Natan Sharansky | Iranian dissidents who speak out against religious oppression and social persecution in Iran are routinely rounded up and thrown in prison. Human rights activist and former Soviet political prisoner Natan Sharansky speaks of the importance of knowing the names of these brave individuals and learning their stories. Remember Jafar Panahi, Nasrin Sotoudeh, Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki, Navid Khanjani, and the other Iranian dissidents, and urge your elected officials to consider their fate when making decisions regarding the Iranian regime. Take Action! |  Empowering the people of Iran is a risk-free way to promote democracy and battle a hostile regime. Contact your elected officials about supporting the Iranian people in their struggle for freedom, and urge them to consider the fates of Jafar Panahi, Nasrin Sotoudeh, Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki, and Navid Khanjani, when making decisions regarding the Iranian regime. Click here to send a pre-prepared letter to your U.S. elected officials. For those outside the U.S., please copy and paste the letter and send to your elected officials whose contact information can be found here: The European Union, Canada, UK, Australia, Israel, Germany. | | | Clarion Fund Webinar on Iran | Clarion hosted its first multimedia webinar yesterday entitled “Iran – What Next?” featuring Mark Dubowitz, Executive Director of Foundation for Defense of Democracies (www.defenddemocracy.org) and Director of the Iran Energy Project. Mark's presentation provided fast-moving insights into the Iranian regime's unknown personalities, and their use Iran's oil resources to support attacks on Americans and the development of nuclear weapons. Several hundred RadicalIslam.org newsletter subscribers attended the webinar from countries around the world including the U.S., Japan, Jordan, New Zealand, Poland, and England. Additional webinars will be scheduled in the coming weeks. Announcements will appear in the RadicalIslam.org newsletter. | Cries for Help from Iranian Web Activists Go Unheeded by Kaveh Azad | “For the U.S. government, helping Iranian activists circumvent government social media controls is a cheap and no-risk way to promote democracy and battle a hostile regime.” On the social media front, the Iranian opposition is struggling hard, the Tehran regime is energetic, but the U.S. government is barely trying. After the apparently stolen 2009 presidential election, a vigorous protest movement arose and was repressed on the streets. But in the absence of a free press, the Internet became the opposition’s tool to tell the world what was happening inside the country. Pictures and video of repression circled the world, and millions of people saw Iranians like Neda Agha-Soltan being shot in cold blood.  | Empower Iranians vs. Tehran by Daniel Pipes | “The Obama administration can help empower Iranians to seize control over their destiny—and perhaps end the mullahs' mad nuclear dash.” How should Western governments deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran, which Washington labels "the most active state sponsor of terrorism"? Iranian aggression began in 1979, with the seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, and the holding of some of its staff as hostages for 444 days. Major subsequent attacks included two bombings in Beirut in 1983: at the U.S. embassy, killing 63, and at a U.S. Marine barracks, killing 241. The Iranian-backed attack on the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983 killed 242, still Tehran's single largest number of Western fatalities.  | Sharansky on Iran Human Rights | | | | | In This Issue Featured on RadicalIslam.org  | Iranium the Movie Iranium exposes the threats posed by a nuclear Iran to the United States and the international community. Click HERE to purchase a DVD or to host a screening of the film. | Watch Iranium Trailer | On RadicalIslam.org   The Third Jihad Radical Islam's Vision for America is a documentary that alerts Americans to the danger radical Islam poses to the United States and to Western civilization as a whole. | Watch The Third Jihad Trailer | | | SPECIAL Get the film Obsession: Radical Islam's War against the West for only $5 per DVD in a cardboard sleeve. Click here to watch trailer and read more. | | About RadicalIslam.org RadicalIslam.org is a social networking tool, uniting individuals across America to take a stand against Radical Islam. RadicalIslam.org also has a live-blogging presence on Twitter: No2RadicalIslam. | | | |
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