Recognizing the “Palestinian State” is the least of Sweden’s problems as the liberal nation destroys itself..
Y.K. Cherson

After the Swedish Prime Minister officially declared on October 3,
that Sweden would recognize the Palestinian State, social networks were
full of calls to start boycotting Swedish products including the famous
Vodka “Absolut,” or to punish Sweden in other ways. Although I
understand and share the feeling of disgust and contempt for the
Swedish government in this decision, I shall not join the boycott;
first, because I do not drink Vodka at all, and me boycotting would make
no difference. And second, because no punishment that would come to
Sweden from the outside would be worse than the punishment that has
already come from within.
Swedes punished themselves so well that the prospering country that
used to be an object of envy and admiration has become the stinking
slop-pail. The descendants of those Vikings who enthroned and dethroned
kings in France and Britain and whose name alone made the people from
Northern Africa to Northern Russia tremble, now look at how a Muslim
immigrant rapes a Swedish girl in a public swimming pool- and do not
dare to say a word. In today’s Sweden, ruled by the ultra-Left coalition
of Social Democrats and “Green”, there is no Freedom of Word, no
Safety, no Rule of Law.
main preoccupation today consists in being tolerant, liberal and nice
to immigrants, and, as the people in the past started their day praying
“From the fury of the Northmen deliver us, O Lord”, so today modern
Vikings start their day with praying “From the accusations in racism and
Islamophobia deliver us, O Political Correctness”…
One illustrative example: Swedes started to film the new version of
the famous “Pippi Longstocking” by Astrid Lindgren. But the traditional
variant did not seem politically correct enough to the filmmakers, so in
the new remake, Pippi will be Chinese. I suppose that in the next
remake of the “Karlsson-on-the-roof”, the role of Karlsson will be given
to some Pakistani girl in a hijab.
How one should despise his own people and his own country to do such things!
In 2012, brilliant Swedish journalist Ingrid Carlqvist gave a
speech which was entitled “I am Swedish, but I live in ‘Absurdistan’”. This is what she said:
Ladies and gentlemen. My name is Ingrid
Carlqvist and I was born in Sweden in 1960, when the Social Democrats
were gonna rule for ever and ever and our country was the nicest and
safest and most progressed in the world. Now I live in Absurdistan – a
country that has the highest figure of reported rapes in the world,
hundreds of so called “exclusion areas” where people live outside the
Swedish society and with newspapers that hide all these horrible facts
to the people.
I feel just like Dorothy Gale in The Wizard of Oz – a tornado came and blew me miles and miles away from home and dumped me in a country I don’t know.
“Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Sweden anymore.”
Like Dorothy I’m searching for a way to
find my home, but on my path I only meet lions without courage,
scarecrows without brains and tin men without hearts.
When I grew up our prime minister was
Tage Erlander, a Social Democrat. In 1965 he said in parliament, after
violent race riots in America: “We Swedes live in a so infinitely
happier situation. The population in our country is homogenous, not just
according to race but also in many other aspects.”
Now I live in a nation that is not
homogenous in any aspect. Olof Palme that came after him decided that
homogeneous was a bad thing and opened up our borders for people from
all over the world. And from right to left the politicians told us that
there were no such thing as a Swedish culture, no Swedish traditions
worth mentioning and that we Swedes should be grateful that so many
people with REAL culture and REAL traditions came to us.
Mona Sahlin, a later leader of the Social
Democrats, said in an interview 2002 with the magazine Euroturk, when
asked what Swedish culture is:
“I’ve often had that question, but I
can’t think of what Swedish culture is. I think that is what makes us
Swedes so envious of immigrants. You have a culture, an identity,
something that ties you together. What do we have? We have Midsummers
Eve and such corny things.“
She also said: The Swedes must integrate into the new Sweden. The old Sweden is not coming back.
In this New Sweden we have more reported
rapes than any other country in the European Union, according to a study
by professor Liz Kelly from England. More than 5 000 rapes or attempted
rapes were reported in 2008 (last year it was more than 6 000). In 2010
another study reported that just one country in the world has more
rapes than Sweden, and that is Lesotho in South Africa … For every 100
000 inhabitants Lesotho has 92 reported rapes, Sweden has 53, The United
States 29, Norway 20 and Denmark 7.
In 1990 we counted to 3 exclusion areas
in Sweden, suburbs where mostly immigrants live, where very few have a
job to go to, almost all of them live by welfare and the children don’t
pass their exams. In 2002 they counted to 128 exclusion areas. In 2006
we had 156 and then they stopped counting. In some cities, like Malmo
where I live, a third of all inhabitants live in an exclusion area.
What did Tage Erlander mean when he said
that the Swedish population was homogenous, not just according to race
but also in many other aspects? I think he meant things like norms,
values, culture and traditions. A feeling of fellowship. That we all, in
the Old Sweden, had a similar view of what a good society is and how we
solve conflicts. He KNEW what the Swedish culture was all about, in
contrast to Mona Sahlin.
In the New Sweden we need armed police
officers at our hospitals because rivalling families fight each other in
the hospital rooms. They gun each other down in open streets and they
rob and beat old people up. The crime rate grows by the minute, but the
Swedish politicians and journalists tell us that is has absolutely
nothing to do with immigration. The fact that our prisons are full of
foreign people is just a coincidence or is explained by socio-economic
For many years I was a journalist in the
mainstream media. But I was always a bit of a troublemaker, always
suspicious of what people said was THE TRUTH. When everybody ran in one
direction, I turned around in the other direction to see what was there.
In January 2011 something happened to
make me loose my last hope about Swedish journalists. I was the vice
chairman of The Society of Publicists in Malmo and had invited the
Danish journalist Mikael Jalving to talk about his coming book “Absolute
Sweden – a Journey in the Country of Silence”. One day the chairman
phoned me and said: We must cancel Mikael Jalving because he is going to
talk at a meeting arranged by a newspaper called National Today.
It didn’t matter to him, or to anyone
else on the board of this society for journalists, that Jalving was
going to talk about his book. If he went to that meeting he would be
infected by nationalist ideas and probably he would become a nazi.
You see, everyone with a different opinion in Sweden really IS a Nazi!
That’s the way it works in the New Sweden, the country I call Absurdistan. The country of silence.
I was furious and left the board of that
society. That led to my being invited to The Danish Free Press Society
to talk about the strange country of Sweden and that led to my founding
of the Swedish Free Press Society…
The situation in Sweden is far worse than
in Denmark. In Sweden NOBODY talks about immigration problems, the
death of the multiculti project or the islamisation/arabisation of
Europe. If you do you will immediately be called a racist, an
Islamophobe or a nazi. That is what I have been called since I founded
the Free Press Society in Sweden. My name has been dragged in the dirt
in big newspapers like Sydsvenskan, Svenska Dagbladet and even my own
union paper, The Journalist…”
“The land of the free will cease to be when it’s no longer the home of the brave.”
Muslim immigrants consider Europeans cowards without shame and courage.
Maybe they are right, after all?
Related Reading:
Swedish Politician Fined for ‘Hate Speech’ Against Islam
Sweden: Publisher for site Avpixlat reported for incitement to racial hatred for writing about Islam
Sweden: No Women Are Welcome at This Large Muslim Gathering
The “Handshake” Problem: Muslim Mixed-Gender Greeting Provokes Huge Reaction
Muslim Immigration a Big Factor in Sweden Democrats’ Win
Firefighters Attacked by Muslims and Stockholm Riots
Myth of How the West Was “Saving Jews” and the European Reconquista
Why Muslims Rape, by Y.K. Cherson