Monday, November 2, 2009

Arizona: Woman in Suspected "Honor Killing" Dies -- 20 Year Old Noor Almaleki

Arizona: Woman in Suspected "Honor Killing" Dies -- 20 Year Old Noor Almaleki

Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)

-- Arizona Republic reports: "A 20-year-old Peoria woman has died of injuries sustained in what prosecutors are calling an 'honor killing.'"
-- "Faleh Hassan Almaleki, 48, of Glendale, is accused of running over his daughter, Noor Almaleki, and another woman in his Jeep Cherokee because he was infuriated with his daughter for becoming 'too Westernized.'"
-- "Noor Almaleki died Monday of injuries she received during the Oct. 20 attack."
-- "Peoria police said charges against Almaleki, who is in a Maricopa County jail on two counts of aggravated assault, will be upgraded, though a spokesman wasn't sure what the exact charges would be."
-- "Social experts say honor killings are an accepted practice in Iraqi tribal society, where family members feel they must kill a woman who shames them by not adhering to traditional Muslim or Iraqi values."
-- "Speaking before a Maricopa County judge over the weekend, state prosecutor Stephanie Low said Almaleki has admitted purposefully running down his daughter."
-- " 'By his own admission, this was an intentional act and the reason was that his daughter had brought shame on him and his family,' Low said. 'This was an attempt at an honor killing.' "
-- "Almaleki did not address the accusations and spoke only to ask the judge about getting a court-appointed attorney."
-- "Low said additional family members are suspected of assisting Almaleki in his escape."
-- " 'We can't be naive and ignore that there's a cultural aspect to this and there may be people who would support him, including his family, but also others who share his beliefs,' she said."
-- "Citing Almaleki's flight, Low asked the judge to take special precautions to prevent him from running again. Bail was set at $5 million."

20-year-old Noor Faleh Almaleki

20-year-old Noor Faleh Almaleki


Other Reports (most recent to earliest):

Arizona -- Noor Almaleki Case: Arizona Jails Father in 'Honor Killing' Try

Arizona: Noor Almaleki Case -- Father in "Honor Killing" Attempt Captured in UK -- Extradited Back to US

Arizona -- Noor Almaleki case: Family Says Noor Almaleki "Failed to Live by Traditional Muslim Values" -- Woman in Critical Condition in Alleged "Honor Killing" Attempt

Arizona: Noor Almaleki's Lifestyle may have put woman in hospital

Arizona: Father runs down daughter in Peoria parking lot -- Noor Faleh Almaleki attacked for being "too westernized"

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