Friday, August 23, 2013

08-23-13: Obama: Feds Will Define What a Good College Is, Punish and Reward Accordingly

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

breaking news light

·  89-Year-Old WWII Veteran Beaten to Death by Two Teens in Parking Lot

·  Eyewitness accounts of reported chemical attacks in Syria

·  Dr. Ben Carson the cure for 2016? Will famed neurosurgeon run for president?

·  The biggest failure of the Obama administration...Lack of a Vibrant Economy

·  Liberal Member of Congress: ‘No reason why a young person should have to pay for college education'

·  Mark Levin Destroys GOP over Defunding of ObamaCare

·  Obama's New UN ambassador under fire for missing emergency Syria session

·  Unbelievable Story of Ohio Dad Who Came ‘Back From the Dead' After Son Says: ‘You're Not Going to Die Today'

·  Wilkow on American Betrayal: Since When Is Trying to Root Communists Out of Your Government a Bad Thing?

In Case You Missed It


·  Michelle Malkin Mows Down Liberal Over Chris Lane Shooting: We Need ‘Gang Control,' Not ‘Gun Control'

·  Mukasey: Judge's stop and frisk ruling was wrong - Former U.S. attorney general argues against decision


·  RUSH: ‘This Is What Blows My Mind.' People Have Lost Faith In The Country, But Not In Obama

·  Ex-Democrat State Senator Elbert Guillory: Why Liberalism Destroys Black America

·  Navy hovercraft surprises sunbathers as it lands on Russian beach


·  Breitbart News Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro: Obamacare 'Designed to Fail'

·  Rodeo Clown: MO State Fair Never Contacted Me Directly About Lifetime Ban

se cupp

·  S.E. Cupp Takes on Van Jones in Tense Segment on Gun Control

·  White House: Obama Looking ‘to Fundamentally Rethink and Reshape' Higher Education


In Case You Missed It

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·  Hasan Trial Judge: Prosecutors Barred from mentioning "Jihad" Motive


·  Continuing Benghazi Chaos - Group Aiming to bring Truth about the Benghazi Terrorist Attack


·  This Is How Sen. Ted Cruz Handles Hecklers

chris lane_ large

·  If Barack Obama Had a Son, Would He Look Like Chris Lane?

allen_WEST_ cpac 2011

·  Allen West: Obama's 'demagoguery knows no bounds'


·  Rush Limbaugh: Middle East Being Mismanaged So Amazingly

duck-dynasty _ LARGE

·  'Duck Dynasty' Star Targets Abortion: 'You Have a God-Given Right to Live'

paper doll cut outs - your contribution means alot


What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Obama: Feds Will Define What a Good College Is, Punish and Reward Accordingly

Obama's proposed system of rating colleges would give a college an incentive for admitting, maintaining and graduating students whose families keep their income low...

Don't Rescue the Muslim Brotherhood

Ever since Obama came to office, his administration has cultivated relations with, legitimated, emboldened, empowered, funded and even armed the Muslim Brotherhood.

Government Shutdown? Blame Obama & Reid

The most dishonest misinformation emanating from the White House - and from the Progressive controlled Senate is that Republicans want to shut down government.

John C. Wohlstetter - President Obama Abroad: Egypt

In contrast to his domestic approach President Obama has adopted a lead-from-behind approach in foreign policy. What has this approach yielded in the U.S. relationship with Egypt? What do current events portend for the future?

Caro Quintero Release Awakens Questions and Bad Memories in Both Mexico and the U.S.

Rafael Caro Quintero, a 1980s-era drug baron, was released from prison on August 9th, 2013, to the shock and amazement of many.

U.S. Cannot Keep Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood in Power

The military of Egypt is respecting the universal rights of all Egyptians by rooting out Muslim Brotherhood terrorism, the backers of Morsi's regime.

Obama is Denying Energy Independence to America

The nation remains mired in an economy that is barely growing at two percent annually and part of that is due to the energy policies of the Obama administration.

Government Shutdown Myths Needing To Be Debunked

Notable Republicans and "conservative" pundits have gone to great lengths to assure America that Cruz's plan could never work, and would ultimately prove disastrous.


If Obama Can Be President, Then So Can Ted Cruz

According to that definition, Barack Obama, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal and Rick Santorum are ineligible to be President. None of them fulfill the requirement of natural born citizenship...

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