Brotherhood’s Plans To Conquer West: “Phased” Plan + “Master” Plan – Ahead Of Schedule!! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
IT is impossible to connect the dots between the horrific jihadi barbarism swathing across the globe without veering back, thus, exposing, its twin pillars: Its religious veneer and its hydra-based genesis.
RESPECTIVELY, the Koran (as upheld by Shariah Law) and the Brotherhood Mafia become its central components and focal points. But while most westerners haven’t a clue about these interconnecting dots, the same cannot be said for (most) of the west’s top political and security leadership, even though a preponderance down the food chain are clueless.
IN the main, unmasking Islam’s so-called “prophet”, Muhammad, knocks down the first pillar. This task is not for the faint of heart, regardless, it is mandatory. Hard-core.
TO wit, under said truth-telling paradigms a national and rational discourse would ensue, if a omerta by Islam’s mouthpieces (mostly via CAIR) and their leftist apologists wasn’t sanctioned by America’s top leadership; the heretofore western standard-bearer! Resultant, the dangerous underbelly of Islam is left intact by the west’s abject failure to reveal two core imperatives:
Firstly, the unmasking of Islam as a religion, per se. Concomitantly, its essence, as a full-on quasi-religious doctrine for political control, is shielded from public discourse.
SO, once the above is digested for what it is, let’s move quickly to the aforementioned twin pillar: The hydra-linked Brotherhood Mafia.
IN a nutshell, regardless of anything else, there is NO discernible diff between one Islamic group and another. Their internal struggles are two-fold: Tactical and hegemonic. Regardless, all aspire to kill the infidel (aka kafir…كافر) and subsume the west under Shariah Law’s control. Basically, they utilize several Islamic mandates to wage their slaughter. Mind you, ISIS is an offshoot of al-Qadea, al-Qaeda is a progeny of the Muslim Brotherhood, and so it goes up and down the jihadi line.
The Egyptian Minister of Religious Endowments says that the Islamic State terrorist group (also known as ISIS or ISIL) was birthed from the Muslim Brotherhood movement, according to an October 13 report in an Egyptian newspaper called the Seventh Day.
Other Egyptian leaders have made the case in recent days that the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist terrorist groups belong in the same category as the Islamic State. The Egyptian government has banned the Muslim Brotherhood and its Palestinian branch, Hamas, as terrorist groups.
According to the report, Dr. Mohamed Mokhtar Gomaa said that the Muslim Brotherhood is the progenitor of the Islamic State and similar terrorist groups. He accused the Brotherhood of disrupting education at Egyptian universities and said the group is harmful to Islam.
The Islamic State used to be Al-Qaeda’s branch in Iraq. Al-Qaeda’s leaders are known to have been influenced by the Brotherhood, but the two groups sparred over the latter’s relative restraint and involvement in elections.
The Islamic State is publicly hostile to the Brotherhood, though the two have nearly identical goals.
NOT only that, this investigative journalist’s evidence has proven – six ways to Sunday – all of the above. It is that simple. Don’t make the (fatal) mistake of trying to separate one hydra from another.
NOW that it’s settled, let’s get down to brass jihadi tacks: Their Plans – “Phased” and “Master”!
Adina Kutnicki: Indeed, let’s, as a first stop, hop aboard our Inquisitr journey with “The Plan”. At its core, “The Plan” is a detailed blueprint, one which the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood adheres to – and augments as necessary – to infiltrate and penetrate the west, but most intrinsically they are targeting America, the “Great Satan”. It is the main linchpin to the west’s fall. “The Plan’s” basic goals are described thusly:
Phase 1: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.
Phase 2: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.
Phase 3: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam.
Editor’s Note: One of the hot spots of conversion to Islam is America’s extensive system of prisons.
Phase 4: Openly hostile public confrontation over US policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.
Phase 5: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad).
While each phase has many subsections and takes years to implement, the fact of the matter is that their goals have been ongoing for decades. They are rapidly, stealth-fully bearing fruit.
Editors note: The following statement revealing the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for America was found in an internal Brotherhood document and presented into evidence during the Holy Land Foundation terror financing trials in 2007 and 2008.
“The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and by the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”FOR the record, they are entering Phase 5. This is a fact. But onto the “Master” Plan, and its piggyback to the synchronized attacks in Paris:
Paris was attacked because the Islamic State, the latest version of the Islamo-apocalyptic movement, has decided that Western democracies, representing the “Infidel” world, are no longer prepared to fight even to preserve their comfortable lives. The Paris attacks came on the first day of the Muslim lunar month of Safar, which coincides with the anniversary of the Prophet Mohammed’s first successful “ghazva” (raid) against the “infidel” at Safwan in 623 AD.
The Islamic State is already referring to the Paris attacks as another “ghazva,” promising many more. The aim is to terrorize all mankind into submitting to the diktats of The Only True Faith.
This is how Sheikh Abu-Bakr Naji, the late theoretician of the Sunni version of the Islamo-apocalyptic movement, put it: “No one should feel safe without submitting, and those who refuse to submit must pay a high price. The aim of our movement is to turn the world into a series of wildernesses in which only those under our rule enjoy security.”
The sheikh’s neo-jihadi theory was explained a decade ago in his magnum opus “Governance in the Wilderness” (“Edarat al Tawwahush”). The book rejected al Qaeda’s theory of war based on the assumption that “the infidel” would succumb to Islamic rule with a few spectacular attacks such as 9/11 against New York and Washington. The sheikh further examines what he calls “the five schools of jihad” to reveal their inadequacies.
According to the sheikh, in a world dominated by “Crusaders,” it is not possible to create a proper Islamic state in a single country. He cites as example the Taliban government in Afghanistan. Although a proper Islamic regime, it did not survive “infidel” attacks and opposition by Afghan elements.
The Islamic movement must become global, fighting everywhere, all the time, and on all fronts. He wants neo-jihadis to create an archipelago of “wildernesses” in non-Muslim countries, especially in the West, turning them into parallel societies alongside existing ones. They do not set up formal governments that could be vulnerable to economic pressure or even military attack.
To our neo-jihadi sheikh, these parallel societies could resemble “liberated zones” set up by Marxist guerrillas in parts of Latin America in the last century. But they could also exist within cities, under the noses of the authorities, operating as secret societies with their own rules, values and enforcement mechanisms.
The “wilderness” will provide cover for operational bases. Jihad would be everywhere rather than in just one or two countries that the “infidel” could hit with superior firepower.
The sheikh recommends “countless small operations” that render daily life unbearable rather than a few spectacular attacks such as 9/11. The idea is that the “infidel,” leaving his home every morning, should not be sure whether he would be alive in the evening.
The sheikh believed that, if subjected to constant intimidation and fear of death, most non-Muslims, especially in the West, would submit to Islam in exchange for a minimum of tranquility. The only Western power still capable of resisting was the United States. But that, too, would change with a new president. (That was before Obama was elected.) In any case, the sheikh, quoting historian Paul Kennedy, has no doubt that “America is destined to fall.”
The sheikh’s theory is built on the concept of terror as the main organizing principle of the mini-states he hopes to set up in preparation for the coming caliphate.
The Islamic State’s message is stark: Western civilization is doomed. Its last bastion, America, lacks the will for war. The infidel loves life and treats it as an endless feast. Jihadis have to ruin that feast and persuade the “infidel” to abandon this world in exchange for greater rewards in the next.
Terrorism is a beast with an extraordinary ability to mutate. As soon as its victims have learned to cope with its methods, it develops new ones. Groups of anarchists throwing bombs follow the lone assassin who targets a king or a political leader.
The hijacking of passenger jets is replaced by the transformation of aircraft into missiles against fixed buildings. All the time, the intention is to terrorize the largest number of people, eroding the ordinary man’s confidence in the ability of the authorities to protect him, and, in the long run, persuading a majority of the people, who just want to live their lives, to trade their freedom for the security that the terrorist promises in his utopia.
Paris was attacked not because of what the French do, as some blame-the-West intellectuals claim, but because of what the French are: infidels who refuse to see the light of Islam. The hope is that just as the Prophet forced the Arab tribes to accept Islam in exchange for protection, the “infidel” nations will also decide that it is in their best interest to submit.
MOST significantly, it matters not a whit what Americans (westerners at large) think about Islam’s 7th century barbarians, other than understanding what drives them. In reality, said monsters don’t give a damn what any westerner believes. Even so, what absolutely matters is that they run circles around the west. Yes, the reality is that they have the leadership (of what remains) of the free world in their pockets. Consequentially, they have CLEAR plans, while America (the west in toto) is spinning its wheels. Well, anyone who is rational intuits what this vast gap in determination portends. So, unless the calculus changes – and immediately – they have every reason to crow!
LIKE typical ingrates, the notion of threatening the White House – their best western friend – is akin to biting the hand that feeds and sustains you. Oh, well.
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