Wednesday, November 2, 2016

UN Plan to Turn the World into an Islamic Colony?

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UN Plan to Turn the World into an Islamic Colony?

by Maria Polizoidou  •  November 2, 2016 at 5:00 am
  • The UN is the mothership of injustice and radical global Islamization.
  • As the UN does not recognize the historical presence and continuity of the Jewish people in their land, the next people on the menu in UNESCO's food chain are most likely the Greeks and then the Italians. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan already said as much last week.
  • No one would be surprised if UNESCO, to institutionalize the Islamic presence in the international community, claims that Greeks have nothing to do with the Acropolis and the Parthenon, and that Italy has no historical ties to the Colosseum in Rome.
  • With the rate of admission of Muslims into Greece, by 2050 the Greeks will be a minority in their own country.
  • The Greek media chose not to inform the Greek people on the attitude of their politicians towards the Jewish nation because it would expose their preference for Islam over Israel, and the Greek people might not see this choice in a positive light.
  • How can Greece credibly ask for help from the global community on the issue of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, when the politicians themselves maintain a neutral attitude on the virtually identical issue of the Jerusalem's Temple Mount?
How can Greece credibly ask for help from the global community on the issue of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul (right), when its politicians maintain a neutral attitude on the virtually identical issue of the Jerusalem's Temple Mount (left)?
When the news arrived that UNESCO does not recognize the connection of the Jewish people to Jerusalem's Temple Mount, it brought to mind that the UN is the mothership of injustice and radical global Islamization. Its members, which include the large bloc of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) -- 56 Islamic nations plus "Palestine" -- evidently believe that if they want to transform the Western world into an Islamic colony, first they must bring down the State of Israel. This resembles the suggestion in ancient Greece of the exiled Greek general, Demaratos, to the king of Persia, Xerxes: If you want Greece to fall, first you have to destroy the Spartans.
If Jerusalem falls into the hands of Islam, the rest of the world will presumably fall. UNESCO's decision is not only nonsensical from a historical perspective (Islam did not even exist at the time of ancient Jerusalem), basically it is also a strategic move against the cultural foundations of the West.

Turkey: Erdogan's Galloping Despotism

by Burak Bekdil  •  November 2, 2016 at 4:00 am
  • Before Turks could digest so many undemocratic practices they had to face in one week, they woke up only to learn that scores of journalists at a newspaper critical of Erdogan had been detained. On October 31, police raided the homes of 11 people, including executives and journalists of Cumhuriyet newspaper, after prosecutors initiated a probe against them on "terrorism" charges.
  • "This is about ... abolishing all universal values... The most explicit indications of it are the growing pressure against the Turkish press and the policies to destroy it. This is the process of the destruction of free thought." — The Contemporary Journalists Association.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (right) wants to reintroduce the death penalty to Turkey. Federica Mogherini (left), the European Union foreign policy chief, says that will disqualify Turkey from joining the EU.
Both fascism and communism exercised a large influence on the Arab "Baathist" ideology -- "resurrection" in Arabic, and which started as a nationalist, Sunni Arab movement to combat Western colonial rule and to promote modernization. In Iraq, the despotic Baathist regime survived 35 years, largely under the leadership of Saddam Hussein. In Syria, it is still struggling under the tyranny of President Bashar al-Assad. These days a non-Arab, but Islamist version of the Baathist ideology is flourishing in an otherwise unlikely country: candidate for membership in the European Union (EU), Turkey.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's increasing authoritarianism is killing Turkey's already slim chances of finding itself a place in the world's more civilized clubs and turning the country more and more into a "Baathist" regime.

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