically, with trust in Allah and a request for prayers:
Your prayers are requested:
This morning while at the bus stop in Boston, my youngest brother Usaama Rahim was waiting for the bus to go to his job. He was confronted by three Boston Police officers and subsequently shot in the back three times. He was on was on his cell phone with my dear father during the confrontation needing a witness. His last words to my father who heard the shots were:
I can’t breathe!
While at the hospital, Usaama Rahim died!
From Allah we come, and to Allah we return.
Imam Ibrahim Rahim
“I can’t breathe!” Ring a bell? It certainly did to Leftist and Islamic supremacist activists who saw Usaama Rahim as their next Eric Garner or Michael Brown, another sainted victim they could use to defame police and limit their powers. Islamic supremacist Linda Sarsour complained that by charging that Rahim had been involved in jihad terror plotting, activities “have added a national security component to divide and conquer the movement. At the end of the day, a Black man was shot on a bus stop on his way to work and we should treat this like any other case of police violence. All we want is answers to our questions.”

Zahra Billoo of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said flatly that the shooting of Rahim “was murder – murder of a black Muslim man.” Her Hamas-linked CAIR colleague Dawud Walid: “I’m not quick to believe the FBI’s narrative about who was supposedly trying to join [ISIS]. I have no reason to believe them in this case. However even if that was true, that doesn’t justify excessive force – the family states that he was shot in the back. Moreover, he was on the phone with his dad as law enforcement approached him then fatally shot him.”

There was just one problem with the tearjerker scenario of an innocent Muslim, a black man, talking on the phone with his beloved father when he was shot in the back by cowardly, racist police, setting him up to echo the now-iconic words of Eric Garner as he struggled for his last breath: it wasn’t true.

After viewing surveillance video of the incident, Darnell Williams, president and chief executive of urban league of Eastern Massachusetts, contradicted Ibrahim Rahim’s account: “What the video does reveal to us very clearly is that the individual was not on the cellphone, the individual was not shot in the back and that the information reported by others that that was the case was inaccurate.” Imam Abdullah Faaruuq was likewise skeptical of Ibrahim Rahim’s story, albeit less definite: “I don’t think that he was shot in the back. … However we couldn’t see clearly at all. It was very far away. We can’t be clear as to what transpired. We can’t say what happened. We weren’t there. We do see a very vague video that is not clear as to what transpired. It wasn’t at a bus stop. He wasn’t shot in the back and there is not detail enough on the video to tell us exactly what happened.”

Further complicating the scenario of Usaama Rahim as victim of racist police brutality have been the revelations of his conversations with his fellow jihadi, Dawud Sharif Wright, aka Dawud Sharif Abdul Khaliq, formerly known as David Wright. Rahim told Abdul Khaliq: “I just got myself a nice little tool. You know it’s good for carving wood and like, you know, carving sculptures…and you know…” It was a 15-inch-long Ontario Spec Plus Marine Raider Bowie fighting knife with a ​9.75 inch blade.

Rahim told Abdul Khaliq about his plan to behead someone outside of Massachusetts — apparently Pamela Geller: CNN called her for comment on the fact that she was the target. So apparently Rahim and Abdul Khaliq were not just inspired in a general way by the Islamic State, but specifically by their call to murder those who dare defy Sharia blasphemy laws and draw Muhammad.

On Tuesday, however, Rahim changed his mind, and decided to strike police in Massachusetts instead: “Yeah I’m going to be on vacation right here in Massachusetts… I’m just going to go ah go after them, those boys in blue, Cause, ah, its the easiest target and, ah, the most common is the easiest for me.”

He did go after them, thereby earning for himself martyr status from the likes of Linda Sarsour and Zahra Billoo. And truly, Usaama Rahim does indeed deserve to be remembered, but not as a victim of racist, trigger-happy, Islamophobic police. Rather, he should be remembered as the point of convergence between the Left’s war on the police and the Islamic supremacist jihad on the freedom of speech.

The ultimate goal of the Left’s war on the police is blood in the streets, and the collapse and downfall of American society. Islamic supremacists hope to capitalize upon that chaos by overseeing the imposition of Islamic law – while any who resist are kept silent by “hate speech” codes that forestall any criticism of the new societal system. Thus the war on the police and the war on free speech converge: they’re both about breaking down the old authorities and the old system, and installing a radically new order.

Fanciful? Far-fetched? Sure. But violence committed to that end, and the burning of entire cities, isn’t far-fetched at all: it’s present-day reality. We are in days of testing and trial. Will we defend free society, or slip into the darkness of chaos and violence that the Ibrahim Rahims and Linda Sarsours are trying so hard to bring to us? Will our elected leaders stand up to these forces of disintegration, despair, and destruction, or hold fast?

The answer will be different for each one of them, and for each one of us.

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