Friday, November 9, 2018

Here’s Why Canada Must Reject The UN Global Compact On Migration

Here’s Why Canada Must Reject The UN Global Compact On Migration


Control over our borders and national sovereignty must never be surrendered or weakened.

An essential part of a nation-state is having control over borders and migration. A country must be able to clearly define its territory, and have control over who is allowed to enter that territory.

That means any attempt to shift control or authority over borders and migration is incompatible with a nation-state being sovereign.

It is also incompatible with democracy, because the national government is supposed to protect national sovereignty in the names of the citizens of the country that government serves. If that national sovereignty is given away to an international institution, then citizens lose out.

And that’s why the UN Global Compact on Migration is so dangerous.

As I reported previously, here’s what the head of the UN Antonio Guterres said about the compact:
“Authorities that erect major obstacles to migration – or place severe restrictions on migrants’ work opportunities – inflict needless economic self-harm.”
“They impose barriers to having their labor needs met in an orderly, legal fashion.”
“Worse still, they unintentionally encourage illegal migration.”
“The majority of migrants move across borders legally, but Guterres warned in his report that climate change and demographic trends will lead to a further spike in migration in the future.”
Guterres also called for ‘greater international cooperation’ on migration, which will be led of course by the United Nations.

I’ve noted how Guterres’ wording is all about undermining the sovereignty of individual countries.

He is making it seem that open borders are somehow the only possibility, claiming that ‘barriers’ to migration (AKA Borders), will just encourage illegal migration. So, he’s saying that countries shouldn’t even try to enforce their borders, since people will just cross illegally anyway.

He also ignores how massive spikes in immigration can have a harmful impact on workers, by driving down the bargaining power of individual workers and lowering wages. It’s why massive global corporations want open borders.

And of course, under the Trudeau government, Canada is set to ‘lead the charge’ on the Global Compact:

Here’s what Ahmed Hussen said about it:
“The Compact’s goals are, after all, ambitious. The first is clear: to ease the pressure on countries that welcome and host large numbers of refugees, currently mainly in the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa. Frontline countries like Turkey, Lebanon, Uganda or Bangladesh have argued that the impact of hosting hundreds of thousands or even millions of refugees is significant, especially as it’s often after a sudden influx. They are right: distributing safe drinkable water, putting kids in schools or providing maternal health care to pregnant women are logistical and costly endeavours. These countries are unfairly being asked to carry the burden simply as a result of their geography as they nobly keep their borders open to those fleeing for their lives from neighbouring states.”
Notice how Hussen doesn’t mention Canada or Canadians in any of that?

Seems like he would rather work for the UN than work for Canada. But he’s getting the best of both worlds (in his mind), since he’s putting Canada in a position to work for the UN rather than work for Canadian Citizens.

The problem here is that decisions on immigration and refugees are supposed to be made by individual nations. While ‘global cooperation’ may sound nice, and certainly has its place on some issues (nuclear weapons, peace treaties, technology), when it comes to issues of borders and immigration, those decisions must be made only by national governments that are answerable to their citizens in free elections.

The UN is answerable to nobody, and if they try dictating Canada’s immigration levels, how could Canadians hold the UN accountable?

We couldn’t. And that’s the problem.

That lack of accountability is a big reason why multiple countries, including our closest ally the United States, alongside, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Austria have already rejected the Global Compact on Migration, with Poland likely to oppose it as well, with more surely set to follow.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Canada is a welcoming country, and we should welcome immigrants and refugees in a way that is beneficial for Canadian Citizens. However, that welcome must always be on our own terms, and must always be controlled by the Canadian People, not foreign institutions.

That’s why Canada must reject the UN Global Compact on Migration. We must never give up our sovereignty as a free and independent nation.

Spencer Fernando

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