The West consistently and
unwittingly cooperates with North Korea and Iran by underestimating the
advancement, sophistication, and strategic implications of their nuclear
weapon and missile programs.
In 2008 candidate Obama said,
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the
national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian
national security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as
well-funded." After he was elected in 2008, President Obama never
again mentioned his "national security objectives," or the
"national security force" he wanted to create. Was that 2008
statement just an applause line?
We must realize that we will
always live with some level of threat - and we must come to an acceptable
means of balancing those concerns to that of our Fourth Amendment Rights
protecting us against undue search and invasion of privacy.
President Barack Obama won't have
to worry about his paycheck if the spending sequestration included in the
Budget Control Act that he signed into law in 2011 begins taking effect
this Friday.
The latest from
"moderate" Libya: Four foreign Christians, including an American
with dual Swedish citizenship, have been arrested on suspicion of being
missionaries who have been distributing Christian literature.
I have begun to suspect that the
advent of the Internet and the way news is now swiftly packaged and
presented has left too many, but particularly the young, living entirely in
the present with neither knowledge, nor interest in the past-even the
recent past.
Radiation is leaking from Iran's
nuclear facility at Fordow, which suffered devastating explosions on Jan.
21, WND has learned, and the regime has ordered millions of antidote iodine
pills from Russia and Ukraine amid fears the radioactivity will spread.
President Obama can't find $85B
to cut out of the $1 trillion or 37% increase in annual new spending that
has exploded since 2007? Seriously? You have got to be kidding, right?
The number of people in America
on Food Stamps remains at an all-time high, and now a new program is
allowing Fido, Garfield and their peers to get in on the goods.
The Oregon Legislature's
gun-control advocates are hard at work, and the direction in which they're
heading would create problems for law-abiding citizens over the long term
and, perhaps, do nothing to enhance public safety.
The moment cemented what most
already know: that Hollywood is dominated by left-wing dogma.
Three suspects from Birmingham,
England, were found guilty on Thursday of plotting a bombing campaign
intended to be even larger than the 7/7 London attacks that occurred on May
7, 2005, in which 52 people were killed.
Barack Obama has recently given
us his view of the State of the Union. Like almost everything else he has
ever said it was pure nonsense, intended only for consumption by his own
low-information voter base.
you know that if everyone who visited our FSM website this year donated
just $1, we would easily exceed our annual budget?
Your gift will be an investment in freedom.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, The Family Security Foundation relies
upon the thoughtfulness and (tax-deductible!) generosity of visitors like
"Freedom is never more than one generation
away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.
It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the
same." ~ Ronald Reagan
We certainly couldn't do it
without you!
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Security Foundation, Inc.
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