Thursday, August 26, 2010

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The Flex Fuel Imperative

Posted: 25 Aug 2010 02:34 PM PDT

FACT NUMBER ONE: The economy runs on oil. Transportation requires oil. Fact number two: 78 percent of the oil comes from OPEC, a coalition of thirteen countries. Fact number three: When we use less oil, they pump less oil, keeping the price the same. When we drill more oil of our own, they pump less oil, keeping the price the same. In other words, as long as we are dependent on oil alone for transportation, we cannot impact the price of oil on the world market.

I think America should try to drill for its own oil. But even if the U.S. pumped all of its own oil, what would oil companies do when the price of oil on the American market was lower than the price those oil companies could get for their oil on the world market?

However you look at it, the quickest solution — a solution that could be added to any other solution is to introduce competition into the fuel market so oil is no longer the only fuel cars can burn. The simplest, most inexpensive solution is to pass a law making it mandatory that every car sold in the U.S. must be a "flex fuel" car. This is also called "an open fuel standard." All cars would be manufactured already capable of burning multiple fuels (including gasoline).

To make a car a flex fuel car adds about 100 U.S. dollars to the cost of a new car, which is chump change in the big scheme of things. Some U.S. car manufacturers already make flex fuel cars — and most of them are shipped to Brazil!

If most cars on the road were flex fuel cars, it would create enough financial incentive for businesses to justify new fuel pumps at "gas stations," to produce new, competing fuels, and to invest in the development of competing fuels. Right now so few cars are flex fuel cars, the market is not big enough for a business to expend resources to get in the business of providing the fuel or developing fuels.

Brazil went from zero to 70 percent of their cars being flex fuel cars in three years. Last year, 90 percent of new cars sold in Brazil were flex fuel cars. When oil prices went up recently on the world market, alternative fuels sold better in Brazil. They used more ethanol than gasoline last year. Because they had a choice.

In an upcoming Citizen Warrior article, we will have something specific you can do to help make this law a reality. But first, please learn more about this important issue. Oil money is reaching its hand into every aspect of life, strongly influencing the Islamization of Western democracies, including the building of mosques (and mega-mosques). We must cut off their money supply. The first step is to learn more about the flex fuel imperative. Start here:

Watch an 85 minute talk by Anne Korin and Gal Luft: Turning Oil Into Salt: Energy Independence Through Fuel Choice.

Read a Wall Street Journal article, How to End America's Addiction to Oil (PDF)

Read an article from The American Interest: Fueled Again? (PDF)

Read the book:
Turning Oil Into Salt.

Watch a movie entitled Turning Oil Into Salt on YouTube.
Read an article on Citizen Warrior: Support An Open Fuel Standard
Check out an organization working for flex fuel legislation: Set America Free
And here's a way to write your representatives on this issue: Nozzle Rage
*Solsticewitch13*,, C.W., LOLOL,, I just have to add the original nozzle rage onto your essay. It still makes me laugh to watch this,, LOLLLLLL!!!

A Muslim Must Spread Islam

Posted: 25 Aug 2010 10:12 AM PDT

"O Messenger! Make known (balagh) all that has been sent down to thee by thy Lord and Sustainer." (5:67)

"Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best." (Quran 16:125)

"He it is who has sent to the unlettered people a Messenger from among themselves to convey unto them His messages, and to lead them to purity and spiritual growth (tazkiyah) and to teach them the Book and the Wisdom (ta'lim)..." (62:2)

Balagh, da'wah and ta'lim are also mentioned in the Qur'an and Hadith as duties of Muslims generally:

"Convey from me (balagh) even if it be only a single ayah (that you know)." (Bukhari)

"Let there among you be a group that invites to all that is good (da'wah)." (3:104)

"Say! This is my way. I call to God (da'wah) — on the basis of sure knowledge — I and those who (truly) follow me. Glory to God and I am not among those who commit shirk." (12:108)

"Acquire knowledge and teach it to mankind (ta'lim), learn your religious duties and teach them to mankind, learn the Qur'an and teach it to mankind, for I am a man who will be taken away..." (Darimi)

An Islamic source: The Work of Propagation of Islam.

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