Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Sadistic Death Pornography Coming to a Theater Near You

Sadistic Death Pornography Coming to a Theater Near You

by Phyllis Chesler
Israel National News
February 4, 2015

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This is a year of sadistic death pornography. For the last eight months, the death artists of ISIS have been enslaving, beheading, tossing gay men out of buildings, and burning Muslims and infidels alive. These gruesome deeds are faithfully, lovingly, preserved via videoand released to the world.
The West, and civilized people everywhere, seem unprepared, even shocked, by all this. But why?
The entire 21st century has been characterized by an alarming and exponential rise in anti-Semitism, the beheading of Western journalists; planes being flown into buildings, ships and trains being blown up, Embassies being torched, hotels being taken hostage, children being kidnapped into slavery or used as human shields; by genocides, massacres, grisly crucifixions, human homicide bombs—and all the perpetrators have been Muslims who insisted that they were engaged in holy Jihad against an infidel world (or the wrong kind of "other" Muslim) whose values are anti-Islamic.
King Abdullah of Jordan, like President Obama, insists that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam; that they are a criminal gang of psychopaths. I am sure they are—but they are being empowered by what they view as a religious mandate.
Some say that European Nazis did not represent the values of post-Enlightenment Europe and that Stalin did not represent the values of Marxism.

Related Topics:  Israel, Jihad & Terrorism

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