recent articles that you may want to make sure that you read!
Let's clarify things for those
folks with the unseemly desire to offer up their personal sovereignty to
some government hack. Unlike Hollywood geniuses better known for exposing
their breasts than exposing their brains, I'll never pledge to be a servant
of any politician.
The base, in the deserts of
Semnan far from any city, has many underground tunnels connecting to the
silo launching pads, according to a source in the Revolutionary Guards
intelligence unit.
Silencing, by means legal or
extra-legal means, free speech that criticizes Islam or any other belief
system is where "hate speech" laws inexorably lead. It is exactly
where the OIC and Islamic ummah want them to lead.
An alternative economic ecosystem
based on local enterprise and building community resilience is slowly
Given the propensity of leftists
to shamelessly engage in such ploys and spew their vile propaganda rather
than working to address the burgeoning problems facing America, it has once
again become necessary to recall the original facts in order to cut through
the murk.
Why would the Obama
administration send twenty F-16 fighter jets to Egypt in the wake of the
overthrow of Hosni Mubarak with whom the deal was struck in 2010 and in
light of the fact that man now in charge, Mohammed Morsi, is a rabid
anti-Semite and enemy of Israel?
Across the country, with
aggressive lobbying by the White House itself, Democrats are working to
destroy tens of thousands of good-paying jobs and the firms that created
them. Assault rhetoric has lasting real-world consequences.
Anti-gun advocates in and out of
government love the term "assault weapon" precisely because it
demonizes gun makers and gun owners.
Hollywood aligns itself with
three U.S. senators against "Zero Dark Thirty."
Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the
press shouldn't be irked about being barred from photographing a round of
golf between President Barack Obama and Tiger Woods.
If President Obama, Democrats,
and Republicans fail to identify our enemy by name how are we as a country
supposed to defeat Hezbollah, Iran, drug cartels, human trafficking, and
political Islam's destructive influence in the Tri Border Area and Mexico?
It is fascinating to see how the
Left only seems to hear out if its right ear, jumping on any foolish thing
a GOP or conservative figure says, any story or angle to a story which
favors its agenda, and completely ignoring anything which disfavors its
If you look at the mess that is
now known as 'Medicare' and the general American health care system, you
simply have to be an optimist and figure 'there must be a pony in there
If one were to try to identify
the decline of the American society and system of governance, it would be
tempting to say it began with the election of Barack Hussein Obama, but it
began much earlier.
The U.S. urgently needs to adopt
new strategies and policies to curb North Korea's growing nuclear threat.
With tensions high over Iran's
nuclear program, and allegations in the press that Iranian officials
attended North Korea's latest nuclear test, there are doubtless many
questions the capacity crowd would like to ask. But one of the biggest
questions hanging over this occasion is, why dignify Iran's regime with yet
another stage in New York?
The online survey shows
resistance to easing immigration laws despite the biggest push for reform
in Congress since 2007.
Every one of our elected
political leaders has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution and to
protect and defend this nation and its citizens. Given the multitude of
challenges America and Americans currently face, our nation's borders and
immigration laws have never been of greater importance.
Why would the Senate even think
about confirming a patently sub-par defense-secretary nominee who refuses
to provide the relevant committee with far less information than he had to
have provided to the executive branch to get the security clearance needed
to perform the job of defense secretary?
If radical gun-grabbers have
their way, your daughters, mothers and grandmothers will have nothing but
whistles, pens and bodily fluids to defend themselves against violent
attackers and sexual predators.
If the Muslim world has raised up
a wall of sand against freedom, tolerance and the recognition of our common
humanity-- then it is best for their sake and ours that they remain on
their side of that wall of sand.
Surgically precise and
effective-drone strikes are argued by many to be useful in decapitating
known terrorist leadership. However the truth is that noncombatants are
also being effected and the human toll of that fact may be causing as much
threat to our national security as live terrorist leaders also pose.
As to North Korea, it should not
come as a shock to Obama but, in achieving "security and
prosperity," Pyongyang's leadership has zero interest in "meeting
their international obligations."
President Barack Obama claimed
today that since he has been president both parties have worked together to
cut the federal deficit by $2.5 trillion.
Some of the Palestinians used to
belong to Hamas and its armed wing before joining the more radical Islamist
groups, according to the sources.
Professor Sweet strongly
encouraged or mandated that students from several classes sign a pledge
card that stated, ‘I pledge to vote for President Obama and Democrats up
and down the ticket.'
How can a County Sheriff honor
his oath if he needs to obtain permission from the Supreme Court?
We need to stop basing laws and
policies on hallucinations - and start basing them on reality.
In another four years - should
Obama be able to carry out his agenda - America will look like a very
different country.
The media coverage of the
murderous rampage of former LAPD police officer Christopher Dorner and his
eventual suicide illustrates the media's tendency to report wrong conclusions
as facts.
The President of the United
States is routinely referred to as the most powerful man on the Earth.
There is a greater power and it is the changing characteristics of
population, something that occurs constantly here and around the world.
The new White House chief of
staff, Denis McDonough, says there's "a grave concern" about
delays in assembling President Barack Obama's second-term national security
team. When dealing with CIA Director-designate John Brennan the "grave
concern" should be his ability and fitness for the position, not how
long it is taking to approve him.
Do universities like Rutgers
provide a safe haven for racism and anti-Semitism under the guise of free
Do we have an over-spending
problem or an under-taxation problem?
If Obama was offended by Carson's
penetrating remarks, it was because the president had to be the one losing
perspective on the event's moral tone and Carson's observations.
The Left does not understand
Islam, which may be the cause of its demise under Islam.
In a bold move that highlights
the stark differences between the failing collectivist model and America's
time honored free market, Perry is essentially taking on the disastrous
ideologies which dominate the government of California.
Hey, remember when President
Obama crusaded against Medicare fraud and vowed to crack down aggressively
on scammers who've bilked the program out of an estimated $90 billion? Like
Archie and Edith Bunker used to sing: Those were the daaaays.
The Muslim Brotherhood has a
plan: It is to institute sharia law in the United States in place of our
Constitution-they call it the "Stealth Jihad."
you know that if everyone who visited our FSM website this year donated
just $1, we would easily exceed our annual budget?
Your gift will be an investment in freedom.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, The Family Security Foundation
relies upon the thoughtfulness and (tax-deductible!) generosity of visitors
like you.
"Freedom is never more than one generation
away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.
It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the
same." ~ Ronald Reagan
We certainly couldn't do it
without you!
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Security Foundation, Inc.
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