- From IslamAwakened
"He demonstrated good examples in all aspects of life, Allah says: 'You have indeed in the Apostle of Allah a beautiful pattern of (conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day and who engages much in the praise of Allah.' (Qur'an, 33:21)."
- From the Nigerian Muslim's Network
It is a basic principle of Islam that a Muslim should follow the example of the Prophet Mohammad. This is stated in the Koran (Islam's holiest book) no less than 91 times. This is one of the most dangerous and misunderstood facts about Islam. How does a Muslim know how to be a Muslim? By following Mohammad as an example. A Muslim cannot read the Koran and discover how to be a Muslim. Not one of the "five pillars of Islam" is in the Koran. So it is almost impossible for someone to be a Muslim without considering Mohammad as an example to emulate.
What kind of example was Mohammad? He was kind to his fellow Muslims, and he was often cruel to non-Muslims, especially if they criticized Islam or hindered its relentless expansion. He was perhaps a typical seventh-century warlord — ordering assassinations of his enemies, torturing people for information, owning slaves and having sex with them, and killing enemies in mass executions — but his example is preserved in writing, and so is the Koranic encouragement to all devout Muslims to follow his example.
What should non-Muslims do about this? The first and most important action we need to take is the education of our fellow non-Muslims. It is unbelievable to me how ignorant almost everybody is about Mohammad. Many people I talk to — even "educated" people — aren't even sure what part Mohammad played in Islam. They ask me things like, "Is he one of the main Muslim leaders or founders?"
Talk to people about Mohammad and tell them this important fact: Muslims are supposed to follow Mohammad's example. Then enlighten them about Mohammad's behavior.
This is frightening information, and whenever you present scary information, I recommend you go out of your way to make it as unfrightening as you can so people will be willing to listen to you, and I also encourage you to tell people there are things they can do about it. Do not overwhelm them or leave them without any recourse.
And I would appreciate it if you let us know what happens when you talk to people about Mohammad. What do they say? How do they react? How do you respond? Give us the good, the bad, and the ugly in the comments below, and let us learn from your example.
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