Friday, November 18, 2016

Congratulations General Michael Flynn


Congratulations General Michael Flynn


We are ecstatic to share with you some very exciting news for both our organization, and our country.
As has been reported by a variety of national news outlets, Lt. Gen Michael Flynn has been offered the prestigious position of National Security Adviser to future President Donald Trump.
We are truly elated to have the General, who currently serves on ACT for America’s Board of Advisers, receive such an honorable designation.
Although it has not been made clear whether, or not Lt. Gen Flynn has officially accepted his position with the Trump administration, this is a remarkable achievement and recognition regardless.
Simply put, LT. Gen Flynn is a man of impeccable character and patriotism.
General Flynn has served as the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, commander of the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and Chairman of the Military Intelligence Board.
flynn2.pngWe can state unequivocally, that America, and the world itself will be a much safer place with someone as knowledgeable and capable as him advising our Commander-in-Chief.
As was noted by CNN’s Peter Bergen,
"What makes Gen. Flynn different from so many others that we've heard about on Donald Trump's transition team is he is the one with the real experience fighting on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq.”
The current National Security Adviser to Barack Obama is Susan Rice.
Yes, that Susan Rice. The one who called Bo Bergdahl, arguably a traitor to his unit and country, as a man who served with “honor and distinction.” and who knowingly lied to the American people about the events of Benghazi, and their root cause.
Imagine how much safer our nation will be when we finally have a man of true integrity and first-hand national security experience serving in such a critical role….
Things are looking up for our country, and this news just helps add to the growing wave of optimism and patriotism sweeping the nation.
We will all sleep easier knowing that a President Donald Trump has the General as his right-hand man when it comes to national security.
So once again, congratulations Lt. Gen Flynn, and thank you for doing all that you have, and will continue to do, for both ACT for America, and our nation itself.
For Freedom,

ACT for America
ACT for America · 869 Lynnhaven Pkwy, Suite 113, #411, Virginia Beach, VA 23452, United States
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