Monday, February 23, 2009

FSM Security Update: 2-23-09 *U.S. Muslim Brotherhood Leader Seeks Virginia House Seat*

February 23rd
Rush Limbaugh to Obama: Keep the Airwaves Free! "Nation of COWARDS?! $800 billion mistake." Gov't will now dictate your medical care! " Time for 21st century tea party. Obama's "dirty pool." Six reasons Dems will be "doomed in 2010."


Today's Blog Topics

Obama's Failing Leadership
White House Mocks CNBC's Rick Santelli & The Idea Of Obama Rewarding Irresponsibility
Read Rush Transcript : The Enforcers Assault Rick Santelli
Ahmadinejad Vs. Netanyahu
How California Became France
Homeland Security Hangs in the Balance: Will Obama finish the fence?
Is President Obama Is Economically Insane? The vociferous tide of disapproval is signaling a taxpayer revolt.
Wilders is Coming to America
Dumbing Down America
Obama's dangerous detainee policies must be reversed quickly, before serious damage is done to America's security.

U.S. Muslim Brotherhood Leader Seeks Virginia House Seat

Virginia House contender Esam Omeish has been seen on video accusing Israel of genocide against Palestinians and exhorted Muslims to "the jihad way."

Obama Sells U.S. to China, Inc.

Cliff Kincaid

So the cost of the "stimulus" is more sacrifice of American independence and sovereignty, as well as our own values, ideals, and commitment to human freedom. It is a sad day both for America and China.

Domestic Terrorists in Our Midst

Geoff Metcalf

Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S. is a new documentary that needs public attention.

Exclusive: Can Our Nation Survive a Severe Lurch to the Left?

Michael Sall

Skeptics have predicted that a democracy can survive only until a majority of the voters realize they can vote themselves someone else's money. Will the skeptics prove right?

Our Government ‘Confidence' Men

Edward Cline

The MSM tells us all about the Madoff and Stanford billion dollar scams, but not a peep about the federal government's ongoing confidence scheme. Why aren't columnists, analysts and consultants making the connection?

Obama's Dogma?

Salena Zito

In the wee weeks of his presidency, what has Barack Obama done that reveals what his dogma will be?

In Herring v. United States, Supreme Court Has Liberals Screaming

Gregory D. Lee

The U.S. Supreme Court's 5-4 decision in Herring v. United States has liberals in a tizzy. What's it all about?

Exclusive: Viva La Cucaracha!

Satire by Shawn Goodwin

With the elimination of term limits guaranteed by this vote, Chavez literally becomes Hugo Boss and that America will have to endure Hugo Gone Wild.

The Plan

Newt Gingrich

Countering Obama's flawed "stimulus plan," conservatives offer a clear and decisive alternative that creates jobs, rewards work and encourages savings and investment.

Today's Hot Topics: 2-23

We choose, you peruse.

Cairo market blast: Bombers 'targeted Western tourists'
•1. Obama's Durban Dalliance - Does an anti-Semitic conference deserve U.S. participation of any kind?
•2. Report: U.S. Secretly Training Pakistani Commandos
•3. U.S. starts to leave key Iraq bases - Troops hand over control in cities, towns
•4. KUDLOW: Subsidizing bad behavior
•5. Winning a Cyber War - The 'soft underbelly' of U.S. security.
•6. Senator Burris' (Illinois - D) Chief of Staff Resigns
•7. Review Finds Detainees' Treatment Legal
•8. Yes, We Should Worry About Iran's Satellite
•9. Israel Launches Covert War Against Iran
•10. The Market Is Shorting Obama's 'Stimulus'
•11. Conservatives Need a Hollywood Comeback
•12. From Islamabad to Bradford By Mark Steyn
•13. Iran plans 'pre-commissioning' of nuclear plant
•14. Freddie Mac investigates self over lobby campaign
•15. Nightline's Terry Moran: Obama Took "Step Down" to Oval Office
•16. U.S. Officials Outraged at U.N. Over Hamas Letter to Obama
•17. The end of the American Dream
•18. Unions are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Caption Contest February 19-24

Will your caption come in at number one?

Iran: Waiting for the ‘Fish-Tail' Report

Amir Taheri

Why is Iran ready to suffer sanctions and risk war by producing enriched uranium of the type that no one could use as fuel?

Exclusive: Feds Capture Two Fleeing Alien Murder Suspects

Jim Kouri, CPP

Witnesses say the mother complained to the suspect about his aggressive behavior toward her daughter. At which point, Alvarado reportedly replied, "I won't do that again," and drew a 9 mm pistol from his waistband, shooting both victims in the head at point-blank range.

Exclusive: Obama to Release Dangerous Islamic Terrorist This Week

The Editors

Binyam Mohamed said he wasn't planning on attacking the U.S., but if it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

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