Thursday, August 29, 2013

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima?

In this article and video, we will explore how dangerous plutonium is for you and your family. We will also explore what happened at Fukushima, in relation to plutonium nano particle releases. This vital information is NOT being covered in the mass media anywhere in the world. The nuclear industry and pro nuclear apologists definitely do not want you to know about it, so if you are ready, let's learn all about plutonium health hazards. 

LINK TV, Oct. 21 — Dr. Helen Caldicott appeared on the LINK TV program Earth Focus to discuss the Fukushima crisis and other nuclear issues. Her expertise is listed below.

Dr. Helen Caldicott MD received her medical degree from the University of Adelaide Medical School. In 1977 she joined the staff of the Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Boston, and taught pediatrics at the Harvard Medical School from 1977 to 1978. She worked to establish the group International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985.

[Rough Transcript of Video Above By Dr. Caldicott]
The problem with (govt/military) plutonium studies is that they did not seem to focus on ANY children. According to Dr Caldicott, children are 20 times (to 2,000 times for eggs/sperm) more sensitive to radiation than adults. This makes all of the studies on adults worthless, because none of the adult studies can be applied to children or babies, much less a fetus or an egg/sperm.

According to Dr. Caldicott, in a normal fetus a tiny particle of plutonium can lodge in the brain while it is developing. In a fetus, plutonium can and WILL destroy the genetic material that will develop into the right brain for example.

Plutonium has extreme teratogenasis properties, meaning it has severe and negative effects on eggs, sperm and developing fetuses.

For this reason, pro nuclear industry apologists will NEVER show or do studies around how plutonium affects a human fetus, babies or children, because it would be deadly for their positive public relations PR, pro nuclear campaign. They KNOW what results they would get if they somehow could get permission to let infants or babies inhale plutonium dust or somehow get permission from someone to inject plutonium into the sperm sack or ovaries. 

We doubt very much that such a scientific study could even be carried out, because the results with animals indicate 100% mortality. An experiment likes this would be unethical and will more than likely never be performed.

According to Dr Caldicott MD, plutonium has an affinity for the testicles in men, and lodges next to the sperm production area of the male reproductive system, destroying or damaging the genetic structure of the sperm, which then produces defective human babies. Plutonium is mutagenetic.

She reports it can take up to twenty generations for recessive genetic tendencies to express themselves, so the danger of plutonium is not just focused on this present generation which is exposed to this deadly substance.

We also have to ask at what dose will plutonium breathed in or lodged into a place where it is either next to or inside of a human egg or sperm, where it can and will cause the genetic damage of a sperm or egg. One .5 microgram amount of plutonium is small enough to fit inside of a cell, or in between cells, where it can cause lifelong suffering or death of a fetus, baby or later on in life from some genetic disease (pick one of 2,600). This serves as a quick view into the nano world of plutonium, so now let’s dive in deeper and explore this subject in some detail.


So how much plutonium does it take to cause a cancer? 

“In 1944, J. Robert Oppenheimer concluded: Interpretation of Dr. Hamilton's data on rats in terms of humans indicates that 50-100 micrograms of plutonium [3.3-6.6 uCi Pu-239] in the skeletal system is the lethal dose. Calculations of the dangerous dose of plutonium in lung tissue leads to answers between 0.5-5.0 micrograms [.033-.33 uCi of Pu-239] depending on the assumptions which have been made. [Oppenheimer to Hempelman, August 16, 1944

However, Robley Evans had concluded by 1944 that data extrapolated from rats to humans was unreliable because rats could tolerate higher rates of radium than humans. (R. Evans, Amer J Roentgen and Rad Ther LII, October 1944) Evans subsequently focused on retrospective studies of radium dial painters.”

So if the fatal doses for humans from plutonium are lower than what has been discussed between researchers above, how much lower are they than .5 micrograms, as a FATAL DOSE?

Let us start with .5 MICROGRAMS dose and explore that a bit. How can we visualize .5 of a Microgram, which is MUCH smaller than a MILLIGRAM, and MUCH, MUCH smaller than a Gram? Let’s start down the scale of measurements to get some idea of how small a Microgram is.

1 teaspoon is 5 grams and it is also 500 milligrams 
500mg equals .10 of a teaspoon
500 Micrograms = .5 milligram
100 micrograms = 0.1 milligrams
.5 micrograms = 0.0005 milligrams
1 microgram is = to 0.000000035 ounce, and that also equals I MICRON

1 mi·cro·gram
 = a unit of mass or weight equal to one millionth of a gram. This measurement unit is used chiefly in microchemistry. The Symbol: ?g stands for 1 microgram, or 1 micron .(This term is often used in nanotechnology, in air pollution laws/rules, as well as in research about radioactive dusts and gases released from nuclear accidents. )

So now that we know that this size of nano particle is very small, let’s find out just how dangerous nano particles are, without plutonium being involved in this at all.

“The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), many health professionals, and, of course, the Hamilton County Department of Environmental Services are all very concerned about particulate pollution. In fact, the concern about particulates is related to their very small size.

Since the late 1970's, we only monitored particulate matter pollution that was 10 microns in diameter or less, called PM 10. A micron (or 1 micrometer) is a millionth of a meter. To give you an idea of how small PM 10 is, the dot above the letter "i" in a typical newspaper measures about 400 microns! 

PM 10 particles are small enough to be inhaled and accumulate in the respiratory system. In the last decade, health studies indicated that particles even smaller than PM 10 can cause even more health problems than larger particles that are actually visible! 

Now, in addition to monitoring PM 10, scientists and technicians monitor fine particles called PM 2.5, these particles measure 2.5 microns in diameter or smaller, or about 1/10,000 of an inch. These tiny particles are about 30 times smaller than the width of a hair on your head! These tiny particles are small enough to get inhaled past our defensive nose hairs and into our lungs. 

But it doesn't stop there! A PM 2.5 nano particle can pass from our lungs into our blood supply and be carried throughout our bodies.”

This is an important point… A .5 micron size dust particle is also equal to a .5 micrometer dust particle of plutonium. The EPA said that this size of particle is dangerous, because it is small enough to get into the lungs, and then go directly into the bloodstream from there, bypassing the filters in the nose and sinuses and avoiding the mucus that normally protects us from larger dust particles.

“As you have just found out in the section above, some tiny pieces of particulate matter, PM 2.5, are small enough to pass from our lungs to our bloodstream”, such as the .5 micron size particle of plutonium.

A small particle (we are not even talking about plutonium or other radioactive substance) inhaled into the lungs with normal breathing either inside or outside the house,  “can alter the body's defense systems against foreign materials, damage lung tissues, aggravate existing respiratory and cardiovascular disease, and can lead to cancer. 

In some cases, PM exposure can even lead to premature death. Adverse health effects have been associated with exposures to PM over both short periods (such as a day) and longer periods (a year or more). The people who are most at risk are people with asthma, influenza, lung, heart, or cardiovascular disease, the elderly, and children.”


“The human immune system developed in a time and environment where dust was made of large particles. Humans have developed a means of protecting themselves against these large particles. Particles larger than 10 microns generally get caught in the nose and throat, never making it as far as the lungs. Unfortunately, more recent human activity has created many particles that are much smaller, which can make it past our natural defenses, and can enter our systems. Normal particles produced by Nature are larger than 10 microns, and the human lungs in the body are built with defensive mechanisms to filter out these larger particles.

This is why particles smaller than 10 microns are often called "inhaleable particulates" and are regulated by the USEPA. Particles that are smaller than 5 microns can get into the bronchial tubes and the top of the lungs. Particles smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter can get into the deepest portion of the lungs where the gas exchange occurs between the air and blood stream. These are the dangerous particles because the body has no efficient mechanisms for removing them. (You can also imagine what happens if even .5 of one micron sized nano particle of toxic and radioactive plutonium gets down into this region, can’t you?)

New studies have shown that there is an 18% increase in deaths from heart disease among people with long term exposure to particulate matter. "It's very different from what we thought previously," said professor and epidemiologist Arden Pope of Brigham Young University, who led the study. While exposure clearly impacts the lungs, "long-term, chronic exposure to air pollution seems to manifest more in cardiovascular disease than it does in respiratory disease."

This study shows the biological mechanism by which long-term exposure to tiny-particle pollution can actually lead to ischemic heart disease, which causes heart attacks, as well as irregular heart rhythms, heart failure and cardiac arrest. The key is inflammation, Pope said. While strong bouts of pollution can make breathing hard and increase respiratory problems, they also provoke low-grade pulmonary inflammation, accelerating the development of atherosclerosis - a leading cause of heart disease - and altering heart function.”

So what have we learned so far? We have learned that small nano sized particles of human made pollution are hazardous to health, and can cause serious illnesses and death without even talking about radiation or heavy metal toxins such as plutonium or uranium for example. 
So let us explore, again without even getting into radioactive substances released from reactor accidents, what effect small nano particles have when they are concentrated in one place…


The Air Quality Index (AQI) for particulate matter provides information on the health effects of different levels of particulate in the air.

Air Quality Index (AQI): Particulate Matter (PM)

This is what you will see on the nightly news.. the reporter will talk about these numbers and tell you to stay inside or that it is OK to come outside and work/play. 

101 - 150
Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
People with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly, and children should limit prolonged exertion.
People with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should limit outdoor exertion.

151 - 200
People with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly, and children should avoid prolonged exertion; everyone else should limit prolonged exertion.
People with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should avoid outdoor exertion; everyone else, especially the elderly and children, should limit prolonged outdoor exertion.

201 - 300
Very Unhealthy
People with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly, and children should avoid any outdoor activity; everyone else should avoid prolonged exertion.
People with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should avoid any outdoor activity; everyone else, especially the elderly and children, should limit outdoor exertion.

301 - 500
Everyone should avoid any outdoor exertion; people with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly, and children should remain indoors.

Everyone should avoid any outdoor exertion; people with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should remain indoors.

* PM has two sets of cautionary statements, which correspond to the two sizes of PM that are measured:

• Particles up to 2.5 micrometers in diameter (PM2.5) 
• Particles up to 10 micrometers in diameter (PM10)
• An AQI of 100 for PM2.5 corresponds to a PM2.5 level of 40 micrograms per cubic meter (averaged over 24 hours). 
• An AQI of 100 for PM10 corresponds to a PM10 level of 150 micrograms per cubic meter (averaged over 24 hours).  

According to yahoo answers; “Total Inhalable Dust: This is the fraction of airborne particles which enters the nose and mouth during normal breathing. It is made up of particles of 100 microns diameter and less. This dust fraction is required to be measured in many European jurisdictions.

Thoracic Dust: This is the fraction approximately 10 microns diameter and less. This is also referred to as the PM10 in the USA. This fraction will pass through the nose and throat, and reach into the lungs.

Respirable Dust: This fraction is the particles approximately 5 microns and less. It certainly penetrates into the gas exchange region of the lungs, and is therefore the most hazardous particulate size. This fraction is required to be measured in many European jurisdictions.

DUST IN THE WORKPLACE: For many nuisance type dusts the occupational limits are around 10mg/m3 for total dusts and 5 mg/m3 for respirable or PM10 dusts. These are normally measured with small air sampling pumps running for a number of hours, or a quick measure of relative dust levels can be obtained by using a light scattering dust meter.”

So what have we learned from this section? We have learned that scientists have found a DIRECT link between more diseases and higher death rates when the particulate levels go up. These researchers have come up with a graph that illustrates this relationship. Again we are talking about just ordinary particulates, not radioactive and toxic heavy metal particulates and gases.

But now we can also start to see how and why the scientific evidence for the harm caused by nano radioactive particles such as cesium iodine, plutonium and uranium, plus 900 other ones, all released after a nuclear accident, in a massive INSIVIBLE cloud of particulates, may apply and be real, rather than imagined, as the pro nuclear apologists claim. 


In a typical puff of a cigarette in the UK, it contains about “1.5 Micrograms of nitrogen monoxide”. The nitrogen monoxide cannot be seen, tasted, smelled or felt.  This nitrogen dioxide amount inhaled with EVERY BREATH of a cigarette is three times more than the amount we are talking about which is fatal if inhaled in a human lung when it comes to a plutonium nano particle, coming from a reactor fire or melt down/ melt through.


According to the EPA, 200 micrograms of mercury would fit on the head of the sharp end of a pin. Now that is pretty small in terms of space. But examples exist of how a substance can be dangerous in very small amounts, and here is one example: “Two years ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a study, which showed that three-month-old babies exposed to just 63 micrograms of mercury -- less than half of the aforementioned pin top -- were two-and-a-half times more likely to develop autism.  The study is stamped “Confidential” and “Do Not Copy or Release”.  Siegel says it was never made public because it was just a draft.”

Another way of looking at this sharp end of a pin is to use an electron microscope, which can look at the atomic structure of a substance. An electron microscope is used for nanotechnology, such as in the following example where Tom Newman took “the information on the page of a book and put it on an area 1/25,000 smaller in linear scale in such a manner that it can be read by an electron microscope,” (roughly the scale at which the entire Encyclopedia Britannica could squeeze onto the sharp end of a pin).

So if it only takes 65 micrograms of thimerisol to cause autism, and it only takes some invisibly small nano particles of man made dust to cause heart disease, heart attacks, and all kinds of other diseases including cancer, according to the research above. It now becomes much easier to see how something that may be much more toxic to human life could do the same thing in a dose that is approximately 100 times smaller than this… at .5 of a microgram  of plutonium, and possibly even less.

If it is possible to see that three times as much amount of nitrogen monoxide (1.5 Micrograms) is inhaled in the form of particles in a typical cigarette inhale, it is easier to understand how a .5 Micograms of a floating nano particle sized dust mote of plutonium can also be inhaled easily. 

After all, we cannot see plutonium nano particles. We cannot hear them, smell them, taste them or even see them. There is no warning that the body gives us, if we are about to inhale a nano particle of radioactive plutonium, coming all the way from Fukushima, or any other nuclear accident for that matter. No Geiger Counter will even detect it. 

Anytime a nuclear reactor has an accident, plutonium as well as hundreds of other radioactive nano particles are released in massive rivers of invisible radioactive gases and dust. So now let’s explore how that works and interview an expert on this subject, shall we?


Arnie Gunderson  is a nuclear expert that we will be ‘interviewing’ in this material via a CNN video. He will be talking about plutonium and other nano particles. Here is a small introduction about him.

Arnie Gunderson MS
Expertise; Bachelors and Masters Degree In Nuclear Engineering
Senior VP in nuclear industry
Has license to operate a nuclear plant
Holds a nuclear patent
First reactor he worked on was a Mark I reactor, later worked on Mark II and Mark III reactors.
Has had 300 people under him and has been in about 70 nuclear power plants in his career.

Gunderson talks about ‘hot’ particles in this video, where he explains the concept of nano particles further. In a CNN interview, Arnie talks about how dangerous ‘hot’ nano particles are that come out of nuclear reactor meltdowns.

Have you ever wondered why those workers and visitors at the plant are wearing full facemasks with very special, very fine air filters?  These air filter masks are not just ordinary painting type filters. These filters are special air filtration systems designed to filter out these very small nano particles. They fit very tightly on the face, so as not to allow ANY air leaks, as the air around a leaking reactor complex like Fukushima is highly radioactive and full of floating nano particles, or radioactive ‘fuel fleas’.

Gunderson, in his CNN interview, says that the radiation after a nuclear accident initially comes out as a big cloud of (Noble) gases and radiation. But then what comes out of the reactor after that is something he calls radioactive ‘fuel fleas’. The term ‘fuel flea’ is the same thing as a a NANO PARTICLE of plutonium, cesium, iodine, or one of hundreds of other radioactive particles. They are too small to be picked up on a Geiger Counter, but they are there.

As long as these reactors are not covered in concrete and sealed from the air and as long as the spent fuel pools are open to the air at Fukushima, these toxic, radioactive nano particles of plutonium, uranium, cesium and other isotopes will be released into the global river of air. Since the Japanese do not seem to be concerned about covering these reactors and sealing them off, this river of radioactive ‘fuel fleas’ will continue to be pumped out potentially for hundreds of years.

Once they leak out of the broken reactors and spent fuel pools, these radioactive and toxic heavy metal particles ride the jet stream. They can then settle back down all around the globe, where we breathe them in. 

Gunderson says that the average person breathes about 10 cubic meters of air in a day. These nano particles or fuel fleas are in the air, all around the globe. In the US, Gunderson reports that the average person breaths in about 5-10 of these nano radioactive particles per day, and in Japan ,they breathe in about 100 or more of these nano particles a day. Watch him talk about this specifically in his CNN interview here.. 

Some people will argue that nano particles of plutonium will not hurt anyone, period...But what we have already learned is that small nano sized particles are classified by the EPA as hazardous to health, even WITHOUT radiation. So this argument makes the person who claims this look ignorant, foolish and illiterate.

So now lets add the fact that plutonium is a heavy metal, which is a poison all by itself, like mercury, only WORSE. Now we also have to add the radiation to it. If a plutonium nano particle gets into your bloodstream, or bone marrow, or liver, or testicles, or breast, it kills or damages the genes in the cells next to it, unlike mercury, which is just plain toxic and poisonous. This damage is what starts the cancer process in whatever part of the body it is in. If someone argues against this method of cancer initiation, send them to a cancer doctor, who will teach them all about the wide variety of methods of cancer promotion and initiation, including radioactive substances.

How can we logically think that this is NOT even more dangerous to health than just the average danger of small  dust motes of lead, which are extremely hazardous in even very small quantities. …

According to the EPA; “Human exposure to lead occurs through a combination of inhalation and oral exposure, with inhalation generally contributing a greater proportion of the dose for occupationally exposed groups…. The NAAQS safety/action level for lead in the air is 0.15 µg/m3.” In other words, there cannot be more than one .15 micron sized nano particle per cubic meter of air, or it is considered a toxic place that needs to be cleaned up because it is hazardous to health.  

Remember that 1 micron is one-millionth of a meter, which also equals 1 micrometer, and we are talking about how .5 of one micron particle is enough to be fatal to a human being.. So what size are the particles coming out of a radioactive accident or nuclear bomb blast?  According to the Engineering Toolbox;

NANO PARTICLE - Size -  Microns/Micrometers/uM 
                                     (all are the same or equivalent)
Radioactive Fallout                             0.1 – 10
Atmospheric Dust                              0.001 – 40
Lead Dust                                          2
Anthrax                                              1 – 5

For more examples, go to;

In this section, we have learned that Nano particles are dangerous, and the EPA as well as local county health authorities and air pollution boards have specific rules and warnings for particles in the air, separate from nuclear power accidents, which release large quantities of these radioactive nano particles.

According to experts like Gunderson, these radioactive nano particles go around the world, and everyone breathes them in. Remember that the fatal dose of plutonium can be .5 microns/micrometer/uM , and that amount is so small, it cannot be seen.

Further, we all breathe many particles in like this every day from Fukushima, some people more than others, depending on where the wind blows and how fine your air filter is, in your house or vehicle.


To repeat; Gunderson says that the average person breathes about 10 cubic meters of air in a day. These nano particles or fuel fleas are in the air, all around the globe. In the US, Gunderson reports that the average person breathes in about 5-10 'hot' radioactive particles per day.  Remember, that these radioactive particles cannot be measured with a Geiger Counter, but that does not mean that they are harmless or safe.

In Japan, Gunderson reports that citizens there breathe in about 100 or more of these 'hot' radioactive nano particles a day. Watch his interview here if you have not already watched it…

All sizes of particles and smoke as well as debris is thrown up into the air after a nuclear ‘accident’. At Fukushima, many explosions and fires happened, with lots of radioactive smoke, particle release and radioactive emissions. 

100 Microns/Micrometers/uM 

Larger particles are things like radioactive fallout, soot, sand, sea spray, hail and snow. They are larger than 100 Microns/Micrometers/uM in diameter. They fall out of the air quickly and in nuclear accidents, these larger radioactive particles of cesium, iodine, strontium, uranium, and plutonium are what contaminate large areas with high levels of radioactivity, as these large particles fall out close to the source. This size of particle is largely what Geiger Counters pick up on. 

2-100 Microns/Micrometers/uM 

Medium particles are hazardous, because they bypass the normal filtering mechanism of the body. These Nano particles settle out more slowly, due to their smaller size and lighter weight. They include such things as radioactive nano particles, pollen, larger bacteria, dust, fly ash, coal dust, silt, pollen, and fine ice crystals during very cold weather. They tend to settle out of the air at about .2 meters per second or more. These particles are thrown into the stratosphere during a nuclear explosion, and then one has to calculate jet stream velocity, versus settling velocity, and these particles can still travel great distances, given turbulence, jet streams and high altitude ejection from a nuclear explosion, or even a nuclear accident explosion, such as the one at Fukushima #3.

Particles under 10 Micron/Micrometer/uM   have a special hazard classification and are called PM10 because they further down into the lungs than particles larger than 100 Micron/Micrometer/uM .

Particles under 5 Micron/Micrometer/uMs are have an even higher hazard classification because they go deeper into the lungs, and enter into the gas exchange area of the lungs.

1 Micron/Micrometer/uM

Small nano particles are made up of nano sized radioactive particles, viruses, small bacteria, fumes, radioactive and other gases, smoke, clay, and more.

Small nano particles are so small and lightweight, that they can take anywhere from forever, to days or years to settle out of the atmosphere. If the air is turbulent, they may never come down. If the air is quiet, they settle slowly out of the atmosphere, towards the ground. 

If thrown up into the stratosphere by nuclear explosions, such as during the atomic bomb tests, or after an accident such as Fukushima or Chernobyl, these small radioactive nano particles may float in the air for MANY years before coming down inside of rain or snow, which may form around these small particles. Since these particles stay up in the upper atmosphere for many generations, anyone who flies in an airplane is flying through these clouds of radioactive nano particles.

The rain and/or snow may concentrate these radioactive particles, resulting in high radiation readings ONLY for rain or snow, on the other side of the planet, far away from the original release of radiation.. An example of this is a radiation reading take in February 2012, near the US East Coast.  

Another example; 


The dose of radioactive particles that will kill an adult male in the prime of life is different from what will cause disabling genetic damage in an egg, sperm, fetus or baby. A child is much more sensitive to the same dose of radiation than an adult male for example. Even a female is more sensitive than a male of the same age, given the same exposure to a radioactive substance.

To have a full discussion about the dangers of nano particle sized plutonium floating around in the air globally, being breathed in by all ages, sexes and health conditions,  we need to look at all of these areas, not just the effect of plutonium on healthy, adult, older males, who are much less affected, both by radiation and by toxins such as plutonium. Ignoring everyone except for adult male nuclear workers when it comes to plutonium is definitely NOT scientific.

Even the MOST conservative researchers who downplay the danger and avoid calculating risk for babies, fetuses, children and dangers posed by constant low level exposure as well as the multiple cancer causing routes (other than lung cancer) admit that "the 2 million fatalities per pound inhaled leaves plutonium dust far from "the most toxic substance known to man."

Biological agents, like botulism toxin or anthrax spores are many hundreds or thousands of times more toxic. Plutonium toxicity is similar to that of nerve gas, but given the choice of being in a room with equal quantities of plutonium dust and nerve gas, the latter would be infinitely more dangerous." Chapter 13 Plutonium and Bombs 

To contrast this rather conservative radiation expert, the official and very scientifically valid CERRIE Majority Report says that radiation dose is meaningless, and this applies to both cesium and plutonium.  According to the report: “there are important concerns with respect to the heterogeneity of dose delivery within tissues and cells from short-range charged particle emissions, the extent to which current models adequately represent such interactions with biological targets, and the specification of target cells at risk. Indeed, the actual concepts of absorbed dose become questionable, and sometimes meaningless, when considering interactions at the cellular and molecular levels.” (CERRIE Majority Report Chapter 2.1 paragraph 11).

Again, we have scientists who have looked at all radioactive substances, including those that emit alpha, beta and gamma radiation, and they are telling us via this report that ALL of these radioactive substances have a negative effect on our health, via the internal exposure mechanism.

Internal radiation when it is lodged in the lungs or absorbed into the blood, plasma, bones, muscles, organs or glands is MUCH different than ANY exposure to external radiation. Internal radiation from something radioactive lodged inside the body is also different from swallowing something radioactive which then passes through the gut and is then expelled in most cases.

To see how nano sized Hot Particles of Radioactive fallout travels around the world, watch the following video; 

To summarize; we have learned how dangerous nano sized particles are. We have also learned how extra layers of danger are added on by radiation inside the body, compared to outside radiation exposure.


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