Wednesday, June 8, 2011

06-08-11: The Global Chessboard (Plus: CBS' Schieffer Takes Pelosi to Task on Economy)

The Nation's Economic Future

Herbert London

The talk of economic recovery now seems to have been wishful thinking. America's economy is now at a precipice. Will it pull back or go over the edge?



1. Video: CBS' Schieffer Takes Pelosi (D) to Task on Economy
2. Video: James Carville (D) on Democrat Reaction to Weinergate
3. Video: Allen West (R) Responds to Weinergate
4. Lawmaker Upset When Daughter's 3rd Grade Class Appeals For School Funding
 5. Video: Breitbart to CNN: People Send Me These Stories Because They Know the MSM is Liberal
6. Video: Survey: 30% of American Employers to Stop Health Care Coverage When Obamacare Kicks In
7. Video: Qaddafi on State TV: We Are Stronger Than Your Missiles
8. Video: Mark Levin: "Washington Is Very Sick And It's Getting Sicker"
9. Video: White House (D) "I'm Not Concerned About A Double-Dip Recession"
10. Video: The Inconvenient Truth About Islam From an Ex-Muslim Woman

The Global Chessboard

Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, US Army (Ret)

Global chess games are currently being played out at an alarming rate, threatening to destroy any sense of a stable world order.

Ways to Defeat Islamic Jihadism

Amil Imani

The goal of the Islamists' mission from Allah is the eradication of just about everything that falls under the rubric of human rights. Unless challenged, they will kill the free world.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Tough Day for the Left, Weiner Admits He Lied

Don Irvine

The liberal leftist media did more than give Weiner the benefit of the doubt - they ripped into the sleazebag's critics. Weiner lied, but no-one has said sorry.

Italy Hit by Global Insurrection

Dr. Michael Ledeen

In the recent general election in Italy, candidates from Berlusconi's party were rejected by many voters, and he has lost the power-base he guarded for 18 years.

A Whiff of Secession and Nullification

Alan Caruba

Over the last 50 years, politicians and the Supreme Court have eroded constitutional principles. Is it time for "the people" to reclaim what is rightfully theirs?

Obama Administration's Egghead Economic Saboteurs

Michelle Malkin

Life is good for left-wing academics. Everyone else pays dearly.

Smokes Cheap, Tensions High

Salena Zito

The declining fortunes of Salamanca have been brought about by successive federal governments and local and state politicians failing to act either fairly or with consistency.

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