Visit our News page     | Nope, No Sharia Here Part Two The Herald Sun (Australia) story below provides yet ANOTHER example of the forward march of sharia law around the world. Those who dismiss concerns about sharia law, such as Bob Smietana’s recent article in The Tennessean newspaper, appear to have no problem with how sharia law applies to women and children. For instance, nine months ago the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (not of Saudi Arabia), issued a fatwa declaring that, according to Islamic law, rape cannot exist in a marriage because a woman is required to consent to her husband. It was this reasoning that prompted a New Jersey judge in 2009 to deny issuing a restraining order against a Muslim man who was sexually abusing his wife. Sharia law provides that a woman’s testimony in court is equal to only half that of a man’s. A man can beat his wife if she is insubordinate. A man can divorce his wife by saying “I divorce you” three times; a woman has no such right. Women have virtually no rights over the custody of their children. And on and on. So here is our question to the naysayers: Do you believe sharia law should be applied in America in the area of “family law”? If so, any claims you make to support equal rights for women—or even their protection—are hollow. Give us our own laws, say Islamic leaders  The survey revealed strong condemnation of MPs who criticise Muslim women for wearing burqa/nijab. Source: AdelaideNow ISLAMIC leaders want Muslims in Australia to get interest-free loans for religious reasons. The nation's Islamic leaders want recognition of sharia law as it applies to banking practices, according to an exclusive Herald Sun survey of imams. There was also a call for recognition of sharia law as it applies to family law. The survey showed some imams are sceptical that Osama bin Laden's death will be of benefit to ordinary Muslims, and they are unhappy with the way US forces disposed of his body. The survey has also revealed: STRONG condemnation of MPs who criticise Muslim women for wearing the burqa/nijab. CONCERN that ordinary Muslims are still being linked to terrorism. DISGUST that innocent people in Muslim countries are being killed in the "war on terror". The survey was conducted in the wake of a $55,000 Federal Government training program for imams on Australian laws and values. They have been told to preach core Australian values such as the fair go, freedom, and responsibility. Imam Yusuf Parker, from the Alhidayah Centre in Perth, said Australia should consider recognising sharia law as it applied to finance and family law matters. Imam Parker said Islam forbade the charging or paying of interest "so finding interest-free loans will again help Muslims to practise their Islam better". "Other than the two major issues mentioned, I don't see other sharia law that Muslims would seek to have legally recognised," he said. Fellow WA imam Sheik Burhaan Mehtar said sharia law often was raised to scare non-Muslims, but a dialogue would lead to better understanding. "Islamic banking and the non-slavery of humans is a classic example. Interest is slavery," he said. Islamic Council of Victoria board member Nazeem Hussain said legal and tax barriers currently prevented local banks from offering Islamic finance products. "That's a massive market ... we'd encourage the Government to seek ways to tap into that market," he said. Imam Parker said bin Laden's demise might serve as closure for those convinced he masterminded the 9/11 attacks. "But the reality is that the negative impact on Islam and Muslims has not changed, and it will take many decades for that to change," he said. Sheik Burhaan Mehtar said the symbolic victory of bin Laden's death would remain hollow while people in nations such as Afghanistan suffered a "terror of death delivered from the skies" by the US and its allies. Gold Coast imam Imraan Husain reflected a general view that bin Laden's burial at sea was a violation of Islamic funeral rites. Victorian imam Sheik Ramy Najmeddine said Muslims felt there was an unfair link between terrorism and Islam. "But we believe this is being broken down by the good work that members of both the Muslim and non-Muslim community are doing." Sheik Mohamadu Saleem, a spokesman for Board of Imams Victoria, accused some MPs of trying to get political mileage out of the burqa issue. "It is mere political expediency," he said. Victorian imam Abdinur Weli said: "If only Muslims are the people who are told what to wear, then it is discrimination." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACT for America P.O. Box 12765 Pensacola, FL 32591 ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure. The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. 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