Monday, November 2, 2009

11-02-09: The Muslim Mafia in America (Plus 7 new blog videos)

11-02-09: The Muslim Mafia in America (Plus 7 new blog videos)

November 2nd
Twelve months on, O's star falls back to earth. When it comes to Iran, the U.S. may be facing a cataclysm. Will 2010 be 1978 REDUX? Chicago brass knuckles? ‘Mother of all wars.' Media playing "Vietnam defeat song" for O's Af-Pak dilemma?


FSM Monday Postings

FSM has had a busy weekend. Please scroll all the way down so that you don't miss any of the new articles, videos and hot topics added since Friday!

Exclusive: Pyongyang Puzzles: Blaming America First - Again (Part One of Two)

Peter Huessy

What is the threat from the nuclear weapons of North Korea? And what are the prospects for a de-nuclearization agreement between Pyongyang and the United States?

The Muslim Mafia in America

Tom Tancredo

When will moderate Muslims wake up and denounce the American Trojan Horse for radial Islam, the Council for American-Islamic Relations?

Wars and Dead Soldiers

John Armor

How many wars would the United States have abandoned and lost if the sudden death of 18 soldiers was sufficient to break our resolve to fight?

Exclusive: We'll Be America Again

Dick McDonald

If we are to revitalize the American economy today, changing the way we fund entitlements is a must.

Mood Sours Toward Both Parties

Salena Zito

Would one-party domination in any combination of Tuesday's off-year elections really indicate where this country is going politically?

Visit the War Zone, Mr. President

Peter Brookes

If you were involved in a critical issue overseas - such as a big business deal or the health of a loved one - wouldn't you go and visit before making an important decision?

Video: Rep. Michele Bachmann Calls Pelosi Plan ‘The Crown Jewel of Socialism'
Video: Rush Limbaugh on FOX News Sunday
Where have all our war heroes gone?
ObamaCare vs. the Hippocratic Oath
Video: Beck Hosts Lord Monckton & John Bolton to Discuss Copenhagen Treaty published
Video: ‘Death Panels' Measure Survives in House Health Care Bill
Video: Jarrett: GOP Becoming ‘More and More Extreme'
Bill Clinton - Islamic Charity: Walking the plank into a dhimmi nation?
Where's Your GRIT?
Religion & The Marketplace published
Pelosi Health Care Bill Blows a Kiss to Trial Lawyers
Copenhagen Heads for a Crash
Video: Biden Concedes Stimulus Numbers Not 100% Accurate
Video: ‘Count O'Reilly' Joins ‘The View' to Talk About Obama's War on Fox
Audio: Liz Cheney on Obama's Dover Photo-Op: Bush Did It without Cameras

A New Afghan Mess

Amir Taheri

Could Washington's anti-Karzai campaign weaken the Afghan presidency?

Every Day is Groundhog Day in the Middle East

Alan Caruba

In the movie, Groundhog Day, the main character wakes up day after day, trapped in the same events, desperately looking for a way out of that living nightmare. It's a very good metaphor for the Middle East.

What is the ‘World Community?'

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

Is there really a "world community" with agreed-upon values?

Exclusive: Taking the Bull out of Global Warming

Satire by Shawn Goodwin

Somebody call Al Gore, because the British found his crazy environmentalist uncle!

New Hate Crimes Law is a Mistake

Star Parker

Law isn't about embracing our differences. It is about providing equal and non-arbitrary protection to all citizens.

Exclusive: The Overactive Ahmadinejad

Leslie Sacks

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's world view - albeit ludicrous - is actually a fascinating study in imaginative paranoia and anti-Semitism.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Bomber Outside Pakistan Bank Kills at Least 30 (FOX)
  2. CBO Puts House Health Bill Total Cost At $1.055 Trillion (NASDAQ)
  3. White House Insists Muddled Afghan Runoff Won't Affect Strategy Decision, as GOP Presses Obama (FOX)
  4. A 1,990-Page Medical Monstrosity (IBD)
  5. North Korea Demands Direct Talks With U.S. (AP)
  6. Caught: Muslim father who attempted honor killing in Arizona (JIHAD WATCH)
  7. Banks, our president says, have a patriotic duty to spread the wealth around. (Andrew Cline)
  8. If Feds Can Force Us to Buy Health Insurance ‘Then There's Literally Nothing the Federal Government Can't Force Us to Do' (CNS)
  9. Palestinians Accuse Clinton of Undermining Peace Talks With Shift on Settlements (FOX)
  10. The Pelosi Plan ... and the Swine Flu Democrats. (by William Kristol)
  11. Boehner pushes for war-strategy decision (AP)
  12. US admiral concerned about China military buildup (AP)
  13. Hillary's Honduran Exit Strategy (WSJ)
  14. Jobs 'created or saved' is meaningless. What matters is net job gain or loss, and that means the unemployment rate. (WSJ)
  15. The Worst Bill Ever (WSJ)
  16. Russia 'simulates' nuclear attack on Poland (UK TELEGRAPH)
  17. 400,000 Names on FBI Terror Watch List (FOX)
  18. Pelosi's Machiavellian Conscience: Why the End Does Not Justify the Means (by Allen Hunt)
  19. H1N1 Vaccinations To Be Offered To Guantanamo Bay Detainees (CNN)
  20. Al-Qaeda's Chicago Terror Plot (FRONT PAGE)
  21. Pelosi's Kamikazes? (by Jed Babbin)
  22. U.S. looks past Karzai rival's decision to quit (WT)
  23. Cartoonist 'not so afraid' of threats (WT)
  24. UN Aids Jihadis (JIHAD WATCH)
  25. Phantom Jobs (IBD)

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