Thursday, September 26, 2013

TrentoVision - 9.25.13 - NYC Muslim Day Parade 2013 - Urban Infidel

Streamed live on Sep 25, 2013
This past Sunday, September 22, once again New York City was the host to the Muslim Day Parade. Remember, last year The United West videotaped an absolute "jihad-fest" with State Senator Tony Avella walking off the stage as Jews and other Americans were the target of vile hatred and vitriol. This year, the intrepid Urban Infidel covered the Parade in their usual investigative manner. The photos, video and commentary of today's special guest, Urban Infidel proves conclusively that this Muslim Parade, which does include good American Muslims, is still led by anti-American Muslims who "worship" the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda, as evidenced by the many supporters of those terrorist organizations. This Parade is a thinly-disguised veil for all that is wrong with shariah Islam.

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