A Patriotic Warning To Islamic/Anti-Americans In The U.S. :”Stand Down” – Or Else…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}
THERE comes a fork in the road, so to speak, whereby rational folks finally say: enough!
ENOUGH toying with the patience, generosity, resolve and fortitude of patriotic Americans. No more testing whether Islamic adherence (to Shariah law) will become the “law of the land”, as opposed to the Constitution. After all, who the hell do they think they are?
BESIDES, whether Muslim (and leftist) leaders get it or not; or Islamic mouthpieces can’t take no for an answer; well, they would do well to “stand down”, especially when millions of loyal Americans are riled up and completely fed up.
NOW the aforementioned fork in the road absolutely veered into sharper relief, hence, dangerous territory, when juxtaposed against the increasingly brazen exhortations spewed by Islamic leaders in America. What did they expect, a (Shariah law) welcome mat?
YES, the newly minted “most influential” American-Muslim came into this investigative journalist’s radar, a full 4 months before he was anointed TOP Islamic dog! For the record, his supporters were none too pleased with the spotlight at this site. Oh well.
BACK to the highlight, the accolades heaped on Sheikh Hamza Yusuf this past week:
This year’s issue of The Muslim 500 names Sheikh Hamza Yusuf as the most influential Muslim-American. He is often portrayed as a moderate, but he recently endorsed Sharia governance and heads an Islamist college in California with extremist faculty.
Yusuf is ranked as the 35th most influential Muslim in the world by the publication. He is described as the “leading Islamic authority” in America. He is the current president and a senior faculty member of Zaytuna College in California.
MOREOVER, patriots are finally understanding why the bugaboo of “moderate” Muslims is a non-starter, thereby leaving them without little recourse. Not only that, but countering the Koran’s barbarism has become an urgent task, all in order to reveal Islam’s underbelly and to save western civilization. It is THAT serious.
INDEED, American-Muslims (those adhering to Islamic Shariah law) present a clear and present danger at home and abroad. And it is this precarious state of national affairs, its tipping point, which precipitates the following “letter” from Dave Gaubatz:
AS to internalizing who’s who on the patriot food chain….
Aside from co-authoring the magna carté of books on the Muslim underworld, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America, Dave Gaubatz is a U.S. State Department-trained Arabic linguist and a retired Federal Agent with the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). With over three decades of combined Air Force (AF) experience, his career has led him on missions spanning the Middle East — from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Kuwait to Iraq. As a Special Federal Agent, he has received the highest forms of U.S. security clearances for top-secret intelligence information — including for weapons of mass destruction and espionage — and has been briefed into many “black projects.”
Among his varied achievements, Gaubatz has investigated felony crimes against the U.S. Air Force and government, as well as has been assigned to counterterrorism and counterintelligence investigations. He was the very first Special Civilian Agent deployed to Nasiriyah, Iraq, in 2003 for Operation Liberation Iraq. Using his Arabic training to travel throughout, he gathered vital intelligence on espionage and weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Although he was able to uncover sites, the U.S. failed to excavate them, and the weapons were later taken by groups of insurgents.
During this stint in Iraq, Gaubatz was also assigned to rescue the family of Mohammed Odeh Al-Rehaief, the Iraqi lawyer who aided in rescuing Pfc. Jessica Lynch. He has earned numerous Federal awards for identifying WMD sites and Islamic terrorists planning attacks against the U.S. and its troops.
IF Shariah law adherents in the U.S. know what is good for them, they will pay heed to Dave Gaubatz’s very straightforward warnings; one which is borne from deep undercover work within the American-Islamic community, as well as non-paralleled experience within the Fed’s top intelligence community. But as a retired Federal Agent, PC restraints from atop do not bind his hands, nor that of millions of Americans.
THE Constitution, the law(s) of the land, will guide their way, as will America’s Judeo and Christian foundations.
QUESTIONS, anyone?
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