Monday, August 26, 2013

08-26-13: Why Your Boss is Dumping Your Wife

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

palin 2013

·  Sarah Palin: Blasts DHS' Stupidity...has High Praise of Ashton Kutcher's Speech

·  Judge Jeanine Pirro: U.S. Government Full of Nothing but Hot Air?

·  Defense Secretary Hagel: U.S. Military Ready to Act Over Syria Chemical Claims

·  Senator Ted Cruz: We'd need a grassroots "tsunami" to get the votes to defund ObamaCare

·  Robber Brings Knife to Pizza-Delivery Heist...but Domino's Guy Has a Gun

·  REALLY? ObamaCare Hires Employees WITHOUT BACKGROUND CHECKS to Collect Your Personal Info

·  Daughter-in-law says WWII Veteran Delbert Benton beaten to death with big heavy flashlights

·  REPORT: Obamacare Will Force Farmers To Hike Food Prices

·  Juan Williams: Christians attacked in Egypt are surrogates for U.S.

In Case You Missed It

breaking news light

·  89-Year-Old WWII Veteran Beaten to Death by Two Teens in Parking Lot

·  Eyewitness accounts of reported chemical attacks in Syria

·  Dr. Ben Carson the cure for 2016? Will famed neurosurgeon run for president?

·  The biggest failure of the Obama administration...Lack of a Vibrant Economy

·  Liberal Member of Congress: ‘No reason why a young person should have to pay for college education'

·  Mark Levin Destroys GOP over Defunding of ObamaCare

·  Obama's New UN ambassador under fire for missing emergency Syria session

·  Unbelievable Story of Ohio Dad Who Came ‘Back From the Dead' After Son Says: ‘You're Not Going to Die Today'

·  Wilkow on American Betrayal: Since When Is Trying to Root Communists Out of Your Government a Bad Thing?

paper doll cut outs - your contribution means alot


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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Why Your Boss is Dumping Your Wife

Obamacare: UPS joins growing list of companies kicking spouses off health insurance

Ft. Hood Killer Admits He Committed Act of Terrorism

For the if-it-bleeds-it-leads media, it seems awfully strange how silent the media have been about the story of Major Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter.

Academics Skeptical of Obama's Message on Higher Education

The president's visit comes as his popularity slumps.

When Harry Met Ivan (And They Disagreed Over "Joe"...Stalin)

So much for Harry Hopkins being a benign force in WWII.

Quite a Fix

"If it ain't broke, keep fixing it 'til it is broke," is a government proverb.

THUNDER ROAD - Feature Film

An epic war drama for a defining generation that your government doesn't want you to know about and Hollywood is afraid to make.

Insane This Way

After a great deal of fuss about national security and terrorism, sentence was passed and Bradley Manning announced that what he really wanted was to live as a woman.

Obama Administration Covers Up Missile Theft

The Obama administration is covering up the theft of 400 surface to air missiles by "some very ugly people," the lawyer for a Benghazi whistleblower.

Carbon Dioxide: The ‘Gas of Life'

Tiny amounts of this miracle molecule make life on Earth possible.

Military Panel finds Hasan Guilty of Murder in 2009 Fort Hood Massacre

Military court finds Maj. Nidal Hasan guilty on all charges in the 2009 shooting rampage at Fort Hood that killed 13 and injured more than 30, with sentencing scheduled for Monday.

Enemies both Foreign and Domestic

This President - more than any other in our lifetime - has weakened America, opening us to attacks from enemies both foreign and domestic.


Don't Rescue the Muslim Brotherhood

Ever since Obama came to office, his administration has cultivated relations with, legitimated, emboldened, empowered, funded and even armed the Muslim Brotherhood.

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