Monday, November 23, 2015

Islamization of Europe: Germany´s Downshifting.

Islamization of Europe: Germany´s Downshifting.

German Muslims want official Muslim holidays in Germany. 49763.jpeg
In the early 80s,  Muslim population in Germany  was 56,000 people.

In 2009, there were already 5 million of them, or about 5% of the total population. Most of German Muslims are Turks.

This year, Germany will consider 800,000 requests for asylum from citizens of Syria, Iraq and Africa. We are talking only about asylum seekers; nobody even tries to count the exact number of illegal immigrants.

In five years, the Muslim population of Germany will thus double to reach the level of ten million people, or 12 percent of the population.

What German Muslims think and feel was reflected in the results of a survey conducted in August of 2014 by the Institute Info GmbH. Sixty-two percent of German Turks would prefer to live in a compact community. Nearly half (46 percent) would like to see Germany as a country where Muslims are more numerous than Christians. The Institute’s Director Holger Liljeberg told Die Welt that among the respondents, 37 percent identified themselves as very religious, and only nine percent – secular, which is more than in 2010. Forty-four percent pray at least once a day, 34 percent make it mandatory to have five prayers a day. The greatest religiousness is observed in the younger age group. This was also indicated by the Interior Ministry of Germany that claimed that 24 percent of German Muslims without citizenship at the age of 14 to 32 years are extremely religious, and have a negative attitude towards Western values.

In many schools of big cities, Muslim students are already the majority, whereas the number of mosques grows rapidly (in the beginning of the century, there were 50 of them, and now there are 2,660 chapels and 143 classic mosques with minarets).

And it´s not Muslims who assimilate to German culture; it´s Germans who become assimilated in their own country.

In menus of German kindergartens and school cafeterias, halal meat has become commonplace, and pork dishes are hard to find. Muslim girls are exempt from physical education; they do not participate in school activities, because devout Muslims do not want to take up Western values. Catholic and Protestant families have halved baptism ceremonies, because parents want to leave the choice of religion to children.

Looks like Germans, in an attack of a collective madness, hurry to delete from their memories any record that Germany used to be a Christian country. It´s something a History of Mankind has never known: a nation quite voluntarily renounces of its culture. Let´s not forget; we are talking about German Culture, one of the greatest cultures on Earth; Turkish culture near it looks rather insignificant.

However, Germans remain indifferent as their traditional values ​​are being replaced with alien ones. Moreover, they think they have not done enough to eradicate their  Christian and cultural roots, and  are ready to go on.

The former Federal President Christian Wulff declared that “Islam was part of Germany.” Some lands and cities with federal status (Hamburg, Bremen, Hesse, Baden-Württemberg) have approved the Muslim holidays as official. The mayor of the city of Hamburg (SPD), signing an agreement with the Muslim community, said that it would certainly be “a revolutionary milestone in the history of the city”. Revolutionary, indeed! The document provides not only the right not to work on Muslim holidays, but also free access of Muslim organizations to prisons, hospitals and schools, the ability to create theological universities and theological schools whose diplomas will be recognized on a legal level, teach the Koran courses in the public schools, and foundations of Islam on an optional basis.  Catholic and Protestant churches refuse to baptize children. Germany starts renaming pubic events; for example, Christmas fairs are now “winter markets” or “festivals of lights.” Bosses congratulate their Muslim employees  on the completion of the Muslim month of Ramadan and send them on a paid holiday leave. Christian symbols and even names  are eliminated all over Germany.

But for Muslims, it´s never enough, and in full accord with the teaching of Muhammad  , the more they get- the more they pressure. Head of the Turkish Community in Germany Kenan Kolat said the Eid al-Fitr (Eid al Adha) should be a day off for ALL German students, not just for Muslims.

Paradoxically, the only hope for Germany to remain a Christian country lies in the eastern part of the country, where the protest actions  organized by the “Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the Occident” (PEGIDA) are attended by dozens of thousands of Eastern Germans.

Interior Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Social Democrat Roger Lewentz, said in an interview with Die Welt: “In the East, migrants cause fear and xenophobia, and to a certain extent what we do in the West, is impossible there.”

It turns out that it is more difficult to convert people into zombies by telling them  absurdities about “tolerance” in the former GDR than in the rest of “democratic” Germany.

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