Sunday, May 25, 2014

Muslims stage anti-Muslim hate crime in Nashville and gets dhimmis to clean it up

Muslims stage anti-Muslim hate crime in Nashville and gets dhimmis to clean it up

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In the West racism is despised with intense emotion. In Muslim culture racism, bigotry, hatred of others, misogyny, oppression flourish and is not considered anything wrong and is encouraged. The West’s naive attitude to racism is widely exploited by Muslims.

The Muslim faith is derived from warfare strategy. The strategy to hold people hostage by creating a dead end imaginary prophet whom you can never question, never investigate, and never leave. The conquere over the person is total and final since you face death if you in any way question or leave this fantasy superimposed onto you. It’s subliminal and tactical warfare at its most dangerous and was widely used in the middle ages.

Sane people in any modern society would ask: why on earth would anyone stage hate crimes? But in the Muslim community it is common. Through Europe a number of hate crimes were reported by Muslims last year. Investigations however revealed that nearly every one of them, with rare exception, were staged by Muslims themselves. Video cameras picked up footages of Imams crawling around at night spray painting racial anti-Muslim slurs against their own mosques, Muslims breaking in to their own mosques, Muslims trying to commit arson on mosques and residences of other Muslims. All the while reporting them to police as “anti-Muslim hate crimes”.

The entire Muslim “culture” and mindset is built on deception, distortions, creating divisions and lies. This “culture” is being used in the West under various objectives, with most common ones being insurance fraud, dubious methods to collect donations and monies, political fraud, fraudulent legal action, gaining communal sympathy where the intent is to actual get more control to turn an area into a Muslims-only enclave. Imams have also staged ‘anti-Muslim hate crimes’ to try and convince their audience that prophet Muhammad’s commands to despise and hate Christians and Jews is right, and to prove they are “enemies of Muslims and Islam”.

In New York Muslims are the most prolific groups engaged in complaints against local governments, complaints against private groups and organizations to push laws to entitle Muslims to take over entire neighborhoods. Muslims are the most prolific users of lawfare, voter rigging, insurance fraud, staged hate crimes, welfare demands, harassment, intimidation of locals, flash crowding in an area to push locals to move out. In their complaint process they always use two staged arguments: religious freedom and racism. Racism is used like here, in staged and manipulated hate crimes.

Vandalism committed by Muslims to stage themselves as victims tend to include three of their favorite signatures: signs of Judaism, Nazi signs and Christian symbols. Irony is that these three have a constant presence in Islamic culture. Nazism because they admire Hitler deeply and were allies in the creation of the holocaust in a morbid 1400 year racist hate of Jewish people originated from their warlord prophet. In staged hate crimes Muslims love to portray themselves as the “new holocaust victims”. Judaism and Christianity as these two groups are pointed out in the Quran as the main enemies and targets for Muslims to focus on. No wonder the Muslim slaughter and persecution of these two groups is unprecedented around the world.


If authorities in the city of Nashville paid attention they should monitor the applications and intentions of the Muslims in the area. What are they trying to apply approvals for? Are they trying to get special privileges? Are they trying to push local people out of the areas through intimidation and hidden vandalism? Do they crowd in on areas to intimidate locals to move? Do they try and open shops and fast food joints in non-Muslim areas where their customers generally are not even present? Are they trying to open more and more mosques through staged sympathy drives to give the appearance they are somehow victims of others? Is arson increasing in the area? Are hate crime reports increasing in the area? These are all common methods Muslims use to expand their community and gradually try and push kafirs out, to create an Islamic enclave or Sharia zone area.
These photos are from the website with a convenient donate button next to the set of images of the ‘vandalism’ they apparently convinced locals they had endured. Dhimmis not only helped to clean up their own staging but also paid for it. That’s how naive people are.

The site describes their work as: “TIRRC is a statewide, immigrant and refugee-led collaboration whose mission is to empower immigrants and refugees throughout Tennessee to develop a unified voice, defend their rights, and create an atmosphere in which they are recognized as positive contributors to the state.”

Muslim woman stands outside staged ‘anti-Muslim hate crime’ created by Muslims themselves in Al Faroog Mosque in Nashville, Tennesse, to perpetrate their own victimisation.

When Muslims stage hate crimes they often don’t understand that their interpretation of the group they try and frame is misrepresented. Not knowing anything of other religions they tend to make mistakes. To not aid them in their endless fake staging of hate crimes we won’t reveal how to detect those mistakes (we have a lot of Muslims reading this blog).

One of the amusing way they stage hate crimes that are their own crimes is by leaving a signature. That signature is always targeted at two victims of theirs: Jews and Christians.

Blissfully ignorant dhimmis help to clean up morbid Muslim xenophobia and hatred of kafirs, that express itself in endless hidden hate crimes like this staged vandalism of al Farooq mosque.

A very common attribute in the Muslim mindset throughout history: the poor me syndrome. Through our entire history when Muslims have invaded, occupied, attacked and killed other people and their countries they have never once expressed or felt remorse. On the contrary, the entitlement mentality of Islam, has always taught them to portray themselves as victims. Here they play the part of victim in a staged hate crimes that Muslims themselves arranged at the al Farooq mosque in Nashville, Tennessee.

Dhimmis falling all over themselves to help the “poor Muslims” clean up their own xenophobia and racism.

The dhimmis have to of course be there to video tape and record the assumed ‘crimes’ against the mosque.

Local press and dhimmis in the background, shamefully falling for the usual manipulation by aggressors in society.

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